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1、科技英语考试试题(A卷)Part (共计55分) IV. Translate the following terms into English. 请将下列科技词汇译成英语。(10×3分=30分)1. 元素_element_ 6. 空间 _space_2. 载荷 _load_ 7. 系统 _system_3. 等式 _equation_ 8. 熔点 _melting point_4. 原油 _ceude oil_ 9. 键能 _bond energy_5. 流体流动_fluid flow_10.化学实验_chemical experiment_V. Translate the foll

2、owing sentences into Chinese. 请将下列句子译成汉语。(25分)1. The machine works properly. (5分)2. The temperature in the room is not allowed to go above zero.(10分)3. An acid and a base react is a proton transfer reaction(10分)本套试卷有两个部分:选择题部分和非选择题部分;共五道大题。答题时间100分钟,满分100分。Part one 选择题部分(共45分)I. Words and phrases ma

3、tch. 将下列词语与其解释匹配(10×2分=20分)推荐精选A. investigateB. in one wordC. virtuallyD. displaceE. distinguishF. reverselyG. according toH. considerablyI. outstandingJ. as a rule1. _ distinction2. _ conversely3. _ normally4. _ distinctive5. _ in term of 6. _ staggeringly 7. _ essentially 8. _ substitute 9. _

4、 examine 10. _ to sum up II. Choose the best answer. 单项选择(10×1分=10分)_ (1) After examining his work, I have come to the _ that he is a very talented boy. A) result B) end C) conclusion D) solution_ (2) Atomic energy is going to have a _ effect on the development of industry. A) feasible B) profo

5、und C) painful D) compound_ (3) During the party, we found that shy girl _ her mother all the time.A) dependent on B) coinciding with C) adhering to D) cling to_ (4) The task was not easy, but we managed to fulfill it _. A) somehow B) somewhat C) anyway D) anyhow_ (5) With the Internet the world has

6、 become easier _.A)to comprehend B) comprehending C) to be comprehended D) being comprehended_ (6) He longed with all his heart to be _.A) succeed B) success C) successful D) successfully推荐精选_ (7) Your left foot is bleeding! I stepped on _ glass. A) break B) breaking C) broke D)broke_ (8) The young

7、Americans have their own right to deal with their marriage and _ their parents.A) depend on B) are independent ofC) are independent on D) are dependent on _ (9) A university _ teachers, administers and students.A) includes B) constitutesC) consists of D) contains of _ (10) The car accident _ the dri

8、vers carelessness.A) resulted from B) led toC) ended in D) tended toIII. Reading Comprehension. 阅读理解 (15×2分=15分)Venus(金星)At first, scientists thought that Venus was the planet most likely to have other living creatures. They made some discoveries which made them think this. Venus is the closest

9、 in size to the Earth(地球). It seemed to be made in a similar way. It was covered by a layer of "cloud". Later, scientists made more discoveries, which made them think there has never been life on the planet. The layer of cloud is made from sulphuric acid droplets. The surface of the planet

10、 is so hot it can melt metal. Any water on the surface would boil away in the heat. Now, once again scientists are beginning to think that there was once life on Venus, and that maybe some still exists. About 50km above the surface of the planet, it is cooler and there is some evidence of water drop

11、lets in the clouds, as well as acid. The chemicals in the atmosphere of the planet are different from what scientists had expected. Some scientists say the difference can only be explained by living things changing the atmosphere. Other scientists are less certain. They say it is too soon to underst

12、and chemical推荐精选 reactions on another planet.So, is there life on other planets? We still don't know.1. Words and its explanations match. Fill in each blank with only one letter from A to L. 请将文中生词与其解释匹配 (12×2分=24分) A likely F metal K planet B layer G boil away L creature C sulphuric acid H

13、 chemicals D droplet I atmosphere E melt J reaction (1) ( c ) 硫酸 (7) ( f ) 金属 (11) ( b ) 层 (2) ( e ) 熔化 (8) ( d ) 小滴 (12) ( k ) 星球 (3) ( a ) 很可能的 (9) ( h ) 化学物质 (4) ( g ) 汽化 (10) ( i ) 大气 (5) ( j ) 反应 (6) ( l ) 生物 2. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 判断正误(用T或F表示正或误)(

14、3×2分=6分)(13) From the passage, we know scientists have different opinion(观点) on life on other planets . ( ) (14) The surface of Venus is hot and water would boil away in the heat. ( ) (15) There are no water droplets in the cloud. ( ) Part 非选择题部分(共计55分) IV. Translate the following terms into En

15、glish. 推荐精选 请将下列科技词汇译成英语。(10×3分=30分)3. 元素_element_ 6. 空间 _space_4. 载荷 _load_ 7. 系统 _system_3. 等式 _equation_ 8. 熔点 _melting point_4. 原油 _ceude oil_ 9. 键能 _bond energy_5. 流体流动_fluid flow_10.化学实验_chemical experiment_V. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 请将下列句子译成汉语。(25分)3. The machine works properly. (5分)4. The temperature in the room is not allowed to go above zero.(10分)3. An acid and a base react is a proton transfer reaction(10分) (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选


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