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1、名词(一) 一、名词的概念:在我们身边存在着形形色色的人和事物,它们都有自己的称呼,我们用来称呼它们的词就是名词,概括来说表示人、事物、地方、现象等的名称的词都叫名词。二、名词的分类:1专有名词:它的第一个字母通常大写。a. 人名、地名、国名等 例如:Lucy, Shanghai, Chinab.组织、团体、机构等 例如: the United Nationsc.语言、星期、月份等 例如:English, Friday, March (注意介词in/on/at的用法)注意:国家与人的对应China- Chinese America- American(s) Australia- Austral

2、ian(s) Canada- Canadian(s) Japan- Japanese Germany- German(s)France-Frenchman(Frenchmen) GB-Englishman(Englishmen)2 普通名词:(1)不可数名词:不可以直接以数字计算的名词。例如:snow, air, water, rice, paper, work, news(新闻),food, rain, weather, juice, milk, meat, money ,English, fruit , information 不可数名词要表示具体数量,必须借助of短语。如不能说one b

3、read,但是可以说one piece of bread和two pieces of bread。只能用来修饰不可数名词的表示数量的一些词或短语:little很少的(表示否定); a little一些(表示肯定),much(许多),how much(多少), a bit of(一些)既能用来修饰可数名词又能用来修饰不可数名词的表示数量的一些词或短语:some(一些,用于肯定句), any(一些,用于否定和疑问句)a lot of (许多), lots of(许多) 不可数名词量的表示方法:计量词+of 例如:a piece of news a cup of tea a piece of bre

4、ad two pieces of news two cups of tea two pieces of bread注意: a bag of apples 1 / 12(2)可数名词:可以直接以数字计算的名词。如one book、two pens。可数名词有数的变化,即每个名词都有单数和复数两种形式。可数名词可以用两种方式表示具体数量:1、直接在其前加数词;2、在其前加of短语(of+可以用作计量的名词)。如:one egg, two eggs; one basket of eggs, two baskets of eggs名词复数的构成:a. 一般情况下,直接在词尾加s; 例如:book-bo

5、oks girl-girls desk-desksb.以s, x, sh, ch结尾的,在词尾加es;例如:box-boxes bus-buses watch-watches fish-fishesc. 以辅音字母+y 结尾的,变y为i 加es; 例如:city-cities family-families 以元音字母(a, e, i, o, u)+y 结尾的,直接加s; 例如:boy-boys day-days key-keysd. 以f或fe结尾的,变f或fe为v加es; 例如:knife-knives life-lives wife-wives half-halves但roof, sca

6、rf 后直接加se. 以o结尾的,有生命的(或以辅音字母加o 结尾的)加es, 没生命的(或以元音字母加o结尾的)加s; 例如:radio-radios Negro-Negroes tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes zoo-zoos piano-pianos photo- photos 但hippo后直接加s以下名词特别容易出错,请注意:stomach胃stomachs, roof屋顶roofs, reef暗礁reefs, belief信仰beliefs,handkerchief手帕handkerchiefs/handkerchieves Man-men, wom

7、an-women, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese, child-children, fish-fish/fishes, sheep-sheep, ox-oxen(公牛), deer-deer, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese, mouse-mice policeman-policemen 等 注:German(德国人)Germans只能用来修饰可数名词的表示数量的一些词或短语: few很少的(表示否定),a few一些(表示肯定),many(许多),how many(多少),a number of(许多的), se

8、veral几个课堂练习:一、写出下列名词的复数形式:1. egg _ 2. watch _ 3. story _ 4. knife _ 5. radio _ 6. tomato _ 7. desk _ 8. glass _ 9. child _ 10. sheep _ 11. Chinese _ 12.pencil-box _ 13. wife _ 14. family_ 15. city_ 16. dress _ 17.Englishman _18. match _ 19. exam_ 20. German _ 21. potato_22. .juice_ 23.water_ 24.holi

9、day_ 25.paper_ 26.factory_ 27. thief_ 28.bus_ 29.class_ 30.glass_ 31. wife 32. baby 33. policeman 34.brush 二、单项选择 1. Please pass me _. A. two glass of water    B. two glasses of waters   C. two glasses of water    D. two glass water 2. They got much _ from tho

10、se new books. A. ideas    B. photos    C.information    D. stories3. He had something to write down and asked me for _.A.a paper B.some papers  C.some pieces of papers  D.a piece of paper4. Some _ are flying kites near the river.A.child 

11、60; B.boy    C.boys     D.childs5. Id like some water, but he wants _.A. two bottle orange   B. two bottles of orange  C. two bottles of oranges D. two bottles of oranges6. Look at the _. You can see_ _ and _.A. photos; potatoes, tomatoes, radioes

12、60;  B. photoes; potatoes, tomatoes, radiosC. photos; potatoes, tomatoes, radios   D. photos; potatos, tomatos, radioes  7. Cut the apple into _. A. halfs   B.halves   C. half8. Mr. Lin often gives us _ by e-mail.A. some good information  B. some good inf

13、ormations  C. good informations    D. a good information9. There are _ in the fields. Theyre eating grass.A. a horse     B. much horses     C. many horse     D. many horses10. I am thirsty. Would you bring me _, please?A

14、.some bread  B.some water  C.some cakes   D.some eggs11. -How great Dalian Radio and TV center looks!-Yes. Thats one of the greatest _ in Dalian.A. building  B. build  C. buildings  D. builds12. How many _ has the old farmer got?A. field    B. sheep&

15、#160;    C. mutton     D. cow13. The guide has some new _. She can show them to us. A.rice   B.food    C.jacket    D.pictures 14. -What would you like to drink, girls? -_, please.A.Two cup of coffee    B.T

16、wo cups of coffees   C.Two cups of coffee     D.Two cup of coffees15. The _ are going to fly to Beijing.A.Germen   B.Germany     C.Germanys   D.Germans16. The _ has two _.A.boys, watches   B.boy, watch   C

17、.boy, watches   D.boys,watch17. The boy always stays there for _.A.one and half hour   B.one and a half hour   C.one and half hours      D.one and a half hours18. -They are thirsty. Will you please give them _? -Certainly.A.some bottles of water

18、s B.some bottles of water  C.some bottle of water  D.some bottle of waters19. Dont you think Dalian is one of the most beautiful _ in China?A.cities    B.city     C.place      D.towns up  20. -What can I do for you? -Im looki

19、ng for _.A.a pair of shoes       B.a pair of T-shirt     C.two pairs of hat    D.two pair of trousers21. Twelve _ were hurt, but no _ were lost in that accident.A.person; life     B.people; lives   C.peopl

20、es; lives    D.persons; life22. There are _ on the table.A.a glass of water   B.a glass of milk     C.two glasses of water      D.a glass of orange23. There are few _ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages.

21、 A.vegetables    B.fruit     C.meat    D.eggs24. Mr. Smith always has _ to tell us.A.some good pieces of news  B.some pieces of good news  C.some good piece of news   D.some piece of good news25. There is a lot of _ in the box.A.c

22、ake  B.bags of cakes  C.milk   D.bags of milk 课后作业:一、英汉互译1.一片面包 2. 一瓶牛奶 3.一箱苹果 4. 一碗汤 5.一条消息 6. 四杯桔子汁 7.五包糖果 8. 两公斤牛肉 9.十一名美国人 10. 六名女学生 二、用所给名词的正确形式填空。1. I have two (knife).2. There are many (box) here.3. I got a lot of Christmas (card).4. There is a pair of (glass) on the table

23、.5. There are a few (people) in the playground.6. How many (ship) can you see in the picture?7. Mike has seven (friend).8. A few (boy) are drawing on the wall.9. He has some interesting (book).10. The (child) are playing football now.三、单项选择1. He is hungry. Give him _ to eat. A. two breads B. two pie

24、ce of bread  C. two pieces of bread D. two pieces of breads 2. I would like to have_. A. two glasses of milk B. two glass of milk C. two glasses of milks D. two glass of milks 3. Can you give me _? A. a tea B. some cup of tea C. a cup tea D . a cup of tea 4. Please give me _ paper. A. one

25、B. a piece C. a D. a piece of 5. John bought_for himself yesterday. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoe  C. two pair of shoes D. two pairs shoes 6. Children should make_ for old people in a bus. A. room B. a room C. rooms D. the room 7. There are sixty-seven_ in our school. A. w

26、omen's teacher B. women teachers C. woman teachers D. women teacher8. We need some more_. Can you go and get some, please?A. potato  B. potatos  C. potatoes  D. Potatos9.A group of _ are talking with two _

27、over there.A. Frenchmen; Germans B. Frenchmen; Germen C. German; Frenchmen D. Germans; Frenchmans11.Lucy and I go to school _ every day.A. on feet B. on foot C. by foots D. by buses12. Are those _? -No, they arent. Theyre _.A. sheep; cows B. sheep; cow C. sheeps; cow D. sheeps; cows13.She is the tal

28、lest of in the family.A. any sister B. all the sisters C. all her sisters D. any other sisters14. They dont have to do today.A. much homework B. many homeworks C. many homework D.much homeworks15. The Chinese people enjoy happy now.A. life B. lifes C. a life D. lives名词(二)重点:名词所有格在英语中,有些名词的词尾可以加上s, 用

29、来表示所属关系,这种结构称为名词的所有格。1. 单数名词变所有格,只需在词尾加s. Eg. the boys schoolbag the workers shoes2. 复数名词的词尾已有s, 只需加即可。Eg. the teachers office the students pens3. 若复数名词词尾无s, 则应加s. Eg. Womens Day the Peoples Park4. 无生命的词的所有格一般可用of 加名词这一结构来表示。Eg. the name of the museum the center of the city5. 表示几个人共有一样东西,只需在最后一个人的名词

30、前加s,若表示各自所有, 则每个名词后都要加s.Eg. Jim and Toms bedroom (吉姆和汤姆的卧室)(两人共有) Jims and Toms bedrooms (吉姆和汤姆的卧室) (两人各自所有)课堂练习:一、 用s 或of 填空。1. my mother bag 2. Tom friend3. the door our room 4. postmen bags5. the teachers desk 6. a book my fathers二、汉译英1. 露西的书 2. 学生们的鞋子 3. 李明的猫 4. 母亲的裙子 5. 这个公园的花 6. 我们教室的墙 三、 用所给名

31、词的正确形式填空。1. This is (May) book.2. My (brothers) toy cars are very beautiful.3. He is a friend of my (mother).4. Thats (Ken and Bill) new bedroom.5. -Whose are these lunchbox? -They are (Ben).6. (Pat) bag is very pretty. (Bob)is very pretty, too.7. These books are my (friend).8. Tomorrow is June 1st.

32、 Its (children) Day.四、单项选择1. This is not your radio, but . A. yours brother B. your brothers C. you brothers D. yours brothers2. September 10th is Day. A. Teacher B. Teachers C. Teachers D. Teacherss3. Jane is sister. A. Mary and Jack B. Marys and Jacks C. Marys and Jack D. Mary and Jacks4. I will g

33、ive you to finish it. A. two weeks time B. two week time C. two weeks time D. two weeks time5. Miss Smith is a friend of . A. Marys mothers B. Marys mother C. Mary mothers D. mothers of Mary6. March 8th is Day.A. Woman B. Women C. Womens D. Womans 7. Mary went to last night. A. the house of her fath

34、er B. hers fathers house C. the houses her father D. her fathers house8. There are sheep in this place. A. a lot B. lot C. much D. many9. Its about walk from this shop to the nearest bus stop. A. three minutes B. three minute C. three minutes D. three minutess10. The doctor was very happy. He made m

35、istakes in the exam. A. a little B. little C. few D. a few课后练习:一、用s 或of 填空。1. the desks our classroom 2. my btother computer3. windows the office 4. the students Grade four5. the drivers cars 6. today newspaper7. Linda blouse 8. the doctors coats二、汉译英。1. 六个月的假期 2. Lily和Lucy 的单车 3. 老师们的包 4. 女孩们的裙子 5.

36、 孩子们的牛奶 6. 林涛的衣服 7. 她姐姐的照片 8. 这些男士的夹克 三、将下面的句子填写完整。1. (李明的父母)work in a big hospital.2. (小女孩的狗) is under the tree.3.That big bed is (Mike 和Jack的).4. (母亲的鞋子) are all black.5. (教室的窗户) are not big.6. (Peter 和Sue 各自的老师) are not in the office.7. (他的猫的名字) is Miao.8. This is (我妹妹的英语书).9. (王平和王明的父亲) is a hot

37、el manager.10. Is this (你的好朋友的笔)?四、用be 动词的适当形式填空。 1. There a desk and three chairs here.2. Half of the information lost yesterday.3. He thinks maths very difficult.4. Look, there so much water here!5. there any people in the room last night?6. Tom and Mikes bedroom very small.7. All the students know Paris the capital of France.8. The books of his uncles a bit expensive.9. Toms grandparents teachers.10. The trousers on the chair Mr Browns.11. This pair of glasses too big for me.12. That beautiful clothes my sisters. 友情提示:范文可能无法思考和涵盖全面,供参考!最好找专业人士起草或审核后使用,感谢您的下载!


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