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1、2020 年职称英语考试综合类完形填空强化练习( 2 )An Early Form of Jazz MusicMusic comes in many forms;most countries have a style of their own.At the turn of the last century,1 jazz wasborn ,America had no prominent 2 of its own.No one knowsexactly when was invented or by whom.But it began to be 3 in the early 1890s.Jaz

2、z is America's contribution to4 music.In contrast to classical music,which _5_ formal European traditions,jazz is spontaneous and free in form1.It bubbles with energy,_6_ the moods,interests,and emotions of the people.In the' 1920s jazz _7_ like America.And so it does today.The _8_ of the mu

3、sic are as interesting as the music itself.American Negroes,or blacks,as they are called today,were the jazz pioneers.They were brought to the Southern states _9_ slaves.They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long hours.When a Negro died his friends and relatives _ 10 _ a procession

4、to carry to body to the cemetery.In New Orleans,a band often accompanied the 11 .On the way to the cemetery the band played slow,solemn music,suited to the occasion._12_ on the way home the mood changed.Spirits lifted.Death had removed one of their number2,but the living were glad to be 13_.The band

5、 played 14 music,improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes3 15 _ at the funeral.This music made everyone want to dance.It was an early form of jazz.词汇:Jazz n. 爵士乐 spontaneous adj. 自发的bubble v. 充溢 Negro n. 黑人plantation n. 种植园 procession n. 行列、队伍cemetery n. 公墓 improvise v. 即兴注释:1. ja

6、zz is spontaneous and free in form爵士乐是自发的,不拘形式2. Death had removed one of their number死亡带走了他们中的一员, number 这里是(人或单位的)总和、全体3. improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes 根据曲调的和声和旋律即兴演奏练习:1.A)while B )when C ) since D ) as2.A)music B )songs C ) melodies D ) tunes3.A)listened B) noticed

7、C )heard D )found4.A)classical Bsacred C )popular D) serious5.A)introduces Bfollows C) takes D) approaches6.A)exposingdisclosing Bexplaining C )expressing D )7.A)sounded B )felt C ) looked D) seemed8.A)discoveries B) originals C )resources D ) origins9.A)like B )for C )as D) by10. A)composed B)forme

8、d C)hosted D )demonstrated11. A)body B )demonstration C )procession D )march12. A)Furthermore B )Similarly C )But D ) Therefore13. A)live B ) alive C ) life D ) there14. A)sad B )solemn C) happy D) funeral15. A)sung B )showed C)played D )expressed答案与题解:1. B when jazz was born 是定语从句,修饰 at the turn of

9、 the last century ,所以这里需要填入的是一个引导定语从句的关联副词, 只有when具有这个功能。2. A 当时美国还没有明显属于自己的音乐,其他三个选项的词义 都十分具体,美国不可能没有。3. C 爵士是音乐,所以 noticed 和 found 都不合适, listen 是 不及物动词,如果要用,也应该有个 to ,而这里是听到',不是 听着'的意思,所以应该用 heard.4. C 爵士乐不属于古典音乐,也不属于严肃音乐或圣乐,只可能 是流行音乐。5. B 古典音乐发端于欧洲,所以它遵循的是欧洲传统。6. C 从跟后面这几个词 moods,interest

10、s,emotions 的搭配考录, 只能选 expressing7. A爵士是音乐,是有声音的,所以只能选sounded,在二十世纪二十年代,爵士乐听上去就像当时的美国。8. D 下面要讲的是相关爵士乐的起源,所以只能找 origins ,其他 选项的词义都不对。9. C 黑人是作为奴隶被带到南方各州来的10. B 他们自发形成一支队伍,只能说 form a procession ,其他 三个词的搭配都不对。11. C 根据前一句很容易就能够判断应该选 procession.12. C 这句和前一句形成对比,所以应该选 But.13. B 与死'相对的是还活着',英语就是 alive.14. C 能够想见,在回家路上他们演奏的音乐一定是比较轻快的。 所以选happy,另外三个选项都和happy的意义相悖。15. C 能和 tunes 搭配的只有 sung 和 played 两个,但是上文中 提到在新奥尔良葬礼上总有一个乐队在演奏,所以这里应该选 played 而不是 sung.


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