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1、AiOQOeQe, DOMAUA.DAfter wat ch i ng the film Becom ing Jane played by Anne Hat haway and read i ng the book Sense and Sen sibil ity , I fee I comp I i ca ted because it seems that a I I i n Jane; s life, she made a deci si on bet ween sense and sen sibi I ity. The book could be regarded as her rea I

2、 st ory or some one e I sej s. Who knows? Love and sense are enemies at any age.There was an important person in her career, the authoress Mrs RadeI iffe whose novel s were f i I led with romance, danger and terror, anything her I ife was not.At that time, a womanj s dream of being an authoress was

3、not so easy to come t rue. As if the wr i ting a woma n did not display the grea test powers of m ind, kno w I edge of human na ture, the I i vel ies teffusi on s of w it an d humour. And people t hough t hav i ng a wi fe w ith a I it erary repu tat ion was nothing shor t of seandalous. But with an

4、independent thought, she made it!In her love world, there were two men. One was Tom Lefroy, a handsome, social guy but total ly depe nding on his un cle. Anot her was Wi s ley, a booby having a respectable property of 2000a year, in addition to even greater expectations as Lady Gresham; s hei r. So

5、Tom standed for love or sensibiI ity and Wisley standed for money or sense.Jan e didni t be Iieve the saying i ° Affection is desirable, money i s absoIutely indispensable, j ± In other words, she gave up a splend id home, a comfor table I i fe and chose Tom. But whe n she found t hei r I

6、ove wi I I des troy Tomi s fami I y, her sense told her to make the grea t deci si on to leave him to avoid a long sIow degradation of guilt and regret and bIame.What a pity she can; t marry with the one who she doesnj t love even a loved one!I n her shor t life, Jane Aus ten wro te six of the grea test novels in the English Language.Tom Lefroy had a successful career as a Iawyer and named his el dest daughter Jane.Jane never marr ied in her Iife.


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