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1、Unit2 Waiting for another hare【我会背单词】 另一个 pron. nðr 碰撞v. kræ 到;到.上prep ntu: 地面 n. raund 死v. dai 捡起 pik, p 容易的adj. i:zi 他自己pron. himself 从那时候起 停止v. stp 整天 出现v. pi 努力吧 v.发生(于) 'hæp()n【词汇短语详解】1. wait v.等待 常见的用法:wait for sb 如:Someone is waiting for you. 有人正在等你呢。2.suddenly adv.突然地

2、,忽然地推荐精选该词由adj sudden加了后缀ly 构成副词-suddenly 类似的有: slow-slowly quick-quickly brave-bravely3. crash v 碰撞 短语:crash into如:The car crashed into the tree yesterday. 昨天那个车子撞上那个树。4. appear v 出现 反义词:disappear(消失)5. go for it 加油【重点句型讲解】1. One day a farmer was working in the field. 一天,一个农夫在地里干活。主语+was/were doing

3、 sth (过去进行时态)过去进行时态: 用来讲述过去某个时间正在发生的事情。将现在进行时中的be动词am, is, are变为was, were就构成过去进行时了。如:He was doing his homework when I got home last night. 我昨晚回到家的时候他正在做作业。They were watching TV when you called. 你打电话来的时候他们正在看电视。2. He picked up the hare and took it back home. 他捡起兔子拿回家。take的用法很多,意思各异。注意体会下面例子中take 的用法

4、I take a bus to school. 我搭公交车上学 I take a bath in the evening and take a shower in the morning. 我晚上盆浴早上淋浴。 I take a rest after lunch. 我午饭后回家休息一下。 Let me take you home。 我送你回家吧 Take your umbrella. Its going to rain. 带上雨伞。要下雨了。推荐精选 Take the medicine three times a day. 服药一天三次 Please take these books for

5、me.请帮我拿着这些书。3. Working in the field every day is hard work. But picking up a hare is so easy.每天在地里干活真辛苦。但是捡兔子真轻松。 动名词(V-ing)充当主语,谓语动词一般使用单数形式。如: Playing football is my hobby. 踢足球是我的爱好。 Cooking is the hardest thing for me. 做饭对我来说是最难的事。Talking with food in your mouth is impolite. 嘴里含着食物讲话是不礼貌的。4. He s

6、aid to himself. 他自言自语。say to oneself 自言自语 。himself是反身代词 如:enjoy oneself teach oneself一、反身代词的概念:它的含义是:通过反身代词指代主语,使施动者把动作在形式上反射到施动者自己。因此,反身代词与它所指代的名词或代词形成互指关系,在人称、性质、数上保持一致。比如:我自己、你自己、他自己、我们自己等等。这就是反身代词。二、反身代词的构成:反身代词是由第一人称、第二人称形容词性物主代词或第三人称人称代词宾格形式,词尾加self或selves组成。反身代词可译为“本人”、“本身”,为加强语气,也常译为“亲自”、“自己

7、”。myself 我自己yourself 你自己himself他自己herself她自己itself它自己ourselves yourselvesthemselvesthemselvesthemselves推荐精选我们自己你们自己他们自己她们自己她们自己三、反身代词的用法:1. 用作同位语(加强被修饰词的语气,紧放在被修饰名词后, 或句末):The box itself is not so heavy. 箱子本身并不重。Mrs. Black herself is a lawyer. 布莱克太太本人就是一名律师。You had better ask the driver himself. 你最好

8、亲自问司机本人。2. 用作宾语(动词或介词的宾语):Take good care of yourself. 好好照顾你自己。The child can dress himself. 这孩子能自己穿衣服了。3. 用作表语The poor boy was myself. 那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。Just be yourself. 做你自己就好了。Mary hasn't quite been herself recently. 玛丽近来感到不适。The ones who really want it are ourselves. 真正想要它的是我们自己。【注意】有时用于 be, feel,

9、 seem, look 等后作表语表示身体或精神处于正常状态:如:Im not quite myself these days. 我近来身体不大舒服。Ill be myself again in no time. 我过一会儿就会好的。4. From then on, the farmer stopped working. 从那时起,农夫就不干活了。stop doing sth(停止做某事) stop to do sth (停下来去做另外一件事).如: Stop talking and listen to the teacher. 别说话了,听老师讲。 He stopped to have a

10、rest. 他停下来去休息了一会。推荐精选5. All day long he sat in the field and waited for a hare to appear. 他整天坐在地里等着兔子出现。 all day long 一整天 wait forto的意思是“等待干某事”, 如: Im waiting for my mum to take me home . 我在等我妈妈带我回家。 6. 跟to有关的词组用法学习:have nothing to eat 没有东西吃 have nothing to say 没有话说 have nothing to do 无事可做7. be like

11、 的意思是“像一样”,Dont be like是它的反义词,意思是“不要学的样子”。如: Dont be like a child. 别像个小孩一样。8、 Dont be like the farmer.不要学那个农民那样。给某人建议:Dont +V原 动词过去式的变动分类一、不规则动词1)过去式与原形一样beat beat 敲打 hit hit 打击 put put 放下 set set 摆放 cut cut 砍,剪 hurt hurt受伤 cost cost花钱 must must必须 let let 让 推荐精选shut shut 关闭 read read读书2)变元音字母为arunra

12、n跑 comecame过来 sitsat坐下 givegave给 drinkdrank喝 beginbegan开始singsang唱歌 swimswam游泳3.中间去e末尾加t:sleep slept 睡觉 sweep swept 拖地 keep kept 保持 feel felt 感觉 4.把i 变成owrite wrote写 ride rode骑(车) drive drove开(车)5. ought: thinkthought想 buybought 买 bringbrought带着 fightfought打仗 6 aught: catch caught抓 teach taught教学7.o

13、w/aw改为 ew knowknew知道 growgrew长大 throwthrew扔 drawdrew画画8结尾d变t:buildbuilt建造 spendspent花 钱/时间 lendlent借给别人 sendsent寄不规则动词表原形过去式原形过去式原形过去式推荐精选am iswasfeelfeltgrowgrewarewerebuildbuiltputputdodidfightfoughtrunrangowentgivegavesweepswepthavehadteachtaughtsitsatmakemadesingsangsleepsleptgetgotbuyboughtspen

14、dspenteatatecutcutcatchcaughtsaysaidcomecameswimswamstandstooddrawdrewwritewrotefindfounddrinkdranklivelivedbeginbegandrivedrovestopstoppedbringbroughthopehopedplanplannedlooklookeduseusedstudystudiedplayplayedstartstartedcarrycarried【基础练习】推荐精选一、仿照例子,写出下列动词的正确形式。 Model: are-were1. have- _ 2. take-_3

15、. win- _ 4. say-_5. do - _ e-_7. talk- _ 8.leave-_9. run- _ 10. fall-_二、依据中文意思完成句子。1. 家明整天都看电视。 Jiamin watches TV_ _ _2. 你能做到的!加油! You can do it!_ _ _!3. 从那时起,小玲停止喝可乐了。 _ _ _, Xiaoling _ drinking Coke.4. 昨晚,一辆小汽车撞进我的花园里了。 Last night, a car_ _ my garden.5. 她对自己说:“别骄傲!” She said _ _, “Dont be proud!”

16、三、用动词的适当形式填空。1. Dont_ (sit) on the floor. Its dirty.2. The farmer picked up the hare and_ (take) it back to home.3. That boy is very poor. He_ (have) nothing to_ (eat).4. _you _ (wait) for your father now?5. “_ (work) in the field is so hard,” the farmer told his friend. 【巩固练习】一、选择正确的答案,把其编号写在括号内。推荐

17、精选1. ( ) If you want to play football with us, you should _ up early. A. get B. getting C. got2. ( ) Why are you in_ hurry? A. so B. such C. such a3. ( ) The girl_ she would win the race. A. is sure B. was sure C. sure4. ( ) We all know the story _ the tortoise and the hare. A. about B. to C. on5. (

18、 ) All his vegetables_ and all his animals away. A. were died, were ran B. are died, are ran C. died, ran二、句型转换。1The girls will come to tea in my house tonight.(改为否定句)The girls_ _to tea in my house tonight.2 . The windows of the classroom are very bright and clean. (改为反意疑问句) The windows of the class

19、room are very bright and clean,_ _?3. The box is heavy, we cant carry it. (同义句转换) The box is_ heavy for us_ _.4. My aunt does housework once a week. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _your aunt _ housework?5. I paid 100 dollars for the new sweater. (同义句转换)The new sweater _ _100 dollars.三、根据实际情况回答问题。推荐精选1. What does the

20、story A tortoise and a hare tell us? _ 2. If you want to do something well, what should you do? 3. What do you think of the famer in Waiting for another hare? 四、读短文,判断句子是否符合短文意思,如符合写“T”,否则写 “F”。 The bear and the fox had cooking competition(比赛) in the forest. The fox was the winner the year before. H

21、e was famous, so he had many other animals working for him. They baked(烘烤) bread and made pizza. The fox did nothing but slept. The bear did his best. First, he cleaned the pots and the pans. He washed his hands. Then he began to bake bread. He also baked some cookies. He made a yummy pizza, too. Th

22、e food was ready. All the other animals tasted the food. First, they tasted the food of the fox. The bread was too hard and the pizza was too salty. Next, the animals tasted the food of the bear. The bread was soft and the pizza is delicious. They all like the food the bear cooked. The bear won the

23、competition!( ) 1. The fox and the bear had a singing competition in the forest.( ) 2. The foxs pizza is sweet.( ) 3. The bears bread was soft.( ) 4. The other animals liked the food the fox made.( ) 5. The fox worked very hard in the competition.( ) 6. The bear won the cooking match. (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选


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