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1、阅读理解态度题,胡燕针对学生:高三,设题方式,题干中含有:Think of, attitude, opinion, feel, believe, consider 等。The writers attitude toward is_How does the author feel about her child?What is the authors attitude towards office layouts?,选项特点,积极类(多)Favorable, impressive, optimistic, positive, supportive, concerned, confident, u

2、seful, helpful消极类(多)Negative, disappointed, subjective, doubtful, critical, worried, pessimistic, indifferent, unconcerned, opposed.,中立类Objective, neutral, cautious, uncertain,解题方法,找相关的段落(答案区间)态度感受评价,(2016 北京卷)D篇 Because a college community differs from the family, many students will struggle to fin

3、d a sense of belonging. If students rely on administrators to regulate their social behavior and thinking pattern, they are not facing the challenge of finding an identity within a larger and complex community.,67. Whats the authors attitude toward continued parental guidance to college students?A S

4、ympathetic D Disapproving C Supportive D Neutral,(2017东城一模)A篇 Last year, he was teased about looking like a know-it-all in school by some of his classmates, which hurts him A LOT. Being teased is part of his fear of going back to school. He feels like he doesnt feel like fit in. But could you keep a

5、n eye out for anyone teasing him or if he seems to be keeping himself too much?,58. How does the author feel about her child?A Annoyed B Proud C Pleased D Worried,解题方法,找相关的段落(答案区间)态度感受评价,出门测,(2017东城一模)D篇 Admittedly, there are some advantages that only enclosed offices possess. However, a landscape o

6、ffice can combine the features of the traditional enclosed office Although the benefits of a landscape office outweigh those of an enclosed office, which layout is better should be decided by the characteristics of the people and the type of work they do.,What is the authors attitude towards office

7、layout?A Objective B Casual C Optimistic D Skeptical,(2017石景山一模)C篇 “Evening types tend to be the more active and creative types, the poets, artists and inventors, while the morning types are the deducers, as are often seen with civil servants and accountants.”,Whats the authors attitude towards night owls?A Doubtful B ObjectiveC Subjective D Negative,


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