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1、如何用英文回复老外退休的邮件模板Example of a farewell letter to a retiring customer(How to respond to a retirement email)GUIDELINES 指导:1. This letter can address a man ager, die nt, or co-worker who is retiring. Write with a tone that is appropriate given your relationship with the reader. While retirement is typic

2、ally a cause for celebration, be mindful of whether the circumstances surrounding the retirement are positive or otherwise.2. Start by mentioning the reader's retirement. Congratulate them if appropriate under the circumstances.3. Mention the successes of your reader's career.4. Close by wis

3、hing your reader good luck.Dear xxx,To celebrate your retirement, the customer service team is scheduling a lunch at Gabries that the whole team plans to attend. Since you said that you'd enjoy a final lunch with the team, we're making it happen.It's our small way of letting you know how

4、 much we have appreciated you and your contributions for all of these years. The department and our work would never have been so excel I e nt without your guida nee and vision of service.You have truly passed on to the rest of the team the knowledge that devotion to customers and understanding thei

5、r needs is what keeps us in business. Your groundbreaking work in trying to determine what the customer needs before the customer knows he needs it has also had a huge effect on the success of the team.We'll keep you in our thoughts and hope that your retirement is all that you deserve. We hope

6、that you'll stay in touch and let us know about your next journeys.Regards,Mary for the Customer Service TeamDear Donna,I would like to pers on ally con gratulate you on your retireme nt from Big Company. I enjoyed working with you during your time here, and I consider you not only a valuable as

7、set to our company but an enjoyable presenee in the office, as well.While you will be missed by all of us at Big Company, you certainly deserve your retirement. Your hard work and diligence have greatly benefited our company, and I hope that the remaining employees here will strive to follow your st

8、ellar example.Your contributions to our overall marketing strategy and the daily operation of the department with the guidanee you provided to the product marketing managers will be sorely missed. We do appreciate your recommendation that the team is self-directed and developed sufficiently to not n

9、eed a leader; just a way to keep in touch with and understand the overall direc 廿on.It has always been my pleasure to work with you. So, while I am sadde ned to see you go, I am con fident that you will find the same success and happiness in retirement that you experieneed during your time here.I wi

10、sh you the best in your future endeavors. Retirement will surely offer you many new opportunities, which I know you will embrace wholeheartedly, just as you did at Big Company.Please keep in touch, and visit often if you find that you have the time. I hope you have a fun and fruitful retirement!Best

11、 wishes,AliceHi Terry,This note is to congratulate you on your retirement. ni attend the retirement party the company is providing on Friday. But, just in case I miss talking with you in the crowd, I want you to know that I have valued you as a colleague and will miss seeing you at workOn the plus s

12、ide, it sounds as if you have many hobbies, volunteering opportunities and travel that you are planning for retire me nt. So, I hope you have a rich, multi-faceted future that will reward you for your many years of hard workSin cerely,Ron Pence模板四:Dear Colin,Coli n, are you sure you are old eno ugh

13、to retire? You are only a couple of years older than me. If you remember you were my very first customer in town, and although it has not always been plain sailing, I feel that we have ridden more crests than troughs All the best on a well deserved retirement.Sin cerely,John模板五:Hi xxx,I applaud you

14、for your years of service and achievement at Doe Corporation. My heartiest congratulations and best wishes for your retirement.I will always remember the first day we met. Your way of making me feel part of the Doe team made a lasting impression on a nervous, inexperieneed graduate. I conti nue to b

15、en efit from your pers onal wisdom and engineering expertise, and hope you will stay in touch and join us for occasional social events. Have a wonderful retirement!模板六:Hi XXX,Congratulations on the happy day of your retirement! After these many years of working together, I will need to adjust to the

16、 idea that you are no Ion ger in the next office.John, I have thoroughly enjoyed our association. I will always remember our trip to Mexico City to introduce the new power converters I was amazed at the ease with which you con ducted your presentati ons, undaunted by the skeptical comments. I have t

17、ried to pattern my own presentations after what I have seen you do so successfully. I hope I can do your reputation justice!Again, congratulations on a well-deserved retirement.Few have worked as hard as you have. I hope you will enjoy di recti ng your en ergies into your other special interests.模板七

18、:Hi XXX,I just heard about your retirement plans, John. It sure will be dull around this greenhouse without you. You know, of course, that you are our source of comm unity information. After Iandscaping more than half the yards in Spri ngfield, you seem to know every one and everyth!ng. We will miss

19、 youNow you and Jane can hop in that motor home and head for Miami, but I know you'll be back A man with a thumb as green as yours can't leave it stuck in that lifeless, Floridian sand for long. Come by and see my gorgeous chrysanthemums when you get home Best wishes.Hi XXX,Joh n, surely you

20、're much too you ng to retire why you're only two years older than I am! You were my first client in Springfield, and we've experieneed the ups and downs of the market together; but more ups than downs, I believe. Best wishes for your retirement.模板九:Hi xxx,Congratulations on your well-de

21、served retirement, Jane. As one of our most faithful employees, you'll be greatly missed You were always so willing to pitch in on any project, and you have always brightened up the whole office. We already feel as if a part of us is missing. Don't be a str a nge 门模板十:Hi XXX,Congratulations

22、on your retirement!You have been a great asset to the company and we will miss you very much We always knew that our customers were in good hands when they were with you because you were patient and sensitive to their needs. We have appreciated that quality as well as your loyalty and willingness to

23、 accept assignments that were often beyond your normal duties We will miss your commitment to excellenceand your cookiesRetireme nt will be an adjustme nt but also an opport unity. I hope you will fin ally do the traveli ng you have been talking about, and that you will also write that book You have

24、 been wise in the way you have planned your retireme nt. I hope it will work out well.a nd please drop in to visit us from time to time.模板十一:Hi xxx,I was happy for you when I learned you had completed 35 years of service at the Doe Institute. Congratulations on your Iong-awaited and richly deserved

25、retirementFor many of us, your career has been a model to follow I can't count the times I have come into your office this year alone to ask for advice. You truly have made our department the success it is today, and I think I can speak for all of us when I say we are sad to see you leave.May yo

26、u retire knowing that you have made a remarkable contribution and have touched the lives of your colleagues in immeasurable waysHi xxx,Thirty-five years is a long, LONG time. But now it's behind you and you have a wonderful retirement planned. Congratulations!Most of those years were spent toili

27、ng away under difficult time and budget constraints, in poor working conditions-and that was just on the restoration of your sailboat!In lieu of the traditional gold watch, we will be presenting you a Doe Navitron marine compass We want you always to be able to find your way back home.Bon Voyage!模板十

28、三:Hi xxx,So they are fin ally giving you the boot? Well, congratulations! Nobody around here deserves to retire more than you do. You have seen so much change in the life of this company, and been part of it all. We will all be sad to see you go, even as we envy your new life in the lap of leisure.

29、There will be a retirement party, and a gift, if you can stand it. We all want to send you off in style. We just know you will swing into the new routine without any trouble at all. Best wishes!模板十四:Dear xxx,I want to wish you the warmest congratulations on your ret i rem ent. I un dersta nd that yo

30、u will be leaving the office on DATE. I will miss your positive and enthusiastic attitude, because you always kept me looking at the bright side of lifeYour extraordinary ability to keep the team on task in a perfectly harmonious way is a good example of your professionalism and attention to detail.

31、I sincerely hope we can live up to your example and continue with our new team leader in the same way, although I doubt anyone has your infectious laugh and good humor.I know retirement isn't going to slow you down, so I won't tell you to relax, and I wish you all the best in your new en dea

32、vor of envir onmen tai con sulta nt for construction companies.Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing with an email now and then. My address is name. I'll be watching your Facebook and Twitter pages for your news.Congratulations again for a job well done in Name of Compa nySin ce

33、rely,Dear Jane Doe,On behalf of XX Industries, I would like to thank you for your many years of hard work You have been both a pleasure and productive presenee in our company for the past 25 years Today we honor you, commend your efforts and bless your future endeavorsYou have survived a fierce work environment and contributed much We hope your retirement brings you the contentment and relaxation you have earned. Our best wishes go with you as you journey into retirement. May your former hurried pace be replaced with leisure, long visits with family and pleasure in life's small joys


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