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1、七年级上册短语汇总1.ask sb questions 问某人问题2.answer the telephone 接电话3.look at the picture/photo/map 看图画/照片/地图4.first name 名字5.last/family name 姓氏6.telephone/phone number 电话号码 7.ID card 身份证 school ID card 学生证8.pencil case/box 铅笔盒9.pencil sharpener 铅笔刀10.family tree 家谱11.an English-Chinese dictionary 英汉词典12.ex

2、cuse me 打扰一下.13.Thanks a lot ./Thank you very much. 非常感谢14.spell this word 拼写这个单词puter games 电子游戏(机)16.a set of keys/books 一串钥匙/一套书17.call sb at + 号码 打(号码)找某人18.lost and found 失物招领19.family photo / a photo of family 全家福照片20.school things 学习用品21.in English/Chinese/French 用英语/中文/法语22.thanks for./thank

3、 you for. 为.而感谢23.an alarm clock 闹钟24.video tape 录像带25.take sth/sb to sp 把某物/某人送到某地去26.on the floor 在地上27.bring sth/sb to sp 把某物/某人带到某地来28.play soccer/football 踢足球29.tennis racket 网球拍30.ping-pang/baseball bat 乒乓球/棒球拍31.let sb do. 让某人做.32.play /do sports 做运动33.have fun have a good/nice time 玩得开心34.wa

4、tch TV/games 看电视/看比赛35.every day/year 每天/每年36.play volleyball well 打排球打得好37.French fries 薯条38.ice cream 冰淇淋39.healthy food 健康食品40.have sth for breakfast/lunch/dinner 早餐/午餐/晚餐吃什么41.running/movie star 跑步/电影明星1 / 642.lots of/a lot of 很多. (后接不可数名词或复数)43.have /eat breakfast 吃早餐44.other people 别人45.on sal

5、e 打折/廉价出售46.many dollars 很多美元47.sports shoes / shoes for sports 运动鞋48.want to do 想要做want sth. 想要什么49.Here you are 给你50.Youre welcome./Thats OK./Thats all right. 不用谢(回答Thank you.)51.for example 举例52.clothes store 服装店53.each other 互相54.can/cant afford 买得起/买不起55.have a birthday party 开生日聚会56.the date o

6、f birth 生日57.Chinese speech contest 中文演讲赛58.art/music festival 艺术/音乐节59.go to movies/go to see movies 去看电影60.see Beijing Opera 看京剧61.learn /know about. 了解62.ones favorite actor 某人最喜欢的演员63.on weekends 在周末64.join the swimming club 参加游泳俱乐部65.speak English/Chinese/French 说英语/汉语/法语66.rock band 摇滚乐队67.sho

7、w sb sth/show sth to sb 把某物给某人看68.do Chinese kung fu 会中国功夫69.only a little + u. 只有一点(接不可数名词)70.e-mail address 电子邮件地址71.go to school/work/bed 去上学/上班/睡觉72.get up 起床73.get to sp. 到达某地74.get here/there/home 到这儿/到那儿/到家75.take/have a shower 淋浴76.help sb with sth 在哪方面帮助某人77.(for)very long hours 很长时间78.brus

8、h ones teeth 刷牙79.at noon/night 在中午/晚上80.all day and all night 整日整夜81.listen to the music/the teacher/me 听音乐/听老师说/听我讲82.take a bus 乘公共汽车83.by bus/bike/car 乘车/骑自行车/坐小汽车84.in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/在下午/在晚上85.do(ones)homework 做作业86.go home 回家87.write to sb 给某人写信88.tell sb (about)sth 告诉某人什么事情

9、89. ones favorite + n 某人最喜欢的likebest 最喜欢90.best wishes 美好的祝愿91.on Sunday/Saturday 在周日/在周六92.have science/biology 上科学课/生物课93.teach sb sth 教某人什么94.be strict with sb 严格要求某人95.run around 到处跑96.be from America/China 来自于美国/来自于中国97.a map of China 中国地图98.befor/after January 在一月之前/在一月之后99.formto 从到100.likeve

10、ry much/a lot 非常喜欢101.play with 跟玩102.Its time to do Its time for + n 做的时间到了103.at home 在家104.in ones home 在某人的家105.at about/around six fifteen 大约在6:15106.like/love doing like/love to do喜欢做107.watch morning TV 看早间电视108.play the violin/drums 拉小提琴/打鼓109.a successful musician 成功的音乐家110.also/really like

11、 也喜欢/真的喜欢111.be good for 对有好处112.be kind/friendly/good to sb 对某人友好113.be good with sb 跟某人相处的好114.Happy New Years Day!新年快乐115.what kind of 哪种类型的116.an eight-year-old boy 一个八岁的男孩117.buy sb sth /buy sth for sb 给某人买什么118.sell sb sth /sell sth to sb 把什么卖给某人119.play computer games 玩电脑游戏120.what day 星期几121

12、.white skirts/skirts in white 白色的裙子122.buy sth .from sb./sp 在某人/某处买某物123.sweaters at a very good price 价格合理的毛衣124.pants for ninety yuan 90元一条的裤子125.start to do. 开始做126.next to. 挨着.,在旁边127.many/most Chinese 很多/大多数中国人128.learn a lot from .从.学到很多129.on the second floor在第二楼130.want to be想当/成为.131.give a

13、 speech to sb 给某人作演讲132.go to sp.on foot 步行去某地133.want sb .to do 想要某人做.134.some more 又/再一些 one/two more 再/又一个135.look like .看上去像.136.look for.寻找.137.here and there 到处138.go swimming/running/shopping去游泳/去跑步/去购物139.about Mikes morning有关Mike上午的情况140.one of my family photos我的全家福照片之一141.need to do . 需要做.

14、142.at the table/at the desk 在桌子/课桌旁143.Can I help you? What can I do for you? 我能帮你吗?144.What day is it today? 今天星期几?145.whats the date today? 今天几月几号?146.whats the time ? What time is it? 现在几点了?147.How much .? Whats the price of .? .多少钱?148.How old.? Whats ones age ? Whats the age of sb ? .多大年龄?149.what color .? Whats the color of.? . .是什么颜色 友情提示:范文可能无法思考和涵盖全面,供参考!最好找专业人士起草或审核后使用,感谢您的下载!


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