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1、第七单元要点汇总1、 What is the highest mountain in the world?世界上最高的山是什么? Qomolangma is the highest in the world.It is higher than any other in the world.他比世界上任何别的山都要高。1、 The Sahara is the desert in the world.1、 The Caspian sea is the salt lake in the world.2、 The Nile is the river in the world.3、 Amazon is

2、the second longest river in the world. 、China is one of the oldest in the world .、It is over 5,000 years old.1、 The United States is the youngest in the world.美国是世界上最年轻的国家之一。Its not even 300 years old.2、 China has the biggest population in the world.3、 How long can pandas ?熊猫能活多久?They can 20 to 30 y

3、ears. 他们能活到20-30岁。短语:1、about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size1 / 172、1,025 meters deep3、6,671 kilometers long4、8844.13 meters high5、5000 years old 句子:1、China is older than other .中国比任何别的国家都要古老的多。 2、It is bigger than the of the United Stats of America. 它比美国的人口多得多。形容词比较级前可以加:形容词最高级前必须加:It seems tha

4、t you know the answers all my questions. 6、 to ask any questions on todays Great Wall tour.关于今天的长城旅游,大家可以随意问我问题。7、the most popular question 8、This makes it the longest wall in the world.9、Why did the ancient emperors build the wall?The main reason is their part of the country.主要的原因是保卫国家的那一部分。4、 the

5、worlds most dangerous is mountain climbing ,and one of the most popular places for this is the Himalayas.世界上最危险的体育运动是爬山,而对这项运动最受欢迎的地方则是喜马拉雅山。1、 The Himalayas the southwestern of China.2、 all the mountains ,Qomolangma the highest and is the most famous.所有的山中,珠穆朗玛峰海拔最高。3、 It is 8844.13 meters high,so

6、is very fifficult .4、 cover the top and snow can very hard.5、 Even more serious difficulties freezing wearther conditions and storms.更严重的困难包括寒冷的天气状况和暴风雪。6、 It is also very hard air as you get near the top.当你接近山顶的时候呼吸空气也很困难。1、 Tthe first people the top were Tensing Norgay and B on May 29,1953.第一批到达顶峰

7、的人是+,在1953年5月29日。2、 The first Chinese team did so in 1960,while the first woman to succeed was A,in 1975.中国队在1960年登顶,然而成功登顶的第一位女子是+,是在1975.3、 Why do so many climbers ?为什么这么多人冒着生命危险1、 One of the reasons is because people want to themselves difficulties.其中原因之一就是因为人们想在苦难面前挑战自己。2、 The siprit of these cl

8、imbers shows us we should never to achive our dreams.这些登山者的精神向我们表明绝不应该放弃尝试实现我们的梦想。21、It also shows us that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature .它也向我们表明人类有时比自然界的力量要强大。22、The Yangze River is almost as long as Amazon River,the Amzon is longer than the Yangze,but The Yangze is the

9、 largest river in China.扬子江和亚马逊河几乎一样长,亚马逊河扬子江长,但是扬子江在中国是最长的河流。23、An elephant is 350 cm tall, 5000 kilos, 150 kilos of food . 一头大象3.5米高,重5000公斤,每天吃150公斤食物。24、An adult panda weighs more than a baby.一头成年熊猫比一头小熊猫重好多倍。25、At 9 oclock,they find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry.26、When t

10、he babies see the keepers ,they excitement and some of them even their friends and .当小熊猫看到饲养员,他们兴奋地跑过去,其中一些甚至撞上他们的同伴,而摔倒。27、I take care of them like they are my own babies.我照看他们就像他们是我自己的孩子一样。28、I wash ,feed,play with with them every day.29、They are very me. 他们对我很特别。30、li Wei loves her job ,but it is

11、 a difficult one.31、Pandas dont have many babies,maybe only one every two years.熊猫不能生太多的宝宝,也许每两年只生一个。32、The babies often illness and dont live any long. Adult pandas more. than 12 hours about 10 kilos of bamboo。熊猫宝宝经常思域疾病,活不了很长时间。成年熊猫每天花费12个小时吃10公斤竹子。33、Many years ,there were many bamboo forests and

12、 pandas in China,but then humans started to the forests .许多年以前,有许多竹林和熊猫在中国,但是后来人们开始砍伐树林。34、Scientist say now 2000 pandas in the remaining forests .科学家说有不到2000只熊猫生活在保留下的森林里。35、Another 200 live in zoos research in China or other .还有大约200只生活在动物研究中心或者别的国家。36、They send people to schools to tell children

13、about the these animals.他们派人去学校去告诉孩子们拯救这些动物的重要性。37、Teaching children is one way to help save pandas. 教孩子们是拯救熊猫的方式之一。38、The Chinese government is also planting more bamboo trees so more trees for pandas to .中国政府也正在种植更多的竹林,因此将会有个多的,树林 供熊猫居住。39、We all hope that in the future there will be a lot more pa

14、ndas than now。(2)the highest mountain in the world  (Qomolangma) 世界上最高的山2.   the biggest desert in the world  (the Sahara) 世界上最大的沙漠3.   the longest river in the world (the Nile) 世界上最长的河4.   the deepest of all the salt lakes (the Caspian Sea) 所有咸

15、水湖中最深的湖5.   the biggest population in the world 世界上最大的人口数量6.   be higher than any other mountain 比其他任何山更高7.    the biggest country in Asia 亚洲最大的国家8.    the second longest river in the world 世界第二长河9.    one of t

16、he oldest countries in the world 世界上最古老的国家之一10.  one of the worlds most dangerous sports 最危险的运动之一11.  one of the most popular places 最受欢迎的地方之一12.  the most famous part 最著名的部分13.   of all the mountains 所有的山之中14.  a lot/much bigger 大得多15. 

17、60;the population of the US 美国的人口数量16.  as big as 和一样大17.  the same size as 和一样大的尺寸 18.  mountain climbing 爬山19. feel free to ask me 随便问我20.  the ancient emperors 古代的皇帝21.  as you can see,. 正如你所看见的,22. as far as I know, 就我所知,.23. man-m

18、ake objects 人造物体24. 8848.43 meters high  8848.43米高25. about 6,300lilometers long 大约6,300公里长26.  around 20 miters wide 大约20米宽27. freezing weather conditions 冰冻的天气条件28. take in air 呼吸空气29. the first people to reach the top 第一个到达顶上的人30.  risk their live

19、s 冒着他们的生命危险31.   challenge themselves 挑战自我32.  in the face of difficulties 面对困难33. the forces of nature 自然力34. achieve our dreams 实现梦想35.  at birth 在出生的时候36.  live up to 活到37. at the Chengdu Research Base 在成都大熊猫研究基地38. panda keepers 熊猫

20、饲养员39.  die from illnesses 死于疾病40.  bamboo forests 竹林41.  in the remaining forests 在剩下的森林里42.  another 200 or so 还有大约200左右43.  research centers 研究中心44.  endangered animals 濒危动物 45.  importance of saving these animals 拯救这些动物的重要性46. 

21、;wild animals 野生动物47. only live for a short time because of illnesses 由于疾病仅活很短的时间48. make more homes for the pandas 为大熊猫建造更多的家园49. catch whales for meat, fat and oil 为肉,脂肪和油而捕鲸50.  sea life 海洋生物51.  jump high out of the water 高高地跃出水面52. rules on whale protecti

22、on 保护鲸的制度53.  water pollution 水污染54.  stop rubbish into the sea 停止往大海里丢垃圾55.  whale parts sold 被卖的鲸鱼器官56.  have to be protected 不得不被保护57.  protect from 保护免于的伤害58.   weigh many times more than this panda 比这只熊猫重很多倍59.   we

23、igh about 0.1 to 0.2 kilos 重量大约是 0.1到0.2千克必背句子1.  This it the longest wall in the world.这让它成了世界上最长的墙2.   The main reason was to protect their part of the country.主要原因是为了保卫他们部分的国土.3.    , there are no man-make objects as big as this.就我所知,世界上没有和这个一样大的人造工程.4.

24、0;    The Himalayas the southwestern part of China.喜马拉雅横卧在中国的东南部.5.      the mountains, Qomolangma rises the highest.所有的山之中,珠穆朗玛峰耸立得最高.6.     Thick clouds the top and snow can very .厚厚的去覆盖着山顶, 雪也可能下得很猛.7.    &#

25、160; It is also very hard to air as you get near the top.(as = when)当你接近山顶的时候,呼吸也非常的困难.8.      The spirit of these climbers us that we should never give up our dreams. 登山都的精神向我们表明, 我们应该永不放弃努力实现我们的梦想.9.      No ocean in the world is the

26、 Pacific Ocean.世界上没有海洋和太平洋一样大.10.     This elephant weighs more than this panda.这头大象的重量比这头熊猫重许多倍.11.     Lin Wei and the other panda keepers the milk for the baby pandas breakfast.林伟和其他的熊猫饲养员正在为熊猫准备牛奶早餐.12.     The babies are already and hu

27、ngry.熊猫宝宝已经醒了,也很饿.13.     When the babies see the , they excitement and some of them even their friends and !当宝宝们看到饲养员的时候, 他们就兴奋地跑过来,有些甚至撞上他们的伙伴,并且摔倒了.14.     I them like theyre my .我照料他们就象他们是我自己的宝宝一样.15.     I wash, and play with them ever

28、y day.我每天都洗他们,喂他们并且和他们一起玩.16.  Pandas do not have many babies, maybe only one .熊猫不能生很多宝宝, 也许每两年才一只.17.    Adult pandas more than 12 hours a day about 10 kilos of bamboo.成年熊猫每天花大约12小时吃10千克竹子. 18.     The Chinese government is also planting more bamboo trees so forests for pandas to .中国政府也正在种植更多的竹子以便于熊猫有更多的竹林可以生活.19.     We all hope that in the future there will be a lot more pandas now.我们都希望, 未来比现在有更多的熊猫. 友情提示:范文可能无法思考和涵盖全面,供参考!最好找专业人士起草或审核后使用,感谢您的下载!


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