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1、1Not all the tourists from Japan_ Western food to Chinese food.A. likeB. preferC. enjoyD. love2I prefer skiing to _. The snow makes me excited. A. cyclesB. cyclingC. cycled3Some of my classmates _ cartoons _ documentaries.A. prefer . toB. would rather . thanC. like . betterD. like . less4She prefers

2、 to eat outside rather than_ at home.A. cookB. cookingC. to cookD. cooks5、I prefer _ her some presents _ her some money.A 、to buying; to giving B 、 to buy;to giveC、 buy;give D、 buying; to giving6Rather than _ on a bus ,he always prefers _ bicycle.A : ride, rideB: riding, rideC: ride, to rideD: to ri

3、de, riding7I prefer _ there doing nothing.A. working than sittingB. to work than to sitC. working to sitD. to work rather than sit8Would you like some coffee? Yes, and please get me some milk ,too. I prefer coffee _ milk.A to B inC withD for9which doyou like better, coffee ormilk ? -I prefer coffeemilkA. from B. with C. to D. for10We prefer_at the party rather than_A.to sing;danceB.to sing;dancing C.sing;to dance D.sing;dance比起走路,学生们更愿意坐公交。Students= Students =Students


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