2010年高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic 课件 北师大版必修3.ppt

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《2010年高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic 课件 北师大版必修3.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2010年高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic 课件 北师大版必修3.ppt(30页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 4Journey to the Antarctic,land: 14 million sq km (280,000 sq km ice-free, 13.72 million sq km ice-covered) note: fifth-largest continent, following Asia, Africa, North America, and South America, but larger than Australia and the subcontinent(次大陆) of Europe,Location: continent mostly south of

2、 the Antarctic Circle,Geography:the coldest, windiest, highest (on average), and driest continent; during summer, more solar radiation(辐射线) reaches the surface at the South Pole than is received at the Equator(赤道) ; mostly uninhabitable(不适于居住的 ),penguin,seal,salangane 海燕,exploration,Roald Amundsen,

3、born in 1872 near Oslo, Norway, left his mark as one of the most successful polar explorers ever born. On December 14th 1911, he stood victoriously(胜利地) at the South Pole. He reached a goal that was the dream of many men. For the first time, human voices broke the awesome(可怕的) silence of the worlds

4、southernmost(最南的) point.,Robert Falcon Scott was born at Outlands on June 6, 1868. He had a race with Roald Amunsden to the South Pole, and he and his four companions(同伴) arrived one month later thanScott. But unfortunately,on their way back, all of them died of hunger and extremely cold.,L to R: Wi

5、lson, Evans, Scott, Oates and Bowers,Task 1 Fast readingRead the text quickly and find the answers to these questions.1. Which Pole did they race to? 2. When did they go?3. Who reached the Pole first?,The South pole.,1910-1911.,Amundsen,Task 2: Careful reading:(A) Read the text carefully and choose

6、True or False.,1. Scott and Amundsen started their journeys in the polar spring.2. Scotts use of sledges and horses was a success.3. Amundsen travelled more quickly than Scott.4. When they got to the Pole, Scotts team had a celebration.5. Captain Oates went for a walk and died in a storm.6. Scotts l

7、ast letter was to his wife.,( T ),( F ),( F ),( T),( T ),( T ),( B ) Answer these questions according to the text.1. Why did Amundsen succeed and Scott fail?2. What did Scotts team achieve?,Amundsen succeeded because he made rapid progress because he had teams of dogs pulling the sledges and his men

8、 were on skis.,They reached the Pole although they didnt win the race and they became heroes because of their courage. They collected rocks that proved Antarctica had once been covered by plants.,3. Why did Scott and his men become heroes?4. How did you feel after you read the story?,They became her

9、oes because although they died on the return journey, they showed extraordinary courage all the time.,Language points of the text,1.Then he prepared for the return journey.prepare for 为而准备Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.Please prepare a table for dinner.We must prepare the room for the m

10、eeting. 我们必须为会议准备好房间。,both teams organised food bases in preparation for their journeys the next year.preparation n. You cannot pass an examination without preparation. 你不准备就不可能通过考试。 in preparation for getting ready for something为作准备He packed his bags in preparation for the journey. 他打好提包,为旅行作准备。 in

11、 preparation 在准备中 The book is still in preparation. 书仍在编写中。,2.Because of this, he made rapid progress. progress n. moving forward 前进 make progress in/with sth. progress n. getting better 进步;进展 He made no progress in learning to write. 他在学习写作方面没有进步。 Are you making any progress with your study?Have yo

12、u made rapid progress since you entered school? 进学校以来你进步快吗?,3. break down go wrong and stop working出毛病;不运转 The machine broke down. 机器坏了。 Then the car I was in broke down. 这时我乘坐的汽车坏了。 stop; pause 中断 The conversation broke down at this point. 这时候谈话中断了。,break in 蹩脚英语break in on/upon 非法进入,强行进入break out

13、使人心碎break ones heart 爆发,突然讲出broken English 打搅,使停顿,4. The next to go was Caption Oats, who was having great difficulty walking. have difficulty/problem with sth. have difficulty/problem (in) doing sth. I dont have much difficulty with English grammar.I once asked him if he had any difficulty in keepi

14、ng five children in school. 有一次我问他供五个孩子上学是否有什么困难。 I had a great deal of difficulty in reading the text.,5. spend sb. spend on sth. sb. spend (in) doing sth.e.g. He doesnt spend much time on his homework. He spent much time correcting my grammar.,6. He had failed to win the race to the Pole, .fail vi

15、. 失败e.g. All our plans failed.fail in sth. 在不足,在失败.e.g. He has failed in his mathematics. She failed in her last English exam.fail to do sth. 没有能够,没有e.g. He fails to understand its real significance. When I failed to find you ,I sent you a note by messenger(通信员).,7.The men were soon exhausted and we

16、re running out of food. be exhausted (by/with /from)adj. 因而疲惫的,筋疲力竭的 We were exhausted by the climb up the hill. 我们因爬上那座小山而筋疲力竭。 We were felt quite exhausted with the toil. 我们因那件辛苦的工作而感到十分疲惫。,run out of= be used up, finished 用完, 耗尽The petrol is running out./We are running out of petrol. 汽油快用光了我们的汽油快

17、用光了. Our time is running out./We are running out of time. 我们剩下的时间不多了.run out失效, 过期My passport has run out. 我的护照已失效.The lease on our flat runs out in a few months. 我们公寓的租约还有几个月就到期了.,But the extraordinary courage shown by Captain Scott and his men made them into heroes.Show courage 表现勇敢,表现勇气/胆识He show

18、ed great courage in battle. 他在战斗中表现得十分勇敢.Trevor showed great courage when he saved the child from the burning house. 特里弗在烈火中把孩子从屋里抢救出来时表现得非常英勇。 lose courage 失去勇气 recover (=regain) courage 恢复勇气 summon up courage 一鼓作气,拉雪橇 pull the sledge 推雪橇 push the sledge 过去;曾经 at one time 失去目标 lose the goal 抽时间 fin

19、d time 筋疲力竭 be exhausted 在遥远的过去 in the distant past 生病 have a disease 继续;进行;经营 carry on 开始,进行 be on 遇到麻烦 have problems 走向死亡 walk to ones death 勇敢者的举动 the act of a brave man 使某人成为英雄 make sb into a hero 赢得南极的比赛 win the race to the pole 以结束生命 meet the end with,Match Column A with Column B.,sledge break

20、 down run out of ambition hopeless cheerful distant carry on within shocked,stop functioning without hope inside equipment used for moving on snow continue extremely surprised happy far away something you want to achieve having nothing left,A,B,Revise the text and the words. Do Ex.6 on Page 29.,.Homework,


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