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1、The Cat in the hatThe sun did not shine. 太阳不露面,大雨哗哗下,It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house 这样的天气没法出去玩耍。我们只好坐在屋子里All that cold, cold, wet day. 整整一天又湿又冷,大雨哗啦啦。(play和day押尾韵)I sat there with Sally. We sat there, we two. 我和萨莉并排坐着,两个人在那儿干坐,And I said, “How I wish We had something to do!” 还是我开口把话说

2、,“真想找点事儿来做做!” (two和do押尾韵)Too wet to go out, And too cold to play ball. 大雨哗哗下,没法跑出去,天气冷得很,球也没法踢,So we sat in the house. We did nothing at all. 我们俩只好在屋子里待着,没有一点儿事情可做。(ball和all押尾韵)So all we could do was to Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! 我们俩什么也没法做。只能坐着!坐着!And we did not like it.No one little bit. 我们可不愿意这样待着。一点儿也不愿

3、意!(sit、it和bit押尾韵)And then,Something went BUMP! 就在这时候,什么东西发出砰的一声How that bump made us jump! 把我们吓得猛地一惊!(bump和jump押尾韵)We looked!Then we saw him step in on the mat! 我们俩一看,正瞧见他踏上地毯!And we saw him!The Cat in the Hat! 正瞧见他走了进来!戴高帽子的猫!And he said to us,“Why do you sit there like that?” 他对我们说,“干嘛那样呆坐着?”(mat、

4、hat和that押尾韵)“I know it is wet And the sun is not sunny. “我知道大雨正在哗哗下,我知道太阳也躲起来啦,But we can have Lots of good fun that is funny!” 不过我们能玩好多好多把戏,那会非常非常有趣!”(sunny和funny押尾韵)“I know some good games we could play,”Said the cat. “我知道咱们能玩什么游戏,”戴高帽子的猫说,“I know some new tricks,”Said the Cat in the Hat. “我知道一些新奇

5、的把戏你们从没见过。“A lot of good tricks.I will show them to you. 好多好玩儿的把戏,我来让你们大开眼界,Your mother Will not mind at all if I do.” 你们的妈妈一点儿也不会介意我这么做。”推荐精选Then Sally and I Did not know what to say. 这下萨莉和我不知道话该怎么说起,Our mother was out of the house For the day. 我们的妈妈一整天都不在家里。(say和day押尾韵)But our fish said, “No! No!

6、Make that cat go away! 可我们的小鱼儿开了口:“不行!不行!让那只猫赶快走!Tell that Cat in the Hat,You do NOT want to play. 告诉那戴高帽子的猫,你们根本就不想玩玩闹闹。He should not be here.He should not be about. 他不该待在这里,他不该到处转来转去。He should not be here When your mother is out!” 妈妈不在家的时候,他不能待在这里!”(away和play、about和out押尾韵)“Now! Now! Have no fear.

7、Have no fear!” said the cat. “好了,好了,别担心!别害怕!”戴高帽子的猫说,“My tricks are not bad,” 我的把戏没什么可怕。“Why, we can have Lots of good fun, if you wish, 哎呀呀,如果你们愿意,咱们能玩得开心至极With a game that I call Up-up-up with a fish!” 这个游戏叫做鱼儿升呀升上去!”(wish和fish押尾韵)“Put me down!” said the fish. “放下我!”小鱼儿大声喊叫,“This is no fun at all!

8、 “这一点儿都不好玩儿,真是胡闹!Put me down!” said the fish. 放下我!”小鱼儿说,“I do NOT wish to fall!” “我可不想往下掉!” (all和fall押尾韵)“Have no fear!” said the cat. “别害怕!”那只猫说道,“I will not let you fall. “我不会让你往下掉。I will hold you up high 把你往上举得高高,As I stand on a ball. 我脚下踩着圆球,With a book on one hand! 用手托起一本书,And a cup on my hat!

9、还把茶杯在帽子上顶好!But that is not ALL I can do!” 不过,我能做到的不止这些噢!”Said the cat 那只猫说道(fall和ball押尾韵)“Look at me! Look at me now!” said the cat. “ 看着我!现在都看我啊!”那只猫说道,推荐精选“With a cup and a cake On the top of my hat! “看我的帽子上顶着茶杯和蛋糕,I can hold up TWO books! 我能把两本书托起来,I can hold up the fish! 还能把小鱼儿举得高高,And a little

10、toy ship! 我还能顶起一艘玩具船,And some milk on a dish! 和托盘上的牛奶!And look!I can hop up and down on the ball! 看啊!我能在圆球上上蹦下跳!But that is not all! Oh, no. 不过,我能做到的不止这些!That is not all 哦,我能做到的可真不少(fish和dish、ball和all押尾韵)Look at me! Look at me NOW! “看着我!看着我!现在都看着我!It is fun to have fun But you have to know how. 耍耍把戏

11、真开心,不过你得知道该怎么做。I can hold up the cup And the milk and the cake! 我可以顶着茶杯、牛奶和蛋糕,I can hold up these books! And the fish on a rake! 手里托着这些书,耙子上面顶着鱼,I can hold the toy ship And a little toy man! 还能举起玩具船和小人!And look! With my tail I can hold a red fan! 看哪!我还能用尾巴卷起红扇子,I can fan with the fan As I hop on the

12、 ball! 一边扇风一边在圆球上蹦蹦跳跳!But that is not all.oh, no. That is not all.” 哦,不止这些,远远不止”(now和how、cake和rake、man和fan、ball和all押尾韵)That is what the cat said 这话是那只猫的独白Then he fell on his head! 接着他就来了个倒栽葱,He came down with a bump From up there on the ball. 从圆球上砰的一声跌下来,And Sally and I, We saw ALL the things fall!

13、萨莉和我目瞪口呆,眼睁睁看着所有的东西摔下来!(said和head、ball和fall押尾韵)And our fish came down, too. 我们的小鱼儿也一起往下掉,He fell into a pot! 落进一个茶壶里面!He said, “Do I like this? Oh, no! I do not. 嘴里还念叨着,“我喜欢这样吗?哦,不,我不喜欢。This is not a good game,” Said our fish as he lit. 这个游戏不好玩儿。我们的小鱼儿一边往下落嘴里一边说:“No, I do not like it, Not one little

14、 bit!” “不,我不喜欢,一点儿也不喜欢!”(pot和not、lit和it、bit押尾韵)推荐精选 “now look what you did!” Said the fish to the cat. “看你干的好事!” 小鱼儿对那只猫说道,“Now look at this house! Look at this! Look at that! “你看看这个屋子!看看这里,再看看那里!You sank our toy ship, Sank it deep in the cake. 你让我们的玩具船沉了底,它陷进蛋糕里。You shook up our house, And you bent

15、 our new rake. 你把我们的屋子折腾了个底朝天,还把我们的新耙子弄得曲曲弯弯。You SHOULD NOT be here When our mother is not. 妈妈不在家的时候你不该到这儿来。You get out of this house!” Said the fish in the pot. 现在我命令你马上离开!茶壶里的小鱼儿这样说道。(cat和that、cake和rake、not和pot押尾韵)“But I like to be here. Oh, I like it a lot!” “可我喜欢到这儿来转转,噢,我真是非常喜欢!”Said the Cat in

16、 the Hat To the fish in the pot. 戴高帽子的猫对茶壶里的鱼儿说道。“I will NOT go away. I do NOT wish to go! “我不会走,我不想走掉!And so,” said the Cat in the Hat, “So so so 这样的话,”戴高帽子的猫说道,这样的话,这样的话I will show you Another good game that I know!” 我再给你们玩个好把戏瞧瞧!”(lot和pot、go和know押尾韵)And then he ran out. 于是他就跑了出去,And, then, fast a

17、s a fox, The Cat in the Hat 接着,戴高帽子的猫动作快得像只狐狸!Came back in with a box. 又扛着一个箱子回到这里,(fox和box押尾韵)A big red wood box. It was shut with a hook. 那是个大大的红木箱,用一个钩子给闩上。“Now look at this trick,” “Take a look!” “现在看看这个把戏,”那只猫说,“瞧一瞧,真有趣!”(hook和look押尾韵)Then he got up on top With a tip of his hat. 然后他跳到箱子顶,对着我们脱帽

18、致敬。“I call this game FUN-IN-A-BOX,” “我把这个游戏叫做箱子里的妙趣,” 那只猫这样说,“In this box are two things I will show to you now. You will like these two things,”Said the cat with a bow. “里面有两个小东西,我现在就让你们看仔细,你们一定会欢喜。”那只猫说着把躬鞠。(hat和cat、now和bow押尾韵)“I will pick up the hook. You will see something new. “我一把这个钩子提起,你们会看到从

19、没见过的东西。Two things. And I call them Thing One and Thing Two. 推荐精选他们两个,我分别叫做一号小家伙和二号小家伙。These Things will not bite you.They want to have fun.” 他们不会咬人,只想玩得开心。”Then, out of the box Came Thing Two and Thing One! 接着就从那个箱子里,跑出了一号小家伙和二号小家伙!And they ran to us fast. They said, 他们飞快地跑到我们眼前,说:“How do you do? Wo

20、uld you like to shake hands With Thing One and Thing Two?” “你们好,咱们来握握手吧?我们是一号小家伙和二号小家伙。”(new和you押尾韵)And Sally and I Did not know what to do. 我和萨莉不知道该怎么做,So we had to shake hands With Thing One and Thing Two. 只好和一号二号小家伙把手握。We shook their two hands. but our fish said “No!no! 我们和他们握了握手,可我们的小鱼儿说:“不行!绝对不

21、行!Those things should not be In this house! Make them go! 这两个小家伙不能待在家里头,赶快让他们走!“(do和two、no和go押尾韵)“They should not be here When your mother is not! Put them out! Put them out!”“妈妈不在家的时候他们不该在这儿逗留,把他们赶走!把他们赶走!“Said the fish in the pot 茶壶里的小鱼儿急吼吼。(not和pot押尾韵)“Have no fear, little fish,” said the cat in

22、the hat. “小鱼儿,别担心,” 戴帽子的小猫说“These Things are good Things.”And he gave them a pat. “这两个小家伙乖得很。”他轻轻拍着两个小家伙,“They are tame. Oh, so tame! “他们很听话,哦,非常听话!They have come here to play. 他们到这儿是来玩耍。They will give you some fun On this wet, wet, wet day.”今天大雨下得稀里哗啦,他们会让你们玩得乐哈哈!” (hat和pat、play和day押尾韵)“Now, here i

23、s a game that they like,” “好了,这个游戏他们喜欢至极,”“They like to fly kites,” said the cat in the hat. “放风筝让他们很欢喜。” 戴帽子的小猫说“No! Not in the house!” Said the fish in the pot “不行!不能在屋子里!”茶壶里的小鱼儿急吼吼。 “They should not fly kites In a house! They should not. “他们不能在屋子里放风筝! 这样做绝对不行!推荐精选Oh, the things they will bump! 噢

24、,他们会撞上多少东西!Oh, the things they will hit! 噢,他们会碰上多少家具!Oh, I do not like it! 噢,这我可不喜欢看见!Not one little bit 我一丁点儿也不喜欢!”(hit、it和bit押尾韵)Then sally and I Saw them run down the hall. 我和萨莉眼睁睁看着他们跑过走廊,We saw those two Things Bump their kites on the wall! 眼看着两个小家伙的风筝在墙上胡乱碰撞!Bump! Thump! Thump! Bump! 噼里啪啦,乒乒乓乓

25、!Down the wall in the hall. 走廊的墙壁上一路声响。(hall和wall、thump和bump押尾韵)Thing Two and Thing One! 一号小家伙和二号小家伙真可气!They ran up! They ran down! 他们冲过来,又跑过去!On the string of one kite We saw Mothers new gown! 我们看见在一根风筝线上,挂着妈妈的新外衣Her gown with the dots That are pink, white and red. 那件带着粉色、白色和红色点点的裙子!Then we saw one

26、 kite bump On the head of her bed! 还看见一只风筝向她的床头撞去!(down和gown、red和bed押尾韵)Then those Things ran about 这两个小家伙接着到处乱跑,With big bumps, jumps and kicks 碰碰撞撞,磕磕绊绊,蹦蹦跳跳,And with hops and big thumps And all kinds of bad tricks. 各式各样的坏把戏没完没了,And I said, 于是我开口道:“I do NOT like the way that they play! If Mother c

27、ould see this, Oh, what would she say!” “他们这种玩法实在不好!如果妈妈见了她会怎么唠叨!”(kicks和tricks、play和say押尾韵)Then our fish said, “Look! Look!” “看哪!看哪!”我们的小鱼儿突然说,And our fish shook with fear. 他被吓得浑身发抖,哆里哆嗦。“Your mother is on her way home! Do you hear? “你们的妈妈回来啦!你们听到了吗?Oh, what will she do to us? What will she say? 噢,

28、她对咱们会怎么做,怎么说?Oh, she will not like it To find us this way!” 噢,发现我们这样子她一定气坏啦!”(fear和hear、say和way押尾韵)“So, DO something! Fast!” said the fish. “所以,赶快做点儿啥!”小鱼儿说,推荐精选“Do you hear! I saw her. Your mother! “我看见她了,你们的妈妈!你们听着,Your mother is near! 你们的妈妈马上就回来了!So, as fast as you can, Think of something to do!

29、所以,赶快想个办法,做点儿什么!You will have to get rid of Thing One and Thing Two!” 你们必须得摆脱一号和二号小家伙!”(hear和near、do和two押尾韵)So, as fast as I could, I went after my net. 于是 我用最快的速度拿来了一张网,And I said, “With my net I can get them I bet. 我说:“我敢打赌,我能用网把他们罩住,I bet, with my net, I can get those Things yet!” 我敢打赌,能用这张网把两个小家

30、伙制服!”(net、bet和yet押尾韵)Then I let down my net. It came down with a PLOP! 只听砰一声响,我扣下了那张网。And I had them! At last! 我终于抓住了他们俩,Those two Things had to stop. 两个小家伙只好停住了胡闹。Then I said to the cat, 然后我对那只猫说道,“Now you do as I say. You pack up those Things And you take them away!” “现在照我说的做,把这两个小家伙装起来带走!”(plop和s

31、top、say和away押尾韵)“Oh dear!” said the cat. “哦,天哪!”那只猫叹了口气,“You did not like our game “看来你不喜欢我们的游戏Oh dear. What a shame! What a shame!” 哦,天哪, 真没趣! 真没趣!”(game和shame押尾韵)Then he shut up the Things In the box with the hook. 他用钩子把两个小家伙闩在箱子里。And the cat went away With a sad kind of look. 那只猫就这样走了,看样子很是垂头丧气。(

32、hook和look押尾韵)“That is good,” said the fish. “这下好了,”小鱼儿说,“He has gone away. Yes. “他是走了,这倒没错。But your mother will come. 可你们的妈妈就要回来了,She will find this big mess! 她会发现家里一片乱糟糟!And this mess is so big 乱得一塌糊涂,And so deep and so tall, 乱得不可开交!We can not pick it up. There is no way at all!” 我们不可能收拾好,根本不可能办到!”

33、(yes和mess、tall和all押尾韵)推荐精选And THEN! 就在这时候!Who was back in the house? 是谁回到了屋里头?Why, the cat! 哎呀,是那只猫!“Have no fear of this mess,” Said the cat in the hat “别担心这里乱糟糟,” 戴高帽子的猫这样说道,“I always pick up all my playthings, And so “我从来都是自己收拾玩具,所以I will show you another Good trick that I know!” 我再让你们见识一下 我的一个好把

34、戏!”Then we saw him pick up All the things that were down. 于是我们眼看着他一口气把掉落在地上的东西统统捡起。He picked up the cake, And the rake, and the gown, 他捡起了蛋糕、耙子和裙子,And the milk, and the strings, And the books, and the dish, 他捡起了牛奶、线绳、书和盘子,And the fan, and the cup, And the ship, and the fish. 他捡起了扇子、茶杯、小鱼还有玩具船。And he

35、 put them away. 他把这些全都放回原处,Then he said, “That is that.” 然后说了声:“大功告成!”And then he was gone with a tip of his hat 临走还向我们脱帽致敬。(down和gown、dish和fish、that和hat押尾韵)Then our mother came in And she said to us two, 紧接着进来的是妈妈,她问我们俩:“Did you have any fun? Tell me. What did you do?” “今天玩得高兴吗?告诉我都干什么啦?”And Sally and I did not know what to say. 我和萨莉不知道该怎么说,Should we tell her the things that went on there that day?是不是该把发生的一切都告诉她?Should we tell her about it? 我们应不应该告诉她?Now, what SHOULD we do? 现在我们该怎么办啊?Well唔What would you do If your mother asked YOU?如果问这个问题的是你的妈妈,你会怎么回答? (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选


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