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1、Period Three TaskPart One Language Focus1. King Henry VH was a poet who showed great concem for language.本讲栏目开关国王亨利七世是一位对语言表现出极大热爱的诗人。 归纳拓展concern W.涉及,与有关;关心;从事;担心(用被动语态);"忧虑;关心;关系concern oneself with/in.关心;从事as (so) far as>.be concerned 就而言feel (no) concern about/for(不)关心/担心have (no) conce

2、rn with/in与有(无)关系本讲栏目开关be concerned about/for 担心,: concerning prep关于; 涉及:涉及;关注;关切挂念语境助记(l) He showed his concem for my future.他对我的前途很关心。(2) This matter concerns all of us.这件事情跟我们大家都有关系。(3) He doesn' t concem himself with politics.他不关心政治。题组训练(1) As far as English is concerned, he is the first in

3、our class.就英语而言,他是我们班第一。thecompany.(2)1 have no concern with本讲栏目开关我与该公司无任何关系。(3)The story that followsAtwo famous characters of theRocky Mountain gold rush days.B statesID relatesA concernsC. ties解析concern意为“涉及,与有关”。句意为:下面这个故事涉及落基山淘金时期的两位名人。relate后面须跟 有介词tOo2. When you are late for a small meeting,

4、there is no need to saysorry当你在一次小会议迟到时,没有必要说“抱歉”本 讲 栏关归纳拓展There is no need (for sb.) to do sth(某人)没必要做某事该句式中need为不可数名词,可用介词短语或不定式作定 语,主要构成句式:Sb.has need for/to do.; There is a (great,etc.) need fon.; There is a (great, etc.) need for sb.to do。no也可以被some,any, (not) much, little 等词替换。表示“(对某人来说)做是(没)有

5、必要的”还可用:It is (not) necessary (for sb.) to do 其中 necessary 不能以人作主语。本讲栏目开关语境助记(1 )Is there anv need to explain further ? = Is theie anv need for further explanation?有必要更进一步说明吗?(2) It is not necessary for vou to visit the school.你没必要参观那个学校。(3) There is no need for you to wait.你没有必要等。题组训练(1) There is n

6、o need to worry at all.根本没有必要担心。本讲栏目开关(2) There is . no need for alarm.没有必要惊慌。(3) is no need for you to do the housework now. I wantto do it at the weekend.A. ItB. There C . That D. This3. She is making fun of you and trying to embairass you into trying harden她在跟你开玩笑,想通过使你觉得尴尬而促使你更加努力。本 讲 栏关embarras

7、s W使尴尬,使难堪归纳拓展embarrass sb.into doing sth令某人尴尬而促使其做某事 embarrassing。妙令人为难的embarrassed仇伉感到难堪的;尴尬的 embarrassment n.困窘,尴尬 to one' s embarrassment令某人尴尬的是语境助记(l)Are you trying to embairass me?你是想让我难堪吗?本讲栏目开关(2)rve never felt so embarrassed in my life!我一生中从未感到如此难堪过!(3)His face was mottled red and white

8、 with embairassment.他窘迫得脸红一块白一块。题组训练用embarrass的适当形式填空本讲栏目开关(1) His face took on an embarrassed smile when he heard the result of the competition.(2) My most embarrassing moment was trying to introduce a woman whose name I couldn,t remember(3) 1 didn t want to embarrass her in front of her friends.(4

9、) She suffered extreme embarrassmentat not knowing howto read.The information can be accessed on the Internet.这些信息可以从网上得到归纳拓展本讲栏目开关access vt.到达;进入;使用;存恥接近;使用权通路;进入;have/get/gain/obtain access to 获得进入的机会/权力;可以进入;可以使用give access to准许进入语境助记(l) Students may have free access to the library.学生们可以免费使用这个图书馆

10、。(2) The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. 要到那农舍去唯有穿过田地。(3) She accessed three different files to find the information.她存取了三个不同的文件以找寻正确的信息。题组训练(1) You need a password to get access to the computer system. 你需要一个口令才能使用这个计算机系统。本讲栏目开关(2) Many divorced fathers only have access to their c

11、hildren at weekends.很多离婚的父亲只有在周末才有权见自己的孩子。(3) The new library building offers easyCto wheelchairusers.A. solutionB. methodC. accessD way解析 句意为:新图书馆楼为轮椅使用者提供了便捷的通 道。access通道,通路;solution解决办法;method方法; way道路,方法。5. For example, when we disagree, it is much better to sayT m sorry, but I think you may be

12、mistaken, ratherthan ' You' re wrong!'例如,当我们不同意对方观点时,向对方说"对不起,我想 你可能误会了”,而不是说,“你错了!”归纳拓展mistaken a妙错误的;误解的mistake n.错误的行为(看法、陈述),误会;e.弄错,误会, 误解by mistake错误地(并非故意)make a mistake犯错误,搞错了mistake sb./sth.for sb./sth.把某人/某物误认为某人/某物本讲栏目开关语境助记(1) 1 thought I saw her at the movies but I gues

13、s I was mistaken.我以为我在电影院看到了她,但我想我弄错了。(2) 1 think you,ve made a mistakethis isn,t my coat.我想你弄错了,这不是我的大衣。(3) 1 think you must be mistaking me for someone else.我想你准把我错认成其他人了 O本讲栏目开关题组训练(1) You 竺 mistaken in thinking that they will help you.你要是以为他们会帮你,你就错了。(2) She is often mistaken for a famous singer

14、.她常常被误认为是个著名歌手。(3) 1 got on the wrong bus by mistake 我搭错了公共汽车。本讲栏目开关(4) 1 think you are completely _2Jane.A mistaking forB. mistook forC. mistaken aboutD mistook by解析 be mistaken about sb.误解某人。句意为:我想你完全 误解简了。B项和D项都须改为mistaken,分别表示“你被 误当作简了”和“你被简完全误解了” Oconclude from 从中得出;推断6e本讲栏目开关In conclusion, we

15、need to know the customs of a country so that we do not make others embarrassed or annoyed.总之,我们需要了解一个国家的风俗,以便我们不会让别人 尴尬或烦恼。归纳拓展in conclusion 最后,总之conclusion n.结论;推论;结束;结尾arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论make a conclusion 下结论conclude by/with 以结束语境助记(l)We came to the conclusion that the

16、room must have been本讲栏目开关我们得到的结论是,那个房间当时是空着的。empty.(2)Everyone clapped at the conclusion of his speech. 他的演讲结束时每个人都鼓掌。(3)These are the report s main conclusion.这些就是这份报告的主要结论。本讲栏目开关题组训练(1)From these facts we can draw some conclusions(得出一亠些结论)about how the pyramids were built.(2)After the talk, they d

17、idnt come to any conclusion(没得出任何结论). In contusion(最后),I would like to say how much I haveenjoyed myself today.本讲栏目开关(4)Don t A _ ust being late doesn' t mean they' vehad an accident!A jump to conclusionsB. draw a conclusionC come to a conclusionD. reach the conclusion解析 句意为:不要轻易下结论只是晚了并不意味着

18、他们 出事了 ! jump to conclusions草率下结论,匆忙下结论;B、C、 D三项均不符合语境。Part TwoWntiiig写作目标写一篇调查报告 常用句式本讲栏目开关1 Recently, a survey has been done to find out2. In this survey we found out that3. According to the chart/diagram, 4 It will bring about unfavorable influence on5 It may result in a number of problems.6. In

19、my opinion, measures should be taken to prevent it fromhappening again.典例展示下列图表是对某校高三学生高考志愿(选择专业和学校)的本讲栏目开关己的观点。注意:开头已给出。调査结果。请给一家英语报社写一篇简要的报道,并说说你自联想词汇1.为根据2.通向,导致3.被迫做4.另外5.听从的建议6.发现做某事很难be based onlead tobe obliged to doin additionfollow one's advicefind it difficult to do sth.范文展示The above g

20、raph is the result of a survey which shows thedifferent opinions of the senior three graduating students of the school on how to choose their majors and universities.About 35 % of the students insist that the choice should be based on their own interest.They say interest is the way leading to succes

21、s.They think it a miserable thing to be obliged to study what they have no interest in.本讲栏目开关About 45% of the students, however, consider it is the need of the society that matters a lot, for they say it will help them find the job they like best.In addition interest can be developed and changed.Int

22、erestingly, there are about 20% of the students who find it so difficult to make a choice that they prefer to follow the advice offered by their parents and teachers.In my opinion , interest is the most important of all.Without interest you can' t study the subject very well and may have more difficulties with your career.


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