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1、剑桥英语预备级上1-8单元试题 =学校2021-2021学年度上学期 四班级剑桥英语期末试题 出题人:= 4)lion _ 线 _名 姓 订 级 班 校装学 Part、口语部分:10分 Part、听音部分:10分 一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词:10分 ( )1. A. morning B. afternoon ( ) 2. A. face B. foot ( ) 3. A. nose B. eye ( ) 4. A. five B. seven ( ) 5. A. book B. pencil ( ) 6. A. teacher B. student ( ) 7. A. boy B. gi

2、rl ( ) 8. A. Hello! B. Hi! ( ) 9. A. up B. down ( ) 10. A ball B. bee Part、 笔试部分: 80分 一、看单词把正确的图片圈出来。(5分) 1) giraffe 2)whale 3) rabbit 5) hand 二、用a/an填空(5分) 1. _ dog 2. _ elephant 3. _ red apple 4. _ orange 5. cap 6. eye 7. pen 8. ear 9. ruler 10._book 三、连线(5分) Its a frog. Look at my kite. Come here

3、. Sit down. Go back. 四、英译汉( 5 分) 1 过来。 看看我的风筝 。 它是一只青蛙。 回去。 坐下。 alien _ apple _ fish water _ tree_ snake_ rabbit window desk bee _ 五、 选择(10分)( ) 1. -Hello! -. A. Hi! B. morning C. afternoon ( ) 2.Good morning. -_. A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon ! C. Good night! ( ) 3. What is your _? I am XinXin

4、. A. name B. me C. my ( ) 4. _ that? Its the letter Aa. A. Whats B. Whose C. Yes. ( ) 5. What colour you like? I like blue. A. do B. is C. am ( ) 6. Its apple. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 7. They eyes. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 8. I a girl. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 9. Whats in your bag? _. A. Four boys. B. A p

5、encil-box. C. Three girls. ( ) 10. How many windows ? . A. They are green . B. Five windows. C. a car 六、情景对话(10分) ( )1.想知道新伴侣几岁,该怎么问? A、Whats your name? B、How old are you ? ( )2.你想问问这是什么东西,要怎样表达呢? A、I like doors . B、Whats this ? ( )3.你的东西找不到了,怎么说呢? A、Where is it? B、Im a girl. ( )4.“向右转”怎么说? A、Turn r

6、ight ! B、Pencils up! 2 _ 线 _名 姓 订 级 班 校装学 3 十、把下列单词与图片连起线来。(5分) hat ice cream mouth gem pencil 4、 Ff is the diving platform. _ 5、 What are these ? _ .、AB题:该题分为A 、B两部分,请任选一部分做答案 十一、写出以下列字母开头的单词,每个字母至少写2个词。(10分) 例:Aa - ape ace alien Bb - Ff - Gg - Cc - Ee - (Part A 满分5分,Part B满分3分。两部分都答不得分) A 题 :填写所缺字母。(5分) e e o e ar m th f o t 十二、翻译句子。(51、 Big H are trees . _ 2、 Small h are house . 3、 Mum and the baby ,they are very ,very happy. _ B题:选出不同类的一项:(3分) ( )1. A. blue B. yellow C. apple ( )2. A. red B. square C. circle ( )3. A. eye B. are C. nose 4


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