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1、课时作业(三十一)选修 Unit 1 Living wellI 阅读理解A2019 惠州第二次调研When I was a boy there were no smart phon es, and our televisi on only got one cha nnel clearly. Still, I was n ever bored. The fields, hills, and woodlands around my home were the perfect playgro un d. I can remember once hiki ng to a n earby lake. A

2、t the backside of it I was amazed to find an old dirt road that I had never seen before. It was full of muddy tracks and deep woods bordered it on both sides, but exploring it still seemed like a fine adventure.I walked on and on for hours. I was sure my guardia n an gel was whispering in my ear “Tu

3、rn around and head back home , but I was stubbor n, so I walked on. There was still n either a car nor a house in sight. I no ticed that the sun was start ing to go dow n and I grew scared. I did n't want to end up trapped on this road, and I was worried that it would be dark before I could make

4、 my way back to the lake aga in.I continued to walk on with something growi ng in side of me. My heart was pounding and my legs were aching. I was almost in tears when I turned one last curve and saw something in the distanee. It was a house that I recog ni zed. I jumped up and dow n and laughed out

5、 loud. It was still over a mile away but my legs felt like feathers and I hurried back to my house in no time. I walked in with a big smile on my face just in time for dinner.I remembered this recently when I saw a sign that said “ All roads lead homW' . It is true. In life, all roads, no matter

6、 how they twist and turn, can lead us home aga in. What is importa nt, though, is how we travel them. Are we going to go forth in fear or are we going to go forth in faith? Are we going to make this life a terrible trip or are we going to make this life a joyful journ ey? The choice is ours.【语篇解读】 本

7、文是一篇记叙文。作者回忆了自己童年时期的 快乐时光,并通过童年时经历的一件事告诉我们, 人生中最重要的是 对待生活的态度。【难句分析】 What is importa nt, though, is how we travel them. Are we going to go forth in fear or are we going to go forth in faith? Are we going to make this life a terrible trip or are we going to make this life a joyful journ ey?分析:第一句包含wha

8、t引导的主语从句,how引导的表语从句;后两句为表示选择关系的一般疑问句译文:然而(生命中)重要的是我们如何走过这些路。我们要怀着 恐惧前行还是要怀着信心前行?我们想让自己的人生成为一次糟糕 的旅行还是一段快乐的旅程呢?1. Why did the author hardly feel bored when he was young?A . Because he could have fun in nature.B . Because he could watch TV all day.C. Because he had many friends.D. Because he used to e

9、xplore the old dirt road.答案与解析:A 考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“ The fields,hills, and woodla nds around my home were the perfect playgro un d. I can remember once hiking to a nearby lake 可知,在童年时期,作者可以 到大自然中尽情地玩耍,所以不会觉得无聊。2. How did the author feel when he was exploring the dirt road?A . He thought he would be scol

10、ded by his parents.B . He felt contradictory in mind.C. He thought he would be trapped in the woods.D . He was uncon scious.答案与解析:B 考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“ I was sure my guardia n an gel was whisperi ng in my ear Turn around and head back home' , but I was stubborn, so I walked on” 可知,在探险之初,作 者虽想放弃,但还是选

11、择了继续走下去;根据下文可知,作者虽然担 心害怕,但仍然继续前行。由此可推知,在探险过程中他的内心是矛 盾的。3 . What does “something” probably mean in Paragraph 3?A . Doubt. B . Hope.C . Courage. D . Fear.答案与解析:D考查词义猜测。根据文章第二段中的“ I grewscared"及第三段中的 “ My heart was pounding and my legs were aching”可推知,由于天越来越黑,作者一直未能找到回家的路,他 的内心越来越恐惧。由此可推知,somethin

12、g在此指“恐惧”。故选 D。4. What does the author mainly intend to tell us?A . Always make choices on our own.B . All roads lead home.C. It's our attitude that matters in our life.D. Every effort is worthwhile.答案与解析:C 考查主旨大意。根据最后一段中的“ What isimporta nt, though, is how we travel them. Are we going to go fort

13、h in fear or are we going to go forth in faith? Are we going to make this life a terrible trip or are we going to make this life a joyful journey ” 可知,作 者想要告诉我们的是生活中态度才是重要的。B2019 惠州第二次调研Are you content with the shape of your nose? If not, the climate may be to blame, not your parents.This is accordi

14、ng to a recent study carried out by scientists from Penn sylva nia State Uni versity, US. They found that climate played a key role in shap ing our no ses. The findings were based on an exam in ati on of the size and shape of noses of 476 people from four regions West Africa, East Asia, South Asia a

15、nd Northern Europe, using 3-D facial imagi ng tech no logy.“ People have thought for a long time the differe nee in nose shape among humans across the world may have arisen as a result of natural selection because of climate ” Arslan Zaidi, one of the lead authors of the study, told The Guardian. Bu

16、t while previous studies were based on measurementsfrom human skulls, Zaidi and his team looked at nose shape itself.The result showed that wider no ses are more com mon in warm and humid climate, while n arrower no ses are more com mon in cold and dry climate. That, Zaidi said, could be because n a

17、rrower n asal passages help to in crease the moisture 潮湿)content of air and warm it, which is easier on our lun gs. This, in turn, led to a gradual decrease in nose width in populations living far away from the equator.More studies are still needed to test the link between climate and nose shape, bu

18、t Zaidi believes the current findings are valuable in understanding potential health issues. “As we become more of a global com muni ty, we are going to come across climate that we do not adapt to,” he told The Guardia n. This means movi ng to a very differe nt climate might in crease the risk of br

19、eath ing problems.However, he added, “This may not be necessarily true for various reas ons such as of moder n medic ine and the fact that our curre nt climate is very differe nt from what it used to be”【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。研究表明人的鼻子的形状不是由父母决定的,而是由生活的气候塑造的。【难句分析】 The result showed that wider noses are more

20、 com mon in warm and humid climate, while n arrower no ses are more com mon in cold and dry climate.分析:本句包含that引导的宾语从句;while连接两个并列句子, 前后表示转折,意为“然而”。译文:结果表明(居住)在温暖潮湿气候环境中的(人)鼻子普遍更 宽,然而(居住)在寒冷干燥环境中的(人)鼻子普遍更窄。5. From the passagewe know most people from Singapore haveno ses.A . widerB . n arrowerC . sma

21、llerD . larger答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第四段第一句“ The resultshowed that wider no ses are more com mon in warm and humid climate,while n arrower no ses are more com mon in cold and dry climate 可知居 住在温暖潮湿环境中的人的鼻子普遍更宽,而居住在寒冷干燥环境中的人的鼻子普遍更窄,又因新加坡在温暖湿润地区,故大部分新加坡 人有着较宽的鼻子。6. Narrower noses are helpful to.A . cool the

22、airB. warm the airC. take in more oxygen D. dry the air答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据第四段第二句“That, Zaidi said, could be because n arrower n asal passages help to in crease the moisture (潮湿)content of air and warm it, which is easier on our lungs”可知狭窄的鼻孔能温暖进入鼻孔的空气。7. What can be learned about the study?A . Zaidi

23、9;s team measured huma n skulls using 3D tech no logy.B . The shape of our noses is determined by our parents.C . Nose shape helps people adapt to the en vir onment.D . It's certa in that people will suffer from more breathi ng problems. 答案与解析:C考查推理判断。根据文章第四段最后两句“That,oWhich of the following can

24、 be the best title of the passage? What Factors Shape Noses?How to Make Y our Nose Attractive?Nose Shape Causes Breathi ng ProblemsClimate Shapes NosesZaidi said, could be because narrower nasal passages.to a gradual decrease in nose width in populations living far away from the equator” 可知鼻子的形状会慢慢改

25、变来适应气候,故C正确8.A .B.C.D.答案与解析:D考查主旨大意。根据全文,特别是从第一、第二 段的研 究结果 “the climate may be to blame, not your pare nt“ They found that climate played a key role in shap ing ournoseg可知D最恰当,即气候塑造鼻子的形状。II 完形填空2019 辽宁五校模拟It had bee n a long time si nee I had bee n to Jacks on ville, Florida. I had drive n to tow n

26、1 to find the old barbershop where my hair had bee n cut whe n I was a child. As I _2_ aroun d, I was a little disappo in ted to see the old build ings had bee n _3_ with new high-rise ones.After walking about a block I saw an open shoe store. Wondering whether I could get the 4, I walked in. As I s

27、tood talking to thesalesma n, the front door ope ned and a young man about twenty came into the store in a _5_. “I need a new pair of shoes ” said the _6_. As he tur ned the corn er, I was _7_ to see that the young man had no legs.Seeing us _8 _ the young man said, “When I was a _9_, my pare nts use

28、d to buy me a new pair of shoes every year. That was such a won derful feeli ng _10_ I have n ever forgotten”Soon the salesmancame with a large box. He put it down on the floor, took out a boot and handed it to the young man. Placing the boot _11_ his no se, the young man closed both eyes, and took

29、a deep breath. I did not know what to say as tears bega n to roll dow n his _12_.Sudde nly we heard the salesma n shouti ng to an old man _13_ who looked in the window from time to time. The young man looked at the old man and then turned to me. “Would you walk out and see what _14_ that fellow wear

30、s?” he _15_.Won deri ng why, I 16_ walked to the front door, ope ned it and asked the old man to _17_. “ What size of shoes do you wea? ” the young man asked the old man. “ I don't know,” he replied, as he _18_ his old tennis shoes. “I would say nine and a half,” I suggested.“What's your _19

31、_ hiking boot in nine and a half?” the young man asked the salesman. Within a minute, the salesman returned with a pair of hiking boots. The young man _20_ out, took the boot, placed it to his nose and took a deep breath. Once again, tears came to his eyes. “Sir, would you mind tryi ng on these boot

32、s?” the boy asked the old fellow.体裁:记叙文 题材:社会生活主题:乐于助人【语篇解读】本文讲述了一位没有双脚的陌生青年为一陌生穷苦老人买鞋的感人故事。【高频词回顾】 block街区 roll down向下滚动 from time to time有时,偶尔try on 试穿1. A.needingB. waitingC. helping D. hoping答案与解析:D 根据空后的“ where my hair had been cut whe n Iwas a child”及下文内容可知,作者希望(hoping)找到这家理发店。2. A.wandered B.

33、 jumpedC. ran D. wondered答案与解析:A 当作者闲逛(wandered)时,看到老的建筑被新 的高楼替代(replaced),作者有一点失望。3. A.ruined B. decoratedC. replaced D. lined答案与解析:C参见上题解析。4 . A.keys B . an swerC . shoes D . service答案与解析:B从上文可知作者在找那家理发店,作者看到一 家开着门的鞋店,他想寻求回答(answer),所以他走了进去。5 . A.wheelchair B . carC . boot D . suit答案与解析:A 根据下文中的“h

34、ad no legs”可推知这个年轻 人是坐着轮椅(wheelchair)进店的。6 . A.salesman B . ownerC . elder D . customer答案与解析:D 根据空前的“I need a new pair of shoes可知,进店的那位年轻人是一个顾客(customer)。7. A.excited B. shockedC. ashamed D. embarrassed答案与解析:B根据上文可知一个没有脚的年轻人却要买鞋 子,这让作者感到震惊(shocked)。excited “兴奋的” ;ashamed “惭 愧的” ;embarrassed“尴尬的,窘迫的”

35、。8. A.unsatisfied B. uninterestedC. puzzled D. worried答案与解析:C 根据下文那个年轻人解释自己为什么买鞋可 知,此处表示“看到我们疑惑(puzzled),那个年轻人解释道”。9. A.student B. managerC. barber D. kid答案与解析:D根据语境可知,当这个年轻人还是个孩子(kid) 的时候,父母每年都会给他买双新鞋。barber “理发师”。10. A.everything B. somethingC . no thi ngD . any thi ng答案与解析:B根据空前的破折号可知,空处是对其前“ suc

36、h a wonderful feeling”的补充说明,表示“一种至今难以忘怀的东西(something)”。11. A.toB . overC . across D . on答案与解析:A 根据下文中的“placed it to his nos6可知答案 为A。12 . A.sleeves B . handsC . cheeks D . legs答案与解析:C 作者看到年轻人泪流满面,不知说什么好。 cheek “面颊,脸颊”符合语境,故选C。13 . A.i n horror B . in sorrowC . in relief D . in rags答案与解析:D根据鞋店售货员吼窗外老人

37、和下文年轻人要给 老人买鞋可推断,该老人应该是穿着破烂(in rags)的。in horror “惊恐 地” ;in sorrow “悲痛地” ;in relief “放心地”。14 . A.color B . sizeC. price D. material答案与解析:B 根据下文 “ What size of shoes do you wear?可知,这位年轻人请求作者去询问窗外老人所穿鞋子的尺码(size),故正确答案为B。15. A.requested B. orderedC. required D. begged答案与解析:A 作者和该年轻人是陌生人,故此处应表示请求 作者。requ

38、est “请求”符合语境。16. A.suddenly B. unwillinglyC. slowly D. steadily答案与解析:C 根据空前的“Wondering why”及语境可知,此时作者心里充满疑惑,这个年轻人为什么要问这位老人穿多大尺码的 鞋,所以作者应该是慢慢地(slowly)走出去。unwillingly “不愿意地”steadily “稳定地”。17. Aeave B. enterC. visit D. meet答案与解析:B从下文在店内的年轻人为老人买鞋可知,老人 从店外进到了(enter)店内。18 . A.turned around B . showed upC

39、. turned back D . looked down at答案与解析:D当老人听到年轻人问起鞋子的尺码时,就低头 看(looked down at)脚上的鞋子。turn around “转身,扭转 ” ;show up “出现” ;turn back “折回,掉转头”。19 . A.bestB . dearestC . heaviest D . quickest答案与解析:A 根据语境可知,那个年轻人要为老人买最好的(best)鞋子。dear “ 昂贵的” ;heavy “沉重的”,quick “迅速的”。20 . A.burst B . lookedC . reached D . broke答案与解析:C 根据下文 “took the boot, placed it. breath” 等 动作可知,第一个动作应该是伸出手(reached out接过鞋子


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