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1、摘要中国饮食文化博大精深、源远流长是来华外宾了解中国文化的一个重要窗口。 菜铺上的菜名对人们有着很好的指示作用 , 它传神的表达出菜本身的特点和美好 寓意。与此同时 ,随着我国日益与国际接轨 , 中国菜越来越受外国友人的亲睐。特 别是2008奥运会的举办成功,有一次以最震撼最夺目的方式把中国推向世界。但由于中国饮食烹饪方式多样, 文化内涵丰富, 相关专业性强, 因而容易导致 中国菜名的英译错误。中国菜名的英译错误不仅不能准确的表达出菜本身的特点 还给人留下不好的印象 , 闹出了国际笑话。因此,如果我们在翻译的时候把握翻译 原则,注意灵活运用相关的翻译方法,中国菜名的翻译不至于成为翻译的“拦路

2、虎”。关键词: 中国菜名。 翻译原则;翻译方法注意:关键词应是 3 至 5 个名词AbstractChinese diet culture, with a long history, is rich and profound, which has become an important window for the foreign guests to get acquainted with Chinese culture. Chinese dish names on the menu have a good indication for people. It vividly expresses

3、 the characteristics of the food and good moral. At the same time, as our country increasingly has interfaced with international, Chinese dishes are becoming more and more popular among foreigners. Because of 2008 Olympic Games in China, it is one of the most brilliant ways to show China to the whol

4、e world.However, different Chinese food cooking ways, rich food culture and professional strong bring about difficulties for translation. Chinese dishes translation error can't express the characteristics of the food and give people a bad impression. Therefore, we should grasp the translation pr

5、inciples and note the flexible use of relevant translation method.Keywords :Chinese dish names。 translation principles。 translation methods(注意:中英文 Abstract摘要标题用小二号黑体)(内容用小四号)Contents摘 要IAbstract IContentsII1 Introduction12 Names of Chinese dishes22.1 Flavor snacks22.2In allusion named Chinese dishes

6、22.3With good things or image scene named Chinese dishes22.4In medicinal food named Chinese dishes22.5Others33 How to translate effectively43.1 Principle translation43.1.1 Transliteration principle43.1.2 Avoid the principle of virtual to real43.2 Methods of translation43.1.1 Realistic translation43.

7、1.2Freehand translation44 Conclusion 5.Bibliography 6.1目录部分内容不需要自己输入。 待论文正文写好后, 它会自动生成: 左键点击该部分,按右键,选中“更新域” ,再选“更新整个目录” , 确定即可,目录会自动生成。2完成该步骤后,如果目录部分都是大写字母,请全选整个目录,按 右键,把“字体”栏目下的“小型大写字母”取消,然后把字体改 为 Times New Roman!卩可。3如果论文没有 Appendix ,就把正文中该部分删除, 目录上就不会出 现了。4请不要改变模版格式! 各级标题序号不能改动, 直接在模版上打印! 如果改变模版格式

8、,就无法自动生成。修改完后,请删除该“注意”部分!1 In troducti onChina has a long history of several thousand years formed colorful food culture. Delicious food match good reputation is one of the distinctive features of Chinese food culture. The dishes are concentrated the profound Chinese cuisine and local characteristic

9、s, which reflect the Chinese long history and splendid culture of food. Chinese dishes pay attention to color, aroma, taste and shape and stress lucky. It witnesses the China's ancient civilization. It is the national history and culture in miniature. With China' rapid economic development,

10、tourists from the whole world, more and more Chinese food culture has been widely disseminated. 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing also plays an active role in Chinese food culture. At the appo in ted time, the Chin ese diet culture steps. How will China sdist in ctive image and ethnic Characteristi

11、cs into translation of Chinese dishes is extremely important. This article, starting from the typical naming of Chinese dishes, shows the translation of Chi nese dishes.段前段后距23磅注意:所有一级标题用小二号粗体 所有二级标题用三号粗体。所有三级标题用四号粗体。 所有正文内容用小四号。正文行距为1.3倍。正文中所有一级标题另起一页2Names of Chinese dishes2.1 Flavor snacksAs a co

12、untry with a long history, China has a lot of unique food. For those dishes accepted by foreigners and with Chinese characteristics, we can use Pinyin for the purposes of promoting Chinese culture. For example:Deep fried twisted dough stick(油条一Youtiao)Dumpli ng stuffed with vegetable and meat filli

13、ngs(饺子一Jiaozi)Dumpli ngs made of sticky rice flour served in soup(汤圆一Tan gyua n)Steameddumplings with pork and sticky rice filling(烧卖一Shaomai)2.2In allusion named Chinese dishesChina is known its place, beautiful scenery, talented. Many well-known dishes are named because of allusion, which occupy a

14、 large proportion. As for this type translation, we should combine the English and Chinese culture with caution. For example:Assorted meat and vegetables cooked in ember佛跳墙)Beijing roast duck(北京烤鸭)Zhenjiang fragranee pork(镇江肴肉)Guan gzhou stewed chicke n (广州清平鸡)2.3 With good things or image scene nam

15、ed Chinese dishesSome Chinese dishes need to be remained the better image and flavor. For example:Stir-fried shrimps with jade(翡翠虾仁)Stewed mushrooms stuffed with white fungus雪积银钟)2.4In medicinal food named Chinese dishesMedicinal food is unique in Chinese dishes. It base on Chinese medicine theory,

16、which has a good effect on health. For example:Stewed chicke n with herbswith the fun ctio n of preve nti ng dizz in ess and curi ng headache天麻炖山鸡)White fungus and shelled longyan soup-with the function of improving lungs and preve nti ng an emia (雪耳龙眼汤)Fried slices pigs'kidney with encomiawith

17、the function of tonic( 杜仲腰花片 )2.5 OthersApart from the above, there are many naming. Many dishes are named cooking method and main ingredient. There are many examples of error:Bagger'schicken (叫花鸡 )Husband and wife'slungs lice (夫妻肺片 )Four glad meat balls (四喜丸子 )Chicken without sexual life (童

18、子鸡)Government abuse chicken 宫( 保鸡丁 )Fried lio n 'head (红烧狮子头)Stewed Meatball with Brown Sauce is a famous dish. But some people translate into Fried lion's head. What have you imaged if you are a foreigner when you see the name? As a king in the forest, if the lion is cooked in this way and

19、appeared on the table, we will of course think China is a rule country. In fact, it is a traditional Chinese dish, which is famous for its head. The lion is the symbol of good wishes. If we translate like that, we must be laughed.3 How to translate effectivelyTranslation of Chinese Dishes must consi

20、der its geography, history and other cultural factors. When we translate the Chinese dishes, we should strive to follow the following principles, and note the flexible use of relevant translation method.3.1 Principle translation3.1.1 Transliteration principleMany Chinese dishes have been accepted an

21、d remembered by foreign friends. For example: Tofu, Baozi, Jiaozi. So we could use Chinese pinyin to translate.3.1.2 Avoid the principle of virtual to realChinese dishes pursuit lucky, wealthy and artistic conception of poetic, so many dish names are just glossy. In order to let foreigners understan

22、d the Chinese dishes, we must abandon fictional words and translate the Chinese dish names into simple functional names.3.2Methods of translationChinese dishes translation can be divided into realistic translation (reflecting the content and features dishes) and freehand translation (reflecting the

23、profound meaning of dishes)3.1.1 Realistic translationRealistic translation is a kind of translation to the means of food production, names of food materials and shape of food materials. In short, it is translating the food production materials, cooking methods and morphology of straightforward. And

24、 then based on correct grammar, we combine the words to English dishes. It is easy to understand the content of Chinese dishes for foreigners. For example: Stewed slices pork with bean curd. Stew describes methods of cooking. Slices pork describes the cooking ingredient. 3.1.2Freehand translationFre

25、ehand translation reflects to the profound meaning of dish names. Many Chinese dish names are based on the color, smell, cooking methods, cultural background and open the door of appetite. For example: steamed bean curd and minced fish (the whole family is well)4 ConclusionChinese dishes are known t

26、o all and attracting guests.China has a vast territory of 9.6 million square kilometers with 56 nations. Because of the differences of natural geography,climate conditions, resource specialties and eating habits, Chinese dishes are divided into eight cuisines. They are Lu,Sichuan, Guangdong, Fujian,

27、 Zhejiang, Hunan and Anhui.Su, Zhejiang cuisines like a beautiful girl in South.Shandong and Anhui like Man in north. Guangdong and Fujian dishes like a romantic and elegant son. Sichuan and Hunan dishes like an enriched, talent and skilled celebrity. Eight cuisines in China have their own feature.

28、Eventhe same materials, the practices of food are different.Enjoying Chinese food, it is good for keeping health, enjoying the color, aroma, taste and appearance.Meanwhile, we can have a good knowledge of history,amorous feelings and tradition of China.From the above, the translation of menu dishes

29、considers the basic function and purpose of the menu and the transmission of culture. Even though, there are still many problems in translation of Chinese dishes. For example: the confusion of translation methods, vague senseand misunderstanding caused by cultural differences. However, with this awa

30、reness,we follow the translation principles and methods in translation. Chinese dishes translation provide an effective guide for people,and satisfy the main purposes of profit of carting industry.It also realizes the customersd'emand of tasting the cuisine. Objectively,it effectively serves the

31、 development of the carting industry and the transmission of the Chinese cuisine culture and historical culture.Bibliography1 Paul Pearsal1 The New Oxford Dictionary of EnglishM Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001: l1572 Nord ,ChristianeTranslating as a Purposeful Activity Func

32、tionalist Approach es ExplainedM Shanghai Education Press,2006:323 Eugene A Nida ,language, Culture and TranslatingM Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign L anguage Education Press, 1093: 1104 周湘萍。中西饮食文化差异与中餐菜单的英译J-j 北方论丛, 2003,178(2):1071105 萧帆。中国烹饪辞典 M 北京:中国商业出版社。 1992: 14注意: 参考文献应是 10 项以上 : 其中一半以上为英文文献 , 英文文献在前 ,中文文献在后 ,以 A-Z 字母顺序排序。文献类别以教务处网 页上提供的为准。


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