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1、七年级下英语导学案   Unit 9 What does he look like? 1、知识与技能: 熟悉掌握16个单词及句型 2、过程与方法: 学会描述人物外貌,能利用所学知识进行交际 3、情感态度价值观:能听懂听力并能对根据听力对话进行自由交际,培养学生学习英语兴趣。学习重点1 学会16个单词 2 学会拼写单词,学会描述动物句型 :-What does he/she look like? - He/She is, and he/she has.-Is he tall or short? -does he have or?学习过程一、温故知新单词 1

2、 卷曲的 2直的 3 高的 4 中等的 5 身高,高度 6中等身高 7 瘦的 8重的 9 身材 10 中等身材 11(在)今晚、今夜 12小的 13一点;少量 14电影院 15眼镜 16以后 短语: 1 看起来像 2. 长发_3. 短发_4. 直发_ 5. 卷发_ 句型: 1、他长什么样? 2、她中等身高,中等身材。 3、她留一头长卷发。 4、David 高矮? 5、他的头发是直的还是卷的? A.She has long blonde, curly hair.B.Shes from America. C.I think I know her.D.Yes,she does.And she can

3、 speak a little Chinese. E.Yes,thats her.二、选句子,完成对话。A: I hear(听说) you have a new friend.B: Yes. 1 A: What does she look like?B: 2 A: Is she tall?B: Yes. Shes tall and thin.1 / 17A: Does she often wear glasses?B: 3 A: 4 She often wears a yellow sweater and blue pants.B: 5 Shes Betty.二、设问导读1、 会读会写16个单

4、词 完成P49 1a中的任务.三、自学检测1、学生根据展示的内容练习会话(完成1b ) 2、师生共同完成听力内容 2a,2b3、小组互检答案2a,2b四、巩固练习1、学生汇报会话完成1c 的内容 2、根据2 a,2b练习 2c对话3、学生汇报知识点,教师补充。五、训练检测, 补救达标 一、单项选择 (15分)( )1. -What _ he _ like? -He's tall and thin. A. is; look B. does; looksC. does; lookD. is; looks( )2. There is _ hair on her head. A. a fewB

5、. a little C. few D. many( )3. The young man _ glasses is my teacher. A. wear B. wearsC. put on D. with知识整理笔记(单词拓展,单词辨析,短语提炼,语法整理,易错点整理,例句积累)多个形容词修饰头发的顺序程度状语描述性长短形状颜色hair她留一头非常漂亮的黑色的卷曲的长发。She has hair.知识整理笔记2.区分:A.What does he look like?问外貌B.What is he like?问人品性格,偶含外貌C.What does he like?问喜欢什么为下面答语选择

6、疑问句(A、B、C)1) He is very friendly.2) He is short with a big nose.3) He likes his big nose.七年级下英语导学案 Unit 9 What does he look like? 【学习目标】1、知识与技能:熟练掌握10个单词及句型 2、过程与方法:1)进一步学会描述人物外表。2)通过对话,讲解,笔头练习,掌握目标语言 3、情感态度价值观:能正确使用本课谈论外貌,。培养合作互助的积极情感。学习重点:1、学会10个单词, 2、区分用be动词与have/has描述外貌。3、重点句子【学习过程】一、温

7、故知新单词1(在)今晚、今夜 2小的 3一点;少量 4电影院 5眼镜 6以后 7 英俊的 8演员 9 女演员 10人 短语 1、在七点见面 2、一点儿 3、可能是 3、在前面 4、不高不矮 句子:1、你今晚去看电影吗? 2、我们将在七点见面。 3、我可能会晚一点。 4、他不高不矮,中等个。 5、他不胖不瘦,中等身材。 二、设问导读认真阅读2d,回答下面问题。1、What are they going to do tonight?_2、Who is going ,too? Who is he?_3、What does David look like?_II、连词成句:1. does ,your,

8、 look, Mike, friend, like, what? 2. or ,hair, she, curly, straight ,have ,does ? 3.what , like, actress ,your, actor, or ,does,look, favorite ? III、根据要求变换句型 1. She is tall with long black hair.(对划线部分提问) _ does she _ _? 2、I think he has something to do.(变为否定句) I_ _he has_ to do.3. He is thin. He wear

9、s glasses.(两句合并为一句) He is thin_ _. 4. She has short hair.(改为复数) _ _short_. 5. He does his homework at night.(用now改写) He _ _his homework now.4、How many people at least (至少)are going to the cinema ? 三、自学检测1、根据2d ,进行小组对话 2、 完成3a,3b总结has、is用来描述外贸的作用四、巩固练习3、师生合作,完成3c并进行对话。五、训练检测I、Match the sentences to m

10、ake conversations. (选出各句的答语。)(    )1. What do you look like?              (    )2. What does Mary look like?             (    )3.

11、What do you like?                         (    )4. What did she look like 3 years ago? (    )5. What does she like?      

12、0;                  A. She likes sunglasses. B. She was very heavy. C. Im tall. D. I like wearing skirts. E. She wears glasses. 知识整理笔记(单词拓展,单词辨析,短语提炼,语法整理,易错点整理,例句积累)§1、Are you going to the movie tonight? Were meeti

13、ng at seven. 以上两个句子是现在进行时(is/am/are doing结构)表示将来。主要用于表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作。这种用法主要用于表示位移的词,如:come,go,arrive,leave,fly,meet等。他这个周末将要去上海。He to Shanghai this weekend.你明天要在哪里会面?Where tomorrow?§2、学会用have/has与系动词be描述外貌(见Grammar Focus并总结。习题见3a、3b部分。)1. have/has +含adj.的身体部位n. be +adj.2. be+所属身材/身高知识整理笔记(拓展)学会

14、用with描述外貌1、She is tall with long black hair. 她个子高,留着长长的黑发。with短语表示伴随的状态。 2、She is a tall girl with long black hair.她是一个留着长长黑发的女孩。with短语可理解为后置定语。练习:He is of medium height. He has two big eyes.(合并成一个简单句)He is of medium height twobig eyes. 七年级下英语导学案  Unit 9 What does he look like?1、知识与技能: 熟练掌

15、握7个单词及句型 2、过程与方法: 听力、对话、描述练习,谈论人物外貌衣着。3、情感态度价值观:培养热爱生活,提高审美能力。【学习重点】1、学会7个单词, 2、应用本单元的形容词、名词描述人物。3 、重点句子【学习过程】一、温故知新单词 1 鼻子 2金黄色的 3 嘴 4圆形的 5 脸 6 眼睛 7 歌手 短语 1、一个大鼻子_ _2、一张小嘴 3、一张圆/长脸 4、大眼睛 5、金黄色的头发 6、戴眼镜 7、滑稽的眼镜 句型 1、难道你不喜欢John Dean吗? 2、她非常漂亮,是一个很棒的演员。 3、电影演员来了。 4、我喜欢那个长着金黄长发的女孩。 二、设问导读听1b短文,回答下

16、面问题1、W hat does Johnny Deans hair look like?. What about Tina Browns hair?. 2、Johnny Dean is of medium build.(T / F)3、Bobs favorite actress is Johnny Dean. (T / F)4、Tina Brown is not tall or short. (T / F)5、Tina Brown is a great actor.(T / F)三、自学检测1、师生合作完成.1d,1e。 2、根据1b,1c练习 1d对话。3、1e描述人物。四、巩固练习汇报交流

17、1d 的内容 五、训练检测I、根据句意及首字母填空.1.Jackie Chan has a big n .2.Her father is really tall and h_ but her uncle is short and thin.3. The Chinese boy has short, s_ hair.4.He looks very cool when he w_ his sunglasses. 5. Do you know the woman w_ long, blond, curly hair?II、用所给词的正确形式填空。happy, thin, his old friend

18、s, playing chess, wear glasses, straight, read newspaper, health, read, whiteMy grandfather is seventy years old, but he is still 1_. He is tall and 2_. His hair is short, 3_ and 4_. He likes 5_. Every morning he gets up very early and then 6_.When he reads, he often 7_. He also likes 8_, too. He of

19、ten plays it with 9_. He is very 10_.知识整理笔记(单词拓展,单词辨析,短语提炼,语法整理,易错点整理,例句积累)* glass 1) “眼镜”,常用复数glasses. 一副眼镜 a pair of 2)“玻璃”,不可数名词。 一片玻璃 a piece of 3)“玻璃杯”,可数名词。 这些玻璃杯是玻璃制成的。These are made of .(单词拓展,单词辨析,短语提炼,语法整理,易错点整理,例句积累)*I like that women with long blonde hair?with long blonde hair是介词短语,修饰the

20、pop singer 介词短语作后置定语,放在它所修饰的名词之后。 穿红衣服的女孩是我的妹妹。 The girl red is my sister.你认识树下的那个男孩吗?Do you know the boy the tree?七年级下英语导学案    Unit 9 What does he look like?【学习目标】1、知识与技能:熟练掌握12个单词及重点句型 2、过程与方法:通过阅读培养学生捕捉文章中心和理顺文章写作脉络的能力3、情感态度价值观:培养热爱自然,热爱生活的积极情感,提升环境意识。【学习重点】1、学会本课12个单词,重点短语、重点句子 2、

21、介词短语作后置定语3 、one of结构【学习过程】一、温故知新单词1 艺术家 2犯罪活动 3 罪犯 4放 5 每个、各自 6 方式、路线 7 描述 8 不同地 9 另一;又一 10 结尾、尽头 11 最后 12真正的、真实的 短语 1、一位警察画家 2、一张罪犯的画像 3、放在里 4、放在上 5、放在报纸上和电视上 6、每一个罪犯 7、(以)同样的方式 8、描述同一个人 9、长长的棕色直发 10、卷曲的金发 11、一个矮胖老头儿 12、最后 句型 1、他们告诉他罪犯长什么样。 2、Joe Brown 画一张罪犯的画像。_ _3、警察把它放在报纸上和电视上来找到他。_ _4、许多人不

22、总是以同样的方式看事物,因此同样的人他们可能描述不同。 _ _ 5、他留着长且直的棕色头发,长着大眼睛。 _ 6、“.”一位妇女说。 _ _ 7、另一位妇女说:“”_ _二、设问导读听音朗读单词和2b课文。读后回答下面问题:1、Joe Browns job is interesting and easy.(T or F)2、Joe Brown can draw the same picture after listening to different people describe the same criminal.( T or F) _ _3、Whats the topic sentenc

23、e (中心句)of each paragraph(段落)? Paragraph 1: _ Paragraph 2: _三、自学检测1、组内合作:填写2c内容 2、汇报展示:讲解课文。交流预习内容的内容四、巩固练习同义句填空1、 We do things in different ways. We dont do things in .2、 They describe it in different ways. They describe it .词形填空1、Do you (real) want to go?2、I think . I have a answer.(different)3、 (e

24、ach, every)of us (have, has) many people.4、He is the thief. He is the (crime). 5、They cant tell what the man (look) like.知识整理笔记(单词拓展,单词辨析,短语提炼,语法整理,易错点整理,例句积累)*each与every用法辨析eacheach强调个别,代表的数可以是两个或两个以上each可以单独使用,后面不跟名词Each student has a pocket dictionary. Each of the students has a dictionary.We eac

25、h have a dictionary.We have a dictionary each.every every强调整体,所指的数是三个或三个以上。every后接名词,every one可以后接of结构Every student has a dictionary .Every one of the students has a dictionary .real与true辨析real “真正的”指客观存在的,非想象的。true “真实的”指于客观事实一致的,非杜撰的、捏造的。Itis a story about a man.the police 指警察时看作复数 The police

26、 coming年级下英语导学案 Unit 9 What does he look like?1、知识与技能:应用基础词汇、句型描人物外表、爱好、特长等,提高写作能力。 2、过程与方法: 1)仿写。2)能利用所学对话进行问答模仿对话。 3、情感态度价值观:培养热爱升后热爱生活。积极参与小组活动,大胆展示。【学习重点】1、应用本单元的基础词汇、短语 2、写作训练,描述人物学习过程】一、温故知新预习3a ,和self check,完成下面短语和句子单词:1、牛仔裤 2、(男子)英俊的 3、首先_4、运动鞋_5、擅长足球_6、我最好的朋友 _5、其他特征 句型:1、他长得什么样? 2、让我告诉你他长什

27、么样。 3、他通常穿牛仔裤、体恤衫和运动鞋。 习题内容1、填写3a、3b和self check.四、巩固练习完形填空 Look! This is a photo of our class. The man 16 a beard is our English teacher, Mr. Hu . He isn't young, but he isn't 17 . He is a tall man. He has a round 18 and black hair. The man 19 him is our Chinese teacher, Mr. Wang . I think h

28、e is very clever because he has 20 hair. He likes 21 jokes. Do you know the man 22 black. He is our math teacher, Mr. Wu. He is good at 23 math. He sings 24 . That's 25 . There are fifty students in our class. We all like them. ( )16. A. on B. with C. in D. has ( )17. A. old B. fat C. beautiful

29、D. heavy ( )18. A. eye B. nose C. hand D. face ( )19. A. with B. next C. beside D. after ( )20. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( )21. A. telling B. saying C. talking D. speaking ( )22. A. in B. of C. in the D. wears ( )23. A. teach B. teaching C. to teach D. teaches ( )24. A. good B. much C.

30、well D. best( )25. A. strange B.happy C. relaxing D. surprising阅读理解My father is tall and has short, gray hair. He wears glasses with heavy, black frames. But I just saw a picture of him from 1968. What a surprise! In the picture, he's 15 years old. He's short and he has glasses with small, r

31、ound frames. He has long, yellow hair and it's really straight. He's wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word "Love". I'm 15 years old now. I'm tall and I have short hair. My hair isn't yellow, it's blue. My dad thinks it's strange, but my friends think it

32、's great. I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames. They're so cool! I have an earring in one ear, too. Dad really can't understand that, I never wear blue jeans. I like big, baggy pants and long T-shirts. Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands on them.(

33、 )26. What kind of glasses did Father wear when he was fifteen years old? He wore _.A. glasses with heavy, black frames B. long and yellow glasses C. glasses with bright red frames D. glasses with small, round frames( )27. What color is my hair? It's _.A. yellow B. blue C. gray D. red( )28. What

34、 do I like to wear? I like to wear _.A. blue jeans and a T-shirt B. yellow jeans and a T-shirt with the word "love"C. big and baggy pants and long T-shirts D. blue jeans and an earring( )29. What's on my father's T-shirt?A.The word "love". B.Heavy and black frames. C.Pict

35、ures of rock bands. D.An earring.( )30. Who has an earring in one ear?A. My dad does. B. I do. C. My father does. D. My Friends do.知识整理笔记多个形容词的排列顺序英语中,当名词有多个形容词作前置定语时,这些形容词的排列顺序通常要遵循一定的规则,不能随意调换位置。基本顺序:限定词(冠词、指示代词、物主代词、数次等)+表示观点的描述性形容词+形状、大小、长短、高低+年龄、新旧+颜色+国籍、地区+物质材料+中心词口诀1:县官行令宴国材(限观形龄颜国材)口诀2:大小、形状

36、、描述性,年龄、颜色后跟定,产地、材料和用途,先后顺序已排清。知识整理笔记一辆昂贵的新型日本跑车 一个又大又圆的红苹果 漂亮的卷曲的金色长发 七年级下英语导学案Unit 9 What does he look like? 1 卷曲的 2直的 3 高的 4 中等的 5 身高,高度 6中等身高 7 瘦的 8重的 9 身材 10 中等身材 11(在)今晚、今夜 12小的 13一点;少量 14电影院 15眼镜 16以后 17(在)今晚、今夜 18小的 19一点;少量 20电影院 21眼镜 22以后 23 英俊的 24演员 25女演员 26人 27鼻子 28金黄色的 29 嘴 30圆形的 31脸 32眼睛 33 歌手 34描述 35不同地 36 另一;又一 37 结尾、尽头 38艺术家 39犯罪活动 40罪犯 41放 42每个、各自 43方式、路线 44 最后 45牛仔裤 46(男子)英


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