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1、2018年AP学校中方教师代表发言稿-范文精选Good afternoon, all the teachers, parents and above all, graduates of 2016! 各位亲爱的同学们、老师和家长朋友们大家下午好! Several days ago, I shared some old photos in our class WeChat group. When I look at those photos, old memories keep flashing back. Military training, sports meeting, drama fest

2、ival, chorus competition, MUN, Harvard Debate, birthday celebration I still remember you skipped the lunch for the rehearsal of drama, and some of you stayed up the whole night to prepare the MUN. I believe these scenes will linger in your memories. 几天前,我在我们班级的微信群里分享了几张老照片。当我看着这些老照片的时候,旧时的记忆不断涌现:军训、

3、运动会、戏剧节、合唱比赛、模拟联合国、哈佛辩论赛、班级生日会我依然记得你们废寝忘食地排练话剧;你们有人为了准备模联通宵达旦。我相信这些场景将在你们的记忆中长久地驻留。 The past three years have also witnessed your growth. Our girls who used to have baby-fat have grown into graceful ladies. Our boys have now grown into gentle but strong men. For the first time you planned and prepar

4、ed the whole graduation trip on your own; you held solo concerts; you successfully ran the Ning Caf。 You did so many amazing things which my generation can never have imagined. 过去的三年见证了你们的成长和变化。如今,我们的女孩亭亭玉立,我们的男生意气昂扬。你们独立完成毕业旅行的计划和准备工作,你们中有人开办个人演唱会,有人成功地经营了我们的宁咖啡(国际部咖啡馆)。凡此种种,令人惊叹,这些都是像我这代人都不曾敢去想的事。

5、 Life is like an ongoing train that will not return. This train has passed Ningwai. Though you cannot stay in the beautiful past, you can decide where to sit, how you sit and the way you view the scenery. Some people get used to sitting in the same place, looking at the same scenery, as its safe and

6、 easy to stay within ones comfort zone. Studying abroad is challenging but it also offers you an opportunity to explore and experience something different. 人生宛如一趟没有归途的列车,只能向前。车子已经开过宁外,你不能选择留在美丽的过去或是现在,但你可以选择车上的位置,姿势和心态。有的人习惯坐在一个固定的位置上,看着差不多的风景,如同每个人都有一个习惯了的舒适区.留学带给同学们人生最大的价值或许就是一个走出舒适区的机会!去探索和经历不一样的

7、东西! Staying in the comfort zone certainly is a much easier way to follow. You can choose to spend time staying at your dormitory, playing computer games or idling in the virtual world, chatting with your friends, browsing WeChat or Facebook as nobody will monitor you anymore. But you can also choose

8、 to push yourself much harder and to lead a more active way of life. Spend time exploring different fields you are interested, meeting different people, doing voluntary jobs. Only through practice, may you find what you love and what kind of person you would like to be. 诚然,待在舒适区会比较轻松容易。你可以选择整天待在宿舍玩游

9、戏或者上网,与朋友聊天或是不停地刷微信、微博或者脸书(一种社交媒体),因为再也没人会来监督你。但是你也可以选择逼自己一把去过一种更加积极的生活:花时间去探索你感兴趣的事情,去遇见不同的人,去参加一些志愿者活动。只有在实践中,你才有可能发现你真正感兴趣的事以及你想成为什么样的人。 About two weeks ago, a student named He Jiang, who is from a rural village from Hunan Province of China suddenly becomes famous because of his commencement spee

10、ch at Harvard Graduation ceremony. It is a special honor because it is the first time a student from mainland China has got such an opportunity. When He Jiang reflects on his own experience, he admitted that he used to lack confidence in his first year at Harvard. Because he is from rural area of Ch

11、ina, his English is not proficient. In his second year, he decided to make some change. He applied to be a personal tutor for undergraduates at Harvard; although feeling embarrassed, he joined in local students talking in schools caf with his not so fluent English and he applied to be a candidate sp

12、eaker for Harvard Graduation Ceremony. 大约在两周前,有个来自湖南农村的小伙子(何江)因为在哈佛毕业典礼上的演讲而一下子广受关注。这是一份特殊的荣誉因为何江是第一个登上哈佛毕业典礼演讲台的中国大陆学子。当何江回忆他的经历时,他说在哈佛大学第一年的时候他曾经很不自信。因为他来自于中国农村,所以他的英语并不娴熟。在第二年的时候他决定做出一些改变。他申请成为哈佛本科生的导师;尽管很尴尬,他会在学校食堂里主动加入本地学生的讨论;同时他也鼓起勇气申请成为哈佛毕业演讲的候选人。 His achievements do not come easily. It is a

13、result of constant challenges and endeavors to go beyond his limits. So please welcome changes, step out of your comfort zone and face challenges. This is the first thing I want to share with you. 何江的成就来之不易。这是长期不断挑战自我,不断努力突破自身局限的结果。所以同学们,请拥抱变化,走出你们的舒适区去面对挑战吧。这是我要跟你们分享的第一点心得。 Life is not always smoot

14、h. Instead, it is full of ups and downs. On the way, you will see breathtaking sceneries; you will gain friendship and intimate love; but you may also experience confusion, frustration, loneliness and helplessness. You will taste the sweetness and bitterness of life along the journey. Dont be afraid

15、 to fail. Whether you fear it or not, disappointment will come. The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality.When you meet difficulties, I hope you can make every effort to change what you can change; be grateful to accept wha

16、t you cannot change; and be able to distinguish the differences between these two. This is the second thing I want you to remember. 生活不会总是一帆风顺。相反,它总是充满了跌宕起伏。在人生的旅途中,你会看到窗外宜人的风景,会收获友谊和爱情。但同时你也会遭遇迷茫、挫折、孤独、无助。一路上,你会遍尝人生的酸甜苦辣。但是请你不要惧怕失败。无论你惧怕与否,失望在所难免。好在失望能使你思路清晰,这便会有坚定的信念和真正的独创性。老师希望在你遇到挫折时,能够有足够的勇气改变你

17、能够改变的事,能够有足够的胸怀接受你不能改变的事,并且有足够的能力分辨这两者的不同。这是老师送给你们的第二句话。 During the journey of life, people come and go at each stop. We have classmates, friends, teachers and parents. However, each of us can only accompany you temporarily and give you a limited help. You will meet new people there, and I hope you

18、can be generous to help those in need, as what you have received from others. This will empower you and make you feel connected and happy. As Winston Churchill once said, we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. This sentence is the third thing I want you to keep in mind.

19、 在人生的旅途中,在每一站都会有人上车有人离开。人生的列车上有同学,有朋友,有老师,有父母。但是我们每个人只能陪伴你走过一段路,给予你有限的帮助。你的列车上还会有新的朋友加入。希望你不吝付出,帮助他人,如同你获得帮助时候一样。这会让你在世界上畅通无阻,成就你人生的高度。正如丘吉尔所说:我们用我们所拥有的来衡量生活,我们用我们付出的来衡量一生。这句话,是我送给你们的第三句话。 When studying abroad, you will meet people from different cultures and backgrounds. I hope you can be open-mind

20、ed, to embrace diverse cultures, to think in new ways, and most importantly, to respect and appreciate the diversity. When you go to university, I hope you will spend more time listening and asking questions than judging and comparing. 求学海外,你们将遇见来自不同文化,不同背景的人们。我希望你们拥有开放的心态,拥抱新的文化、拥有你的视野。更重要的是,去尊重和欣赏

21、这个世界的多样性。当你们进入大学后,我希望你们花更多的时间去倾听和提问,而不是对别人评头论足或是和别人比较。 Finally, though I have much more to say to you, life is in your hand and you have to experience it by yourself. You are the author of yourself. Build yourself a great story.:你喜欢 “ 走自己的路,让他们说去吧 ” !但你在班里似乎从不张扬,总是默默无闻的,用自己优秀的学习成绩证明着你的实力。你思维灵活,接受能力较

22、强,勤于思考,作业本上那工整的字迹,是你文静开出的花朵。你文静有余而活动不足,希望你能再接再厉,百尺竿头更进一步 最后,离别之际,老师纵有千言万语,但人生终须你亲自体验。如果你的人生是一本书,你就是这本书的作者。为你自己书写一个精彩的人生故事吧!你喜欢 “ 细节或者小节,往往最能体现一个人的品格 ” 。 所以,你性格开朗、活泼可爱,用乐观感染着周围的同学;你尊敬师长,关心集体,学习自觉,尽量做到让家长老师宽心。各科成绩不太拔尖,但平衡。如此可爱的学生,老师希望你能坚定信心,有迎难而上的勇气,争取学习成绩有大的突破。你喜欢 “ 细节或者小节,往往最能体现一个人的品格 ” 。 所以,你性格开朗、活泼可爱,用乐观感染着周围的同学;你尊敬师长,关心集体,学习自觉,尽量做到让家长老师宽心。各科成绩不太拔尖,但平衡。如此可爱的学生,老师希望你能坚定信心,有迎难而上的勇气,争取学习成绩有大的突破。 Thank you and good luck! 谢谢!祝你们好运!


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