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1、状语从句定义:在复合句中由从句表示的状语称作状语从句,它可以用 来修饰谓语(包括非谓语动词)、定语、状语或整个句 子。分类:状语从句根据它表达的意思不同,可分为时间、地点、 原因、目的、结果、条件、方式、比较、让步九类。时间状语从句常用连接词:when, while, as, before, after, since, once, until, as soon as, every time, each time, the moment, by the time, immediately, the minute, the second.l. when1)当时表示时间点时,从句中用短暂性动词;表示

2、时间段时,从句中用延续性动词。When they were still talking and laughing, the teacher came in. 当他们还在说笑的时候,老师进来了。(时间段)He waved a hello when he saw he匚当他看见她的时候,就挥手打了个招呼。(时间点) 温馨提示:第一个句子中的when可以用while替换,但是第 二个句子的when不可以。2)正在这时常用句型:be doing.when.正在干某事这时be about to do.when.即将干某事这时had done when.刚一这时He was about to go to

3、bed when the doorbell rang 他正要上床睡觉,忽然门铃响了。I I iThey were watching the World Cup when suddenly the lights went out.他们正看着世界杯比赛,突然灯灭了。温馨提示:when只能放在前一个分句后;句子谓语动词只 能用过去式。3) when表示虽然,尽管的含义,相当于although或since。He walks when he might take a taxi.尽管可以乘出租车,但他还是步行。Why do you want to change a new one when you hav

4、e got awell-paid job?既然你已经有了个高工资的工作,为什么还要换一个新的 呢?温馨提示:when表此意时z只能位于句中。2. while1) while通常表示一段时间,从句中宜用延续性动词作谓语。Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。IIII I I I E2) while有时可以作并列连词,表示对比,可译成“而”。I am fond of English while he likes maths.我喜欢英语,而他却喜欢数学。We slept while the captain kept watch.我们睡觉,而上尉担任警戒。3) while

5、有时可引导让步状语从句,意思是虽然。While they love their children, they are strict with them.虽然他们都爱他们的孩子,但却对他们要求严格。3. as1) as表不当时,相当于when。The thief was caught as/ when hewas stealing in thesupermarket 小偷在超市行窃时被逮住了。2) as表示一边一边,强调从句和主句中两个动作交替进行或同步进行。;He looked behind from time to time as he went.他一边走,一边不时地往后看。3) ns表示随

6、着As time goes on? it's getting warmer and warmer.随着时间的推移,天气变得越来越暖了。4. before表示在一段时间之前。例如:You must first learn to walk before you try to nm.在想要跑以前,你得先学会走。;常见句型:1) It will be/was + 段时间 + before.44还要过多久才It will be two years before he leaves the country.XJllmoo uql y上 uq UJOggq SJeuA omjuseM 二 怨 WWW

7、:eojpq +Ffe證 +-Ou scM 二(小注意:before还可表示还没来得及就He ran off before I could stop him 我还没来得及阻止他,他就跑掉了。Take it down before you forget 让. 趁着还没忘记的时候就把它记录下来。5. since1) since自以来。表示动作从过去某一点时间一直延续到说话时间为止。主句中通常为延续性动词的现在完成式, since从句中一般用短暂性动词的一般过去式。It has been just a week since we arrived here.我们到这儿刚刚一星期。;Where have

8、 you been since I last saw you ?自上次我见过你之后,你去了哪里?Since she was young, she has been collecting stamps. 她自年轻时起就一直集邮。;2)经典句型:It is /has been. sinceIt is/has been two years since he was a college student.他大学毕业已有两年了。6. as soon asas soon as可译为一就,用来表示主从句的动作是紧接着发生的。;He will come and see you as soon as he can

9、. 他一有空就来看你。He rushed home as soon as he got the good news他一得到这个好消息就奔回家。就白勺表达有 immediately, instantly, directly, the moment, the minute, the instant, the second, hardly. when, no sooner. than 等条件状语从句条件状语从句常见连词:if; unless; as/ so long as只要; provided/ providing, suppose/supposing倘若/假使;in case 如果/免得/以防;

10、on condition that条件是;only if只要,只 有等。例如:;1. Til help you with your English if I am free tomorrow.如果明天我有空,我将帮助你学习英语。2. He won't be late unless he is ill.他不会迟到,除非他病了。3 In case he comes, let me know如果他来的话,告诉我一声。Illi4. Be quiet in case you wake the baby轻点儿,别吵醒婴儿。Illi5. They will lend us the car on co

11、ndition that we return it before the weekend 他们将借给我们车,条件是我们在周末前还。6. Only if the teacher has given permission is a student allowed to leave the classroom学生只有得到老师的许可才能离开教室。让步状语从句让步状语从句的连词有though/ although/ as尽管;eveni even though即使;while虽然,no matter how(what,when,which, who, where);however(whatever, wh

12、enever, whichever, whoever, wherever无论Oalthough与though可互换,都可以与yet,still或 nevertheless连用,但不能和but连用。Though 让 was raining hard, but he still went out.(错)Though 让 was raining hard, he still went out.(正)It was raining hard, but he still went out.(正)1) as引导让步状语从句,表示"尽管”,从句的表语、 状语等成分要提到主语前面,构成倒装;thoug

13、h从句放在主句之首,从句可用倒装语序,也可用正常语序Dark as/ though the night was, he still found his way to my home.Though the night was dark, he still found his way to my home.2) while也可引导让步状语从句,一般位于句首。While I am willing to help, I don't have much time available.原因状语从句1 .because表示直接的、必然的原因,不能与so连用。常用来 回答why所提的问题。在强调句型中

14、,若强调原因,只能用 because, iPlt is because. that.;而for表示推理性的补充说 明的原因,不能放在句首。2. since表示众所周知的原因,“既然”,常放在句首。3. as表示客观原因,“由于”,常放在句首。4. now that通常表示用新出现的情况作为原因,“既然”5. when意为“既然”(有轻微的责备口吻)o6.in that从句,意为"原因是;因为地点状语从句where, whereverwhere在地方Put the medicine where you can easily get it. wherever无论哪里 ;He follow

15、s her wherever she goes.目的状语从句that, so that, in order that, for fear that, lest(so) that以便,从句中常常使用一些情态动词,如can, could, may, might, should等。Let's take the front seats (so) that we may see more clearly.in order that为了,与so that相同,从句中常常使用一些情态动词,女口can, could, may, might, should等。School was closed earl

16、y in order that the children might go home ahead of the storm.for fear that怕;为了防止(某事发生)He took the name down for fear that he should forget it. lest以防万一The man decided to tell his boss the fact lest he would beangry with him结果状语从句引导结果状语从句的连词有that, so that, so.that.,such.that.o在非正式语体中,由so.that., such

17、that引导的句子中 that可以省略。so that因而,以便,为了,有时so可以省去Speak louder please so that the people at the back can hearyouso. that.太以至于,so后面应用形容词或副词,有时省略so 只用 thatoThe flight scheduled so early that nobody wanted to look on it.such .that.太以至于,用法与so. that.相同,但such后面应用名词。The foreign visitor was such a fast speaker th

18、at nobody could understand him比较状语从句比较状语从句,常用as.as.; not so (as)as;.than.; the more. the more等oIf you don't want to miss the flight, you need to be at theairport as early as possible.The job is not so difficult as I thought it would be.The more he listened to that song, the less he enjoyed it.方式

19、状语从句方式状语从句常用as, as if, as though等Do in Rome as the Romans do.She stood at the door as if (=as though) she were waiting for someone 注意:由as i威as though引导的从句中可用虚拟语气。状语从句注意事项1. 状语从句的时态时间和条件状语从句一般用“一般现在时”表示“一般 将来时”。If the weather is terrible next week, we'll put off the summer camp.2. 状语从句的省略在时间、条件、方

20、式和让步状语从句中,如果同时具备下 列两个条件:主句和从句的主语一致,或从句主语为it;从句中有系动词be的某种形式。从句中的主语和be动词 常可省略。;:When (the museum is) completed, the museum will be open to the public He41 go to the seaside for his holiday if (it is) possible【高考链接】1. (2012-全国卷 I )1 don't believe we've met before,Imust say you do look familiarA

21、. therefore B although C since D unless【解析】选B。考查连词和状语从句。句意:我认为我们以 前没见过面,尽管我必须承认你看起来确实很面熟。 therefore因此;although虽然,尽管;since自从,既然;unless除非。 根据句意可知,前后之间是转折关系,所以选B。Mary apologized2. (2012- ill 东高考)He smiled politelyfor her drunken friends.A. as B if C unless D though【解析】选A。考查时间状语从句和连词。句意:当玛丽为她 候",引导

22、时间状语从句,符合句意;i广如果",引导条件状语 从句;unless-除非",引导条件状语从句,相当于if.not; though“虽然,尽管",引导让步状语从句。根据句意可知选A。醉酒的朋友们向他道歉时,他礼貌地微笑着。as"当【课堂训练】1. environmental damage is done, it takes many yearsfor the ecosystem to recover.A. Even if B. If only C. WhileOnce2. volleyball is her main focus, she's a

23、lso great atbasketball.A. Since B. Once C. Unless 弋 Awhile3. This is an illness that can result in total blindnessleft untreated.A. after 弋 f C. since D. unless4. the Internet is of great help, I don't think it's agood idea to spend too much time on it.A. If 壬 While C. Because D. As5. Do you have a minute? Fve got something to tell you.一OK,you make it short.A. now that B. if only 弋 so long as D. every time


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