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1、0925翻译:孔乙己(鲁迅)Translation: Kong Yiji (Lu Xun)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)鲁镇的酒店的格局,是和别处不同的:The setup of the taverns in Lu Town was different from that elsewhere.都是当街一个曲尺形的大柜台,Each one of them had a big L-shaped counter facing the street.柜里面预备着热水,可以随时温酒。Hot water was always rea

2、dy inside the counter for warming wines.做工的人,傍午傍晚散了工,每每花四文铜钱,买一碗酒,这是二十多年前的事,现在每碗要涨到十文,When working people got off work near noon or evening, they would regularly spend four copper coins to buy a bowl of wine and that was twenty and some odd years ago because nowadays each bowl has gone up to ten cop

3、per coins.靠柜外站着,热热的喝了休息;A person could rest up by leaning against the outside of the counter and drinking warm wine.倘肯多花一文,便可以买一碟盐煮笋,或者茴香豆,做下酒物了,An extra copper coin would get him a plate of salty bamboo shoot or fennel beans as snack to go with the wine.如果出到十几文,那就能买一样荤菜,Paying ten copper coins woul

4、d get him a meat dish.但这些顾客,多是短衣帮,大抵没有这样阔绰。But most of these customers belonged to the casually dressed groupso called the “short-sleeved” bunchwho wouldnt be so free-spending.只有穿长衫的,才踱进店面隔壁的房子里,要酒要菜,慢慢地坐喝。Only those in long gowns would walk into the rooms next to the bar, order wine and dishes, and

5、 then sit down to enjoy them leisurely.-我从十二岁起,便在镇口的咸亨酒店里当伙计,Since I was twelve years old, I had been working as a helper in Xian Heng Tavern located at the front entrance of town.掌柜说,我样子太傻,怕侍候不了长衫主顾,The shopkeeper said I didnt look smart and he was afraid I would not be able to serve the long-gown

6、customers well.就在外面做点事罢。外面的短衣主顾,So I was given something to do outside of the rooms.虽然容易说话,但唠唠叨叨缠夹不清的也很不少。Even though the short-sleeved customers were easier to talk to, yet there were no shortage of non-stop blabbering and baffling nonsense in their dialogues.推荐精选他们往往要亲眼看着黄酒从坛子里舀出,看过壶子底里有水没有,又亲看将壶子

7、放在热水里,然后放心:Often to get them at ease, they would want to see with their own eyes the scooping of wine straight out from the earthenware jars, the absence of water at the bottom of the wine jugs, and the deposit of the jugs in hot water.在这严重监督下,羼水也很为难。Under such tight supervision, adulterating the wi

8、ne with water would be difficult.所以过了几天,掌柜又说我干不了这事。So after a few days, the shopkeeper said I couldnt handle the job.幸亏荐头的情面大,辞退不得,Fortunately the backing that got me this job had a lot of pull and the shopkeeper couldnt fire me.便改为专管温酒的一种无聊职务了。 So I was assigned to the uninteresting job of war

9、ming wine. -我从此便整天的站在柜台里,专管我的职务。So from then on I had been standing inside the counter all day long to look after my duties.虽然没有什么失职,但总觉得有些单调,有些无聊。While I did not fumble on what I did, still I felt the job was a bit monotonous and dull.掌柜是一副凶脸孔,主顾也没有好声气,教人活泼不得;I could not cheer up because the shopke

10、eper had an intimidating look and customers had nothing good to say.只有孔乙己到店,才可以笑几声,所以至今还记得。 Only Kong Yijis appearance in the tavern that triggered a few laughs from me, and that is why I can still remember him.-孔乙己是站着喝酒而穿长衫的唯一的人。Kong Yiji was the only standing drinker who wore a long gown.他身材很

11、高大;青白脸色,皱纹间时常夹些伤痕;一部乱蓬蓬的花白的胡子。He had a tall build with pale complexion, wound-scars in wrinkles, and unkempt, grizzled beard.穿的虽然是长衫,可是又脏又破,似乎十多年没有补,也没有洗。Even though what he wore was a long gown, yet it was filthy and tornseemingly unpatched and unwashed for over ten years.他对人说话,总是满口之乎者也,叫人半懂不懂的。He

12、always blended classical literary quotes amid his dialogues in such a way that people could never fully understand what he was saying.推荐精选因为他姓孔,别人便从描红纸上的“上大人孔乙己”这半懂不懂的话里,替他取下一个绰号,叫作孔乙己。Because his surname was Kong, people coined the nickname “Kong Yiji” for him taken from a hard-to-understand phrase

13、 in a popular vermilion-ink copybook.孔乙己一到店,所有喝酒的人便都看着他笑,有的叫道,“孔乙己,你脸上又添上新伤疤了!”One day upon Kong Yijis arrival, all the people drinking in the tavern looked at him and laughed. Some shouted out: “Kong Yiji, you have added new scars on your face.” 他不回答,对柜里说,“温两碗酒,要一碟茴香豆。”He didnt answer and said to t

14、he server behind the counter: “Warm two drinks for me and get me a plate of fennel beans.”便排出九文大钱。Then he took out nine copper coins.他们又故意的高声嚷道,“你一定又偷了人家的东西了!”Some of them deliberately yelled out loud: “You must have stolen someones stuff!”孔乙己睁大眼睛说,“你怎么这样凭空污人清白”A wide-eyed Kong Yiji said: “Why are y

15、ou making an unfounded accusation to ruin my innocence?”“什么清白?我前天亲眼见你偷了何家的书,吊着打。”Someone responded: “What innocence? I personally saw that you were hung up and whipped for stealing books from the He Family.”孔乙己便涨红了脸,额上的青筋条条绽出,争辩道,“窃书不能算偷窃书!As his face was turning all red and the green veins on his f

16、orehead were bulging up, Kong Yiji argued: “Pilfering books is not counted as stealing.pilfering books!读书人的事,Thats a scholars thing.能算偷么?”How could such be considered as stealing?”接连便是难懂的话,什么“君子固穷”,什么“者乎”之类,What followed was a chain of perplexing words making loose references to ancient sayings the

17、like of “of course gentlemen are impoverished” and “what me?”引得众人都哄笑起来:店内外充满了快活的空气。 Everyone cracked up with laughter and the mood around the tavern was livened up.-听人家背地里谈论,孔乙己原来也读过书,但终于没有进学,From what people said behind his back, Kong Yiji took up studying but he never passed the Imperial Exam

18、.又不会营生;于是愈过愈穷,推荐精选Also he was unable to earn a living and so his financial situation went downhill.弄到将要讨饭了。He almost had to resort to panhandling.幸而写得一笔好字,便替人家抄抄书,换一碗饭吃。Fortunately he had good penmanship and so he could copy books for people to earn meals.可惜他又有一样坏脾气,便是好喝懒做。But then he had the bad ha

19、bit of being a boozer and a slacker.坐不到几天,便连人和书籍纸张笔砚,一齐失踪。After sitting down for a few days, he would disappear with all the employers books and writing accessories.如是几次,叫他抄书的人也没有了。A few times after behaving like this, no one would ask him to copy books anymore.孔乙己没有法,便免不了偶然做些偷窃的事。Kong Yiji had no c

20、hoice but to engage in stealing occasionally. 但他在我们店里,品行却比别人都好,就是从不拖欠;But in our tavern he was better behaved than others and for a while, he always paid his debts.虽然间或没有现钱,暂时记在粉板上,At times he did not have cash and his unpaid balance would show up temporarily on the chalkboard.但不出一月,定然还清,从粉板上拭去了孔乙己的

21、名字。But he would pay the amount owing in full within a month and the name Kong Yiji would be erased from the chalkboard. - 孔乙己喝过半碗酒,涨红的脸色渐渐复了原,After finishing off half a bowl of wine, Kong Yijis reddened face gradually returned to normal.旁人便又问道,“孔乙己,你当真认识字么?”Someone standing around again asked:

22、“Kong Yiji, do you really know how to read and write?”孔乙己看着问他的人,显出不屑置辩的神气。Kong Yiji gave the person who asked the question a disdained look.他们便接着说道,“你怎的连半个秀才也捞不到呢?”They then continued to ask: “Why cant you get a half-decent job by qualifying as a Xiucai in the Imperial Exam?”孔乙己立刻显出颓唐不安模样,Kong Yiji

23、right away became depressed and uneasy.脸上笼上了一层灰色,嘴里说些话;这回可是全是之乎者也之类,一些不懂了。推荐精选His face turned pale and he began to mumble some incomprehensible ancient literary quotes.在这时候,众人也都哄笑起来:店内外充满了快活的空气。 By that time, everyone laughed out loud and the atmosphere around the tavern turned cheerful. -在这些时候

24、,我可以附和着笑,掌柜是决不责备的。During these times I could laughed along and the shopkeeper would not reproach me.而且掌柜见了孔乙己,也每每这样问他,引人发笑。Also when the shopkeeper saw Kong Yiji he would ask him similar questions to get others to laugh.孔乙己自己知道不能和他们谈天,便只好向孩子说话。Kong Yiji knew he could not shoot the breeze with those

25、adults and would have to talk to kids.有一回对我说道,“你读过书么?”Once he said to me: “Did you ever read books?”我略略点一点头。I nodded slightly.他说,“读过书,He said: “So you have read books.我便考你一考。Let me give you a test.茴香豆的茴字,怎样写的?”How do you write hui - the first of the three-character phrase meaning fennel beans?”我想,讨饭

26、一样的人,也配考我么?In my mind I questioned if a panhandler was good enough to test me?便回过脸去,不再理会。I turned my head around and ignored him.孔乙己等了许久,很恳切的说道,“不能写罢?Kong Yiji waited a long time and said earnestly: “You dont know how to write it?我教给你,记着!Let me teach you and remember it well!这些字应该记着。These words you

27、should remember.将来做掌柜的时候,写账要用。”When you become a shopkeeper, you need to use them when you write up the bookkeeping ledgers.”我暗想我和掌柜的等级还很远呢,推荐精选I thought there was a long way to go from my position to the level of shopkeeper.而且我们掌柜也从不将茴香豆上账;Besides, our shopkeeper never recorded fennel beans in the

28、books.又好笑,又不耐烦,懒懒的答他道,“谁要你教,I felt it was ridiculous and began to lose patience, and so I answered him half-heartedly: “Who wants your teaching.不是草头底下一个来回的回字么?”Isnt it “cao” meaning “grass” on top, and “hui” meaning “going and returning” at the bottom?”孔乙己显出极高兴的样子,Kong Yiji looked very happy.将两个指头的长

29、指甲敲着柜台,点头说,“对呀对呀!While tapping the counter with the long nails of two of his fingers, he nodded and said: “Thats correct回字有四样写法,There are four ways to write the character “hui” meaning “return”.你知道么?”Are you aware of that?”我愈不耐烦了,努着嘴走远。I was getting more impatient and simply walked away pouting my l

30、ips.孔乙己刚用指甲蘸了酒,想在柜上写字,Kong Yiji had just dipped his fingernails into the wine and was about to write on the counter.见我毫不热心,便又叹一口气,显出极惋惜的样子。 But in seeing my lack in enthusiasm, he sighed and seemingly felt sorry about my reaction. - “多乎哉?不多也。”He said in his classical style lingo: “Do you n

31、eed that much? Its not necessary.”-有几回,邻居孩子听得笑声,也赶热闹,Several times neighborhood children heard the laughter and came over to check out the excitement.围住了孔乙己。They surrounded Kong Yiji.他便给他们一人一颗。He gave them a bean each.孩子吃完豆,仍然不散,眼睛都望着碟子。They did not leave after eating the beans and kept staring at t

32、he plate.推荐精选孔乙己着了慌,伸开五指将碟子罩住,Kong Yiji fretted and spread out five fingers to cover up the plate.弯腰下去说道,“不多了,我已经不多了。”He bent down and said: “Not that many. I dont have that many.”直起身又看一看豆,自己摇头说,“不多不多!He then straightened up to look at the beans, shook his head and said: “Not that many anymore!多乎哉?D

33、o you need that much?不多也。”Its not necessary.”于是这一群孩子都在笑声里走散了。 Then the group of children laughed and went away.-孔乙己是这样的使人快活,Kong Yiji cheered people up in those manners.可是没有他,别人也便这么过。 However, life went on for other people without him.-有一天,大约是中秋前的两三天,掌柜正在慢慢的结账,One day around two or three d

34、ays before the Mid-Autumn Festival the shopkeeper was taking his time in doing the books.取下粉板,忽然说,“孔乙己长久没有来了。He took down the chalk board and said all of a sudden: “Kong Yiji hasnt come for a long time.还欠十九个钱呢!”He still owes nineteen copper coins.”我才也觉得他的确长久没有来了。I felt indeed he hadnt come for a lon

35、g while. 一个喝酒的人说道,“他怎么会来?A customer who came for drink said: “How could he come?他打折了腿了。”Someone broke his legs.” 掌柜说,“哦!”The shopkeeper said: “Oh!” “他总仍旧是偷。“As always he still stole from others.这一回,是自己发昏,竟偷到丁举人家里去了。This time he was out of his mind and stole from the home of Imperial Exam High Scorer

36、 Official Ding.推荐精选他家的东西,偷得的吗?”Are things in his home something you can steal?”“后来怎么样?”“What happened afterwards?”“怎么样?先写服辩,后来是打,打了大半夜,再打折了腿。”“What happened? First he had to make a written confession. Then he was beaten up for half a night and his legs were broken.”“后来呢?”“Then what happened?”“后来打折了腿

37、了。”“Afterwards his legs were broken.”“打折了怎样呢?”“What happened with his legs broken?”“怎样?谁晓得?许是死了。”“Then what? Who knows? Maybe he died.”掌柜也不再问,仍然慢慢的算他的账。 The shopkeeper did not ask anymore and continued to do his books methodically.-中秋过后,秋风是一天凉比一天,After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather turne

38、d cooler day by day with the autumn wind.看看将近初冬;Early winter was fast approaching.我整天的靠着火,也须穿上棉袄了。I stayed close to the fireplace all day and yet I still had to wear a quilted jacket.一天的下半天,没有一个顾客,我正合了眼坐着。One afternoon there was no customer and I was sitting down with my eyes closed.忽然间听得一个声音,“温一碗酒。

39、”Suddenly I heard a voice: “Warm me a bowl of wine.”这声音虽然极低,却很耳熟。Even if the voice was low yet it sounded familiar.看时又全没有人。But I couldnt see anyone.站起来向外一望,那孔乙己便在柜台下对了门槛坐着。I stood up to look outside and saw Kong Yiji was sitting underneath the counter facing the threshold.他脸上黑而且瘦,已经不成样子;His face was

40、 dark, skinny and completely out of shape.推荐精选穿一件破夹袄,盘着两腿,He was wearing a torn quilted jacket and sitting cross-legged.下面垫一个蒲包,用草绳在肩上挂住;A cattail bag, hanging with a straw string from his shoulder, cushioned underneath him. 见了我,又说道,“温一碗酒。”He looked at me and said again: “Warm me a bowl of wine plea

41、se.” 掌柜也伸出头去,一面说,“孔乙己么?The shopkeeper poked his head out and said: “Is that Kong Yiji?你还欠十九个钱呢!”You still owe nineteen coins.”孔乙己很颓唐的仰面答道,“这下回还清罢。With a downcast expression, Kong Yiji looked up and said: “Oh, Ill pay you off next time.这一回是现钱,This time is a cash transaction.酒要好。”Give me good wine.”掌柜

42、仍然同平常一样,笑着对他说,“孔乙己,你又偷了东西了!”As usual, the shopkeeper smiled and said: “Kong Yiji, you steal again.”但他这回却不十分分辩,单说了一句“不要取笑!”This time around, he did not try too hard to argue and simply said: “Dont tease me.”“取笑?“You call that teasing?要是不偷,怎么会打断腿?”If you didnt steal, how did you get your legs broken?”

43、孔乙己低声说道,“跌断,跌,跌”Kong Yiji said with a low voice: “I broke them from falling downfallingfalling.”他的眼色,很像恳求掌柜,不要再提。It seemed the expression from his eyes was pleading the shopkeeper not to mention the incident anymore.此时已经聚集了几个人,便和掌柜都笑了。By then a few people had gathered around and laughed with th

44、e shopkeeper. 我温了酒,端出去,放在门槛上。他从破衣袋里摸出四文大钱,放在我手里,I warmed the wine, carried it out and left it on the threshold. He took four coins from his torn pocket and put them in my hand.见他满手是泥,原来他便用这手走来的。I saw his hands were full of dirt and realized he walked over with his hands.推荐精选不一会,他喝完酒,After a while, he finished his wine.便又在旁人的说笑声中,坐着用这手慢慢走去了。Amidst the jeers from other people, he walked out slowly with his hands in a sitting position.-自此以后,又长久没有看见孔乙己。From that day onwards, I had not seen Kong Yiji for a long time.到了年关,掌柜取下粉板说,“孔乙己还欠十九个钱呢!”By the end of the Chinese New Year, the shopkeep


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