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1、Module 7Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear。learning aims:1、能听懂、会说、会认、会读:born ,child , as, later ,drew, letter, herself ,all over , world , model. 等单词。2、能听懂并熟练运用Could 和Couldt谈论过去的能力。.3、能口头运用What was his name ?When was he born? Where was he born?等问句。4能根据所给的资料来描述人及其过去所发生的事情。教学步骤:Step 1:Warm-up and show the

2、 learning aims1、Introduce Helen Keller:T: My kids, We can see, we can hear and write now .we could see, we could hear, we could speak when we were a small child, but there is a girl, as a small child, she became blind and deaf, she couldnt see and she couldnt hear, when she grown up, she learned to

3、speak、read、and write , she wrote a book, and went all over the world, do you know who she is?S: She is Now lets learn Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller,OK?(板书课题并齐读) First ,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)Step 2: Show the guides(指导自学)1. Show some pictures of Helen to the studen

4、ts.2. Listen and read the text ,find out the new wordsA、单核吞噬细胞系统功能低下 B、血液处于高凝状态 C、微循环血流淤滞 D、纤溶系统活性增高 E、血中促凝物质含量增加3. Stick them on the board after read.A4 710万元4. Find out the main sentence patterns:【解析】:Q1:What couldnt Helen do?Q2: What could Helen do?2、MIS系统设计的内容: 新系统总体结构框架设计,代码设计,数据库设计,输入/输出设计,处理流

5、程设计及模块功能设计。5. Then do activity 3 in pairs.14子宫、肺等脏器手术或损伤出血导致原发性纤溶亢进时,以下哪项实验室检查是不正确的?Step 3: Practice:理由:因为合同约定,甲公司未来按照当时的市场价格自丁公司回购钢材,那么该项交易在发出商品的时候就可以确认为收入。1、Listen to the tape the tape and read the text.201年度,丙公司按其净资产账面价值计算实现的净利润为l 200万元,其中,1至6月份实现净利润500万元;无其他所有者权益变动事项。我公司在本交易中发行l 000万股股份后,发行在外的股份

6、总数为l5 000万股,每股面值为l元。2、Look at the pictures and talk about Hellen Keller.Eg: she was born in America in 1880答案 C3、Have the class into two groups,the teacher show out some pictures . Make some sentences with the words: could or couldnt.Step 4: Finish a taskB-75万元1、填出横线上的词(1)Helen Keller couldnt see ,

7、but she could learn. She couldnt hear but she could speak.(2) When I was a baby, I could see but I couldnt read. I could hear but I couldnt talk. I couldnt walk but I could learn and I could play.2、请学生以小组为单位进行讨论。引导学生运用:“I was _. So I couldnt _ but I could_.” 句型来表达。Designs:Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear.Helen Keller was born in America in 1880.贷:投资性房地产 1660As a small child.Later, Helen had a teacher.The teacher drew letters in Helens hand


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