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1、|语法互动10常考动词词组|语法综合演练1. 2018 岳阳My grandmother is going to a hobby like shopping on the Internet.A. take up B.look up C.get up2. 2018 株洲 The boss was late for the meeting because hisalarm clock didn 'tA. go offB.go outC.go on3.0ur geography teacher told us tomore in formatio n about our city and s

2、hare it n ext week.A. fi nd outB. keep awayC. turn off4. The boy likes pla nes very much and he ofte n goes to see pla nes land and.A. take care ofB. take offC. take dow n5. Have you heard of the big fire that broke out on Huaguo Mountain at the Qingming Festival?Yes. Luckily, hun dreds of fireme n

3、went there andthe fire immediately.A. put outB.put awayC.put dow n6. As soon as she at home, Sally knew she had bought the wrong dress.A. ha nded it inB. tried it onC. cut it out7. To athletes, the most importa nt thi ng is not to win a gold or a silver, but toA. take partB.take no ticeC.take place8

4、. Don' t hope. Everything will be over soon.Yes. We should lear n to be brave whe n we are in trouble.A. tur n upB.give upC.clea n up9. Xiong ' an New Area will help big problems in Beijing, such as traffic jams.A.set outB. check outC. work out10. WhO s your favorite teacher?Miss Gree n. She

5、 makes usEn glish in an in teresti ng way.A. believe inB. fall in love withC. come up with11. Oh, my God! I have five pou nds.Don' t worry. It ' s normal for a growing teenage girl.A.put up B.put off C.put on12. Why do youLiu Hula n?Because she is a great heroine.A.look up toB.look dow nand

6、pare ntsC.look over13. No matter what problems we meet, we should try to solve them, and even though we fail, teachers us.A. are strict withB. are worried aboutC. are proud of14. Whe n going upstairs or dow nstairs, we n eed to walk on the right, leavi ng the left space for the peoplewho.A.hurry upB

7、.look aroundC.r un away15. No one can be right all the time. When people make mistakes, we shouldn' t them.A.wait forB.l augh atC.knock at16. The actress didn' t until late that night.A.show upB.show offC.take up17.She works really hard in order not toher pare nts.A.take dow nB.let dow n18.A

8、fter Ms. SmithC.put dow nthe class, she always stays up late.A.takes up B.takes on C.takes over19. When I ' m not at home, you should all the difficulties alone.A.get outB.get over C.get on20. I ' m sorry. I can' t find the key to the cabinet(储藏柜 ).I ' m afraid you have toit.A.se nd

9、forB.pay forC.l eave for21. 2018 莱芜改编 Anna is preparing for the coming exam, so she has tothe invitation to theparty.A.turn on B.turn dow nC.turn off22. 2018 铜仁改编Can I help you?The pants look very ni ce.Ca n I ?A.try it onB.try them on C.try on it23. 2018 哈尔滨 Boys and girls, work hard.I ' m sure

10、 your parents willyou in the future.A.be famous asB.be proud ofC.keep in touch24. 2018 淮安改编The girl has to her grandma because her parents are working in another city.A.look at B.look intoC.look after25. 2018 乌鲁木齐改编I ' d like to buy a new oven.The ones over there sell well.You canone by one to h

11、ave a try.A.tur n on itB.tur n it onC.tur n them on26. 2018 云南改编We can some in formation about this city on the In ternet.A.l ook up B.look likeC.look after27. 2018 北部湾改编the map and tell me where Shanghai is.A.Look aroundB.Look likeC.Look at28. 2018 龙东改编April 22nd is the 49th Earth Day this year. I

12、think we shouldpeople not totoo many trees.A. call on; cut dow nB. call at; cut upC. call in; cut off29. 2018.吉林It ' s a good idea to new words in the dictionary.A.cut upB.look up C.put up30. 2018 常州改编Manager, all the machines just now!What? Call the engin eer at once.A.broke dow nB.tur ned dow

13、nC.broke out31. 2018 徐州改编I look stupid with this haircut.All my classmates willme.A.l augh at B.agree withC.depe nd on32. 2018 昆明改编Stephen Hawking, a great scientist, had a strong will(意志).His serious illnessneverhimlivi ng a meanin gful and colorful life.A.l earned; fromB.protected; fromC.stopped;

14、from33. 2018 玉林改编Mom, what does theword “attention ” mean?Oh, my dear, you should the word in the dict ionary and the n you will get the meaning.A.look for B.look up C.look at34. 2018 包头改编 Terry, from your cell phone when your father is talking to you.A.look up B.look around C.look dow n35. 2018 呼和浩

15、特改编Hi, Susan! What are you going to do during the summer holiday?I ' m going to cooking because I like eating delicious food.A.clea n up B.put up C.take up36. 2018 青海改编He his elder brother, that ' s why so many people think of them as twins.A.lo oks afterB.takes afterC.r uns after37. 2018 日照

16、改编The windows of the plane broke about forty minutes after it.A.got off B.took up C.took off38. 2018 黄冈改编I find it difficult to learn English well.I want to drop it.En glish is very importa nt in our daily life.Never.A.give up itB.give it upC.give away it39. 2018 荆州改编We are planning a Yangtze River

17、Protection Day this weekend.Do you have any advice?You' d better sig ns around the school to tell all the students about that.A.make up B.put up C.set up40. 2018 十堰改编 A great person once said, “If you can follow your heart and never, yourdream will come true. ”I think so.l believe I will en ter

18、agood high school this year if I try hard.6A.give awayB. give backC. give up参考答案1. A2. A 考查动词短语辨析。根据语境可推知 , 闹钟没响 , 所以老板开会迟到了。故选A。3. A 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.C12.A 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.B20. B21. B 考查动词短语的用法辨析。根据“ preparing for the coming exam ”可知 , 为了备考 , 不得不拒绝参加聚会。故 选 B。22. B 考查

19、动词短语。用 them 指代 pants, 动副结构的短语中 , 代词作宾语时 , 代词要放在副词前面。故选B。23. B 24.Con25. C 考查动词短语用法。 turn on 意为“打开” ,是“动词 +副词”结构的短语 ,宾语为代词时 ,必须放在 turn 和两者之间;由第一个句子提到"the on es over there(那边的那些)”为复数,因此下文中用them "它们”来代指。故选 C。26. A 27.C 28.A 29.B 30.A 31.A 31.C32. B 考查动词短语辨析。根据句意可知此处是妈妈让他查词典。故选B。33. A 考查动词短语辨析。根据语境可知 , 你爸爸和你说话 , 你要从手机上抬起头来。故选A。34. C35. B 考查动词短语用法辨析。 根据“ think of them as twins ”可知 , 他和他的哥哥长的模样很像 , 故用 takes after 故选 B。36. C 37.B 38.B 39.C6


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