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1、每日销售拜访TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task: Daily Sales Calls任务:每日销售拜望Code 序号:0H-SM-CS-D002Objectives: At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to ensure market reach target are achieved目的:课程终止后,每一个学员将能够确保到达每个LI标市场。Standard: All sales associates will conduct planned sales calls daily cov

2、ering key accounts, key prospects, other active accounts and new prospects标准:每个销售职员在制订销售讣时必须包括重要客户,有潜在生意的客户,其他行为的客 户和新的客户。Resources: Whiteboard, Flip Chart, Sales Kit, Giveaway, SPG, SPP or Star Choice Form 培训器材: 口板,翻转展现板,销售资料夹,礼品,SPG, SPP及Starchoice表Method 培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时刻IntroductionIc

3、e breakActive music and the trainer is in uniform of sales manager standing straightly and smile10 minutes介绍大声音乐,着销售经理降服站直,微笑。打破僵局Se1f-introduction and give a warm welcome 白我介绍向学员表示欢迎。Raise interestsQuestion to test the trainee* s level:提高爱好Does anyone know what the sales person do at hotel? 捉问学员:谁明

4、白销售部在酒店内是做什么的?every associate will be a sales person in the hotel. 强调:酒店内任何一名职员都将是销售人员。w. I.F.M:我们从中能获得什么?Gain self confidence mean half success.充分的自信是成功的一半。Lecture F/CDivided trainees into several group to discuss then10 minutesAndcritique after discussion.(What need we preparingBuzz groupbefore sa

5、les calls?) (F/C 1)讲解和集体讨论将学员分为几组讨论然后评估(销售拜望时我们需要预备什么?)> Business card 名片> Collateral material 销售资料> Note pad and pen 便签及笔> Promotional material when applicable 有用时将携带推广资料> Standard Sales Presenter 标准的销售展现> SPG and Choice enrollment forms 仕达屋优先来宾打算申请表> Promotional material from

6、sister hotelswhen applicable必要时将携带其它饭店资料。Note: Good preparation half successfu1强调:良好的预备是成功的半。Role play20 minutes角色扮演Ask two pares of trainee to demonstrate sales cal 1 One pare is with good prepare the other pare is without prepare让两个学员衣演销售拜望:个是有充分预备,个则相反。 Let others to critic and then the trainer e

7、mphasis the key points of good preparationSummary总结让其他的学员评估,训导师对预备充分的销售拜望强调要点。10 minutesReview all key points which are listed on Flip Chart 回忆翻转展现板上的要点。(F/C 1)Remarks: Daily sales call is an activity for our daily job, sometimes need some experience to do it, one important thing is keep good relationship with our clients 提示:销售拜望是我们每天的差不多工作,有时需要些体会, 重要的是保持与客户的良好关系。Total 60 minutes


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