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1、专题限时检测 (二 ) 短语辨析(共 3组,限时 20 分钟)模拟题组一 1. (2018 南京三模)一Can you put meabout the World Cup Football Match?Sorry. I myself know nothing about it.A in the airB on the moveC in the pictureD on the spot解析:选 C 句意:“你能给我讲讲世界杯吗? ”“不好意思, 我自己也不太清楚。 ”inthe picture "知道详情,熟悉一切”,符合语境。in the air "悬而未决” ;on th

2、e move "在 移动中 ” ; on the spot“ 当场,立刻 ” 。2. (2018 苏、锡、常、镇三模 )一Does Jack still hang about every day?No, he has mended his ways. After his father died, he set his hand to his business and has already put it .A in orderC in effectB in chaos D in store不,他现在改过自新put . in order解析: 选 A 句意: “ Jack 现在还一天到

3、晚在外面乱晃吗?了。自从他爸爸去世之后,他着手处理生意,并且打理得有条不紊。打理得井井有条 ” ,符合语境。in chaos“ 混乱中 ” ;in effect“ 实际上 ” ; instore“ 储备着,贮藏着 ” 。3. (2018 通、泰、淮、连、扬、徐、宿三模)The new system introduced last month is notworking very effectively professional training.A in place ofB in case ofC in terms ofD in defense of解析:选 C 句意:这个上个月新发布的系统在

4、专业培训方面,效果不是十分理想。interms of "在方面”,符合语境。in place of “ 代替 ” ;in case of "以防万一 ” ;in defenseof “为辩护,为保证”。4. (2018 盐城三模)Many graduates aren ' t prepared for what the future haswhen they come out of school.A. in demandB. at easeC. at lengthD. in storein解析: 选 D 句意:许多毕业生离开学校的时候,对未来的发展并没有做好准备。X

5、“宀; at ease“ 安store"储备着,贮藏着;将要发生,就要出现”,符合语境。in demand "需要” 逸” ; at length“ 最后;详尽地 ” 。5. (2018金陵中学、海安高级中学、南京外国语学校四模 )一Did you hear about the company' s second quarter loss?一 Almost everyone knows it. Rumor has it that the company will lay off 25,000 employees .A. under its umbrellaB. in

6、 its wakeC. beyond its meansD. to its knowledge解析:选 B 句意: “你听说公司第二季度亏损了吗? ” “几乎每个人都知道。 谣传公 司随后将解雇25 000名员工。” in its wake "随之后而来;尾随”,符合语境。under itsumbrella “ 在它的保护之下 ” ; beyond its means“ 入不敷出 ” ; to one' s knowledge“ 就某 人所知 ” 。6. (2018 南通、泰州一模)Schools in our city provide a variety of option

7、al classes to students of different levels.A. cater toB. switch toC. object toD. submit to解析: 选 A 句意: 我们城市的学校为了迎合不同水平学生的需要提供了各种各样的选修课。 cater to 意为 “ 满足需要,迎合 ” ,符合语境。 switch to“ 切换到,转到,转变成 ” ; object to“ 反对,不赞成 ” ; submit to“ 提交,顺从,屈服 ” 。7. (2018 南京、盐城、连云港二模)When will youtravelling?一 Maybe next week.

8、A. go in forB. get around toC. look forward toD. hold on to解析: 选 B 句意: “你什么时候会放下手中的事情去旅游? ”“ 也许下周吧。 ” get around to“ 设法找到足够的时间去做某事 ” ,符合语境。 go in for“ 参加,从事 ” ; look forward to “ 期望,盼望 ” ; hold on to“ 坚持,不放弃 ” 。8. (2018 苏、锡、常、镇二模)Cells are important because they are organized structuresthat help liv

9、ing things the activities of life.A. carry onB. expand onC. put onD. hang on解析:选 A 句意:细胞是十分重要的, 因为它们是帮助生物进行生命活动的组织器官。carry on "进行”,符合语境。 expand on "拓展” ;put on "穿上” ;hang on "坚持”。9. (2018 通、泰、扬、徐、淮、宿二模)Chinese people are sparing no effort tothe well-being of the nation, believing

10、 happiness is achieved through hard work. A. take charge ofB. take notice ofC. make sacrifices forD. make allowances for解析:选 C 句意:中国人民正在不遗余力地为国家的福祉作出牺牲, 相信幸福是通过艰苦的劳动来实现的。make sacrifices for "为做出牺牲”,符合语境。take chargeof“ 负责 ” ; take notice of“ 注意到 ” ; make allowances for“ 考虑到 ” 。10. (2018 苏、锡、常、镇三

11、模 )It' s reported that in many countries there are rescuecenters for girls who are forced into early marriages, and boys who to look afterfarm animals.A. drop inB. drop awayC. drop offD. drop out解析:选 D 句意:据报道, 在很多国家有许多为了帮助那些被强迫早婚的女孩或者那些因为要照料农场牲畜而辍学的男孩而建造的救助中心。 drop out “辍学”,符合语境。dropin“ 投入;顺便拜访

12、” ; drop away“ 减少,下降 ” ; drop off “使下车,减少 ” 。11. (2018 通、泰、淮、连、扬、徐、宿三模)Varieties of magazines and research papersare with the aim of feeding readers' appetite for specific knowledge.A. put outB. made outC. laid outD. taken out解析: 选 A 句意:多种杂志和研究论文被出版,旨在满足读者对专业知识的需求。put out “扑灭;生产;出版”,符合语境。make ou

13、t “理解,辨认出”;lay out “展示;设计;安排;陈设”;take out “取出,除去;拔掉;把 带出去”。12. (2018 盐城三模)1 sent in my application three weeks ago and they ' re probably notgoing to call me back. I ' m still h o p e, though.A. holding outB. working outC. figuring outD. setting out解析:选 A 句意:我三周前就把申请表寄出去了,他们可能不会给我回电话了。尽管算出;锻

14、炼” ;figure out "想出,解决;计算出;弄明白 ” ;set out “出发;着手”。13. (2018 南京三模)We watched the harbour and then the coastlineinto themorning mist.A. turn awayB. fade awayC. wear awayD. break away解析:选 B 句意:我们看着港口, 接着海岸线消失在早晨的雾霭之中。 fade away “消失”,符合语境。turn away "转过脸去;拒绝(某人)”;wear away "磨损” ;break away

15、"脱离;打破 ” 。14. (2018 江苏调研一)Nowadays many people will be all at sea without smartphones,which, in a sense, have their life.A. taken onB. taken inC. taken overD. taken away解析: 选 C 句意:如今很多人没有智能手机就会感到不知所措,从某种意义上来说,智能手机已经控制了他们的生活。根据句意可知,take over "接管,取得对的控制”符合语境。 take on“ 承担;呈现 ”; take in “ 吸收,理

16、解 ” ; take away“ 带走 ” 。15. (2018金陵中学、海安高级中学、 南京外国语学校四模 )一There seems to be no hopeof ever getting the money back from Harry. I think you have to his debt.一 Given his great loss in the crisis, I am afraid there is no better way.A. let offB. write offC. work offD. mark off解析:选 B 前句句意: 从哈利那边要回钱好像希望不大。

17、我认为你不得不注销他的债务。write off "注销,毁掉”,符合语境。let off"释放”;work off “(通过消耗体力)宣泄(愤怒),释放(精力),排解(压力);用工作偿还(债务)” ;mark off “(用线)画出,圈出”。模拟题组二 1. (2017 苏、锡、常、镇高三三模)individual players, we have a great team butthe problem is that they don ' t play football together well at all.A On top ofB By means ofC

18、In terms ofD In case of解析:选 C 句意:就运动员个人而言, 我们有一支很优秀的球队,可问题是他们在一起合作踢足球时却根本踢不好。in terms of “在方面,就而言”,符合语境。on topof “此外;在上面” ;by means of "依靠方法” ;in case of "如果,假使 ”2. (2017 连云港、宿迁、徐州高三三模)Any reform of the government should be the popular mood and times.A. in tune withB. in preference toC. in

19、 light ofD. in terms of解析: 选 A 句意:政府的任何改革都应该与主流想法和时代潮流一致。in tunewith "与一致”,符合语境。in preference to "优先于” ;in light of "根据,鉴于,从的观点”;in terms of “在方面,依据”。3. (2017 苏州高三一模 )Invest in yourself and hold on to your dreams. , staywith those who will encourage you to go on forward all the way.A.

20、 In factB. In contrastC. In briefD. In addition解析:选 D 句意:在你自己身上投资并坚持你的梦想。 此外,和那些一路上鼓励你继续前行的人待在一起。根据句意,要用 in addition “ 另外,此外 ” 。 in fact“ 事实上 ” ; in contrast与此相反,比较起来 ” ;in brief "简单地说,简言之”。4. (2017 苏州高三一模)speed and flexibility, China ' s antiship missile CM302also has greater destructive p

21、ower than others in the market.A. On the contrary toB. Apart fromC. On behalf ofD. Little more than解析: 选 B 句意:除了速度和灵活性之外,中国的反舰导弹 CM302 也比市场上其他的反舰导弹有更大的破坏力。根据句意,此处表示"除了之外(还)”,故要用apart from。on the contrary "正相反”,后不加 to; on behalf of "代替,代表 ” ;little more than "仅仅是,几乎和一样”。5. (2017 常

22、州高三一模) what many people think, HIV cannot be spreadthrough mosquitoes, a cough or sneeze, or by merely touching someone with Aids.A. Based onB. Contrary toC. Apart fromD. Regardless of解析: 选 B 句意:与许多人的看法相反, HIV( 艾滋病毒 )无法通过蚊子、咳嗽、喷嚏或通过仅仅触碰某个艾滋病患者传播。contrary to "与相反”,符合语境。base on"基于,以 为根据 ” ;

23、apart from “ 除 之外 ” ; regardless of“ 不顾,不管 ”6. (2017 南通、泰州一模)一You stayed up late again last night? Yes. I had to the time lost last week.A. count onB. appeal toC. take awayD. make up解析:选 D 句意: “昨天晚上你又熬夜啦? ”“是的,我必须把上周失去的时间补回来。” make up意为"弥补”,符合语境。count on "指望,依靠” ;appeal to "向呼吁,对有吸引力”

24、 ;take away "拿走,带走;使消失”。7. (2017 南京高三三模)一I got beaten in the first round in the contest. I am feeling depressed.Cheer up! You have toyourselfto have the last laugh.A. open; upB. pick; upC. knock; upD. do; up解析:选 B 句意:“我在竞赛的第一轮被打败了。我感到很沮丧。 ” “振作起来!你 必须振作起来以获得最后的胜利。” pick oneself up"(跌倒后)站起来

25、,振作起来”。8. (2017 苏、锡、常、镇高三三模)0wing to the Chinese Poetry Conference, publicationson classical Chinese literature are a significant share of storage space at thebookstore.A. taking upB. dividing upC. breaking upD. putting up解析:选 A 句意:由于中国诗词大会 (的推动 ),中国古典文学出版物在书店的储存空间中占据了重要的份额。 take up "占据(空间、时间)”

26、,符合语境。divide up "分开, 分裂”;break up "分解,散开”;put up "举起;张贴;建立”。9. (2017 连云港、宿迁、徐州高三三模)The British government published an officialpolicy document its plans to bring the UK out of the European Union.A. letting outB. putting outC. setting outD. working out解析: 选 C 句意:英国政府发布了一个官方的政策文件,阐明其脱欧的

27、计划。setout "陈述,阐明,提出”,符合语境。let out "发出,放走,泄露(秘密)” ;put out "熄灭”; work out "解决,算出;制定出;锻炼 ”。10. (2017 南京、盐城一模)Facebook has recentlya string of Facebook groups committed to illegally sharing copyrighted music.C catch onD spring upA. in charge ofB. in defence ofC kept up withD got awa

28、y with解析: 选 A 句意:脸谱网最近严厉打击了一批从事非法分享版权音乐的脸谱网群体。crack down on "严厉打击,镇压”,符合语境。fall back on "求助于,转而依靠” ;keep upwith“ 跟上,赶上 ” ; get away with“ 应付过去, (做错事而 ) 不受惩罚 ” 。11. (2017 南京、盐城一模)一I regret to tell you that the council did notourplan.一 Oh, what a shame!A. smile onB.C. see throughD.解析: 选 A 句意

29、:“ 我很遗憾地告诉你,真可惜!” smile on "垂青,对 青睐”through “看穿;帮助某人 (渡过难关 )” ;12. (2017无锡高三一模 faster than butter A. lives up toC. comes down to解析:选 Cconcentrate onlive through我们的计划没有受到委员会的青睐。 ”“ 噢,符合语境。 concentrate on“ 集中 ” ; seelive through "经历”。)The expert points out the phenomenon that cream goes bad

30、its structure rather than its chemical composition.B. gets down toD. stands up to句意:该专家指出奶油比黄油更快变质的现象归结为其结构而不是其化学成分。根据句意可知,come down to "归结为”符合语境。live up to "不辜负,达到(预期 的标准 )” ; get down to “着手处理 ”; stand up to“ 经得起 ”。13. (2017 苏州高三一模)I think the experiment supports my theory, but I need to

31、 the results a couple of times to make sure that no mistakes were made while collecting the data.A. get overB. take overC. hand overD. go over解析:选 D 句意:我认为这项实验支持我的理论, 但是我需要多次仔细检查这些结果 来确保在收集数据时没有犯任何错误。表示 “检查,仔细检查 ” 要用 go over。 get over“ 克 服,恢复,越过 ” ; take over“ 接收,接管 ”; hand over“ 交出,移交 ”。14. (2017 徐

32、州高三一模)If you want to go further in the new sport, the best way is to a n d practise more frequently.解析:选 A 句意:在这项新的体育运动中如果你想走得更远, 最好的方法就是热切地 去做并不断地练习。dive in "热切地开始做某事”,符合语境。drop out "退出,退学”; catch on“ 理解,明白;变得流行 ” ;spring up “迅速出现,突然兴起 ” 。15. (2017 苏北四市高三一模 )一John, I think honesty is the

33、best policy for my coming interview.一 Well, that rule everyone. But be flexible then.A. caters toB. appeals toC. applies toD. objects to解析:选 C 句意: “约翰, 我认为在我接下来的面试中, 诚实是最好的原则。 ”“ 嗯, 这个原则适用于每一个人。不过到时候也要灵活变通。” apply to “适用于”,符合语境。cater to “迎合” ;appeal to “对有吸引力 ” ;object to “ 反对”。押题题组 1 . We' d vi

34、sited the village without warning and selected our interview subjects , so that we would get the real data.A. beyond descriptionB. in particularC. by accidentD. at random解析:选 D 句意:我们在没有预约的情况下拜访这个村子, 随机选择采访对象, 以便 得到真实的数据。at random “随便地,任意地”,符合语境。beyond description “无法形 容,难以形容 ” ; in particular “ 尤其,特

35、别 ” ; by accident“ 偶然地,意外地 ” 。2. a l l the work you ' re putting in, remember that you ' re probably growing roots not fruit.A. For fear ofB. Apart fromC. Regardless ofD. In spite of解析: 选 D 句意:尽管你投入了所有的努力,但记住你很可能播了种而不会有收获。in spite of “尽管”,符合语境。for fear of “唯恐,以免” ;apart from “除了 之外(还有 )” ; r

36、egardless of“ 不管,不顾 ” 。3. Pingyao has been listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO its conservedancient city layout.这是对它保存完好的古C in search ofD in recognition of解析:选 D 句意:平遥被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产地,代城市布局的认可。 in recognition of“ 认可,承认 ” ,符合语境。 in charge of “负责,管 理” ;in defence of “为辩护,保护 ” ;in search of "

37、;搜查”。4The life you live will expand or shrink the measure of courage you display.A in proportion toB in place ofC in competition withD in return for解析: 选 A 句意:你的人生是开阔还是狭窄与你展示的勇气的程度相一致。inproportion to 意为"与 相称”,符合语境。 in place of “ 代替 ” ;in competition with "与竞争” ;in return for "作为的回报”。5

38、Hopefully, the new method will be effective, helping students to get their career plansA at handB at willC on trialD on track解析: 选 D 句意:但愿新方法能够奏效,帮助学生让他们的职业规划走上正轨。ontrack "走上正轨”,符合语境。at hand "接近” ;at will随心所欲,任意” ;on trial “在 试验中 ” 。6If you manage to survive the crisis, think about how it

39、will help you newchallenges.A give upB take upC hold upD put up解析: 选 B 句意:如果你能成功渡过这次危机,想想它将如何帮助你接受新的挑战。take up意为"开始从事;接受”,符合语境。give up放弃” ;hold up "阻止” ;put up "举 起;张贴 ” 。7Roger trained hard for the tournament for months, but unfortunately he had to due to a knee injury.A pull outBwor

40、k outC try outD give out解析:选A句意:Roger为了锦标赛努力训练了几个月,可不幸的是由于膝盖受伤他; try不得不退出。 pull out 意为 “ (使)撤离,退出 ” ,符合语境。 work out “ 解决;锻炼out“ 试行,试用,试验;参加选拔; give out“ 用完8 Teenage girl Wu Yishu won the final round ofChinese Poetry Conference' s secondseason, from 100 poetry enthusiasts.A working outB dropping

41、outC checking outD standing out解析: 选 D 句意:参加第二季 中国诗词大会 的少女武亦姝从 100 个诗词爱好者中脱颖而出,赢得了决赛。stand out"突出,显眼”,符合语境。work out "锻炼”;drop out "退出” ; check out“ 结账离开 ” 。9The Palace of Versailles, France ' s national treasure, has many changes inits centuries-long history while keeping its beau

42、ty.A gone throughB taken onC led toD showed off解析:选 A 句意:凡尔赛宫是法国的国宝, 于数个世纪的历史中在保持其美感的同时也历经了许多变化。go through "经历”,符合语境。take on "呈现出,承担” ;lead to "通 向,导致”;show off “炫耀”。10When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow the best inourselves.A bring outBtake outC put onDturn on解析:选 A 句意:当我们寻找别人身上的优点时,在某种程度上,我们会使自身的优点显现出来。bring out意为"使显现出来”,与从句中的 discover the best in others相对应。bring out the best in ourselves表示"使自身的优点显现出来


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