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1、新概念一册 lesso n91-100课课练和参考答案Lesson91-921后天2 搬至U某处sw3. 用所给动词的正确形式填空1 .he( fin ish) hishomework?2. He( move) toLondon n ext year.3. Whe n he( telepho ne) me yesterday.4. Is he( write) a letter?5. Don '( close) the window.6. He can( go) with us.7.1( leave) here tomorrow.8. We haven '( have) lunc

2、hnow.9. She( not like) English at all.10. What he( do )tomorrow morning?4. 他们已搬入新居了吗? Have theytheir new house yet ?5 他一直是个好邻居。He alwaysa good n eighbour.6 这所房子花多少钱?does this house?7他打算明天搬家。Hetomorrow.8 .你今天能见到 West先生吗? you Mr. West today?Lesso n93-941飞往2此时此刻3几乎每个国家4大下周5在世界上6全世界7介词填空。1. We usually s

3、tay home.2. He is going to flyTokyo.3. The are at work the moment.4. He wasthe R.A. F.5. Have you made an appointmentthe doctor?6. He( fly ) to New Yorktwo mon thsago. 7. He(fly) to Sydney n ext week.8.她通常呆在家里.She ususallyhome.9.再下周他会返回北京。He willBeiji ngthe week.10.他去过世界上几乎每一个国家.Healreadyevery count

4、ryLesson95-961许多时间time许多鸡蛋eggs2.喝点东西3与?.相邻4.最好做某事5最好不要做某事6错过做某事7 You had better( go ) home .8 You had better( not smoke) here.9 I missed( catch) the early bus.12 .Two return ticketBeiji ng.13.你最好回来学校去.Youbackthe school.14.商店旁边有一个酒吧.There is a barthe shop.15.下一班火车是什么时间。Whe n is?16让我们去喝点东西吧。Let' s

5、a drink.Lesson97-981 前几天2属于10 I missed( have) an En glishless on yesterday.11. We want( paint) this room.7. Let me to do it.8. He has seen this play three days ago.Lesso n99-1001.伤着自己2.帮助某人做某事3.让某人做某事4立刻5. We had better( go) home now.6. He( get) up at six in themorni ng.7. I ofte n help my mother( d

6、o )some housework.8. He( say) that he is drinking histea.r3-He left his bag.ondon.the train4.There is a labelthe han dlehis n ame and address on it.5. You ' ve given the wrong bagme.6 This bike is Mary ' s .( I ) is new.7 The book doesn ' tbelong to( he).8改错。1. Is this pen you?2. The cas

7、e is got a lable.3. I missed to catch the early bus thismorning.4. You ' d better don ' t watch TV now.5. This room doesn' t belong to his.9.Let me(do ) it .10.我相信他会来的.Ithathe11.他说,他需要些钱.He sayshe12.I think you are right.变否定句。Ithi nkright.13 I think they can ' t finish the work on ti

8、me.( 改错)14 Whatthey( do ) lastnight?.15.Whe nthevisitors(arrive) last Sun day?16.you( finish )your task yet ?6. She ' ll fly to Japan after two weeks ' s time.17. We can ( have) dinnertogether.18. Tom and I( be) going to have a1.the day after tomorrow2.move to3.1 Does fin ish2.will move3.did

9、 teleph one4.writi ng5.close 6. go7. will leave 8.had 9. doesn ' t like10.will do4.moved to5.has bee n6.How much cost7.is going to move8.Will see2.help sb. do sth.3.let sb. do sth.4.at once5.go6.gets7.do8.says9.do10.am sure will come11.that n eeds some money12.don' tyour are13.don ' thin

10、k they can14.did do15.did arrive16.Have fini shed17.have18.are19.have lived20.holiday.19. How longyou(live) here.?参考答案Lesson91-92Lesson93-941. fly to 2.at the mome nt3. n early every country4. the week after next5. in the world6. all over the world7. 介词 1.at 2 to 3.at 4.in 5.with 6.flew 7 will fly 8

11、.at home 9. retur n to after next10.has bee n to n early in theworld Less on 95-961. lots oflots of2. drink someth ing3. n ext door to4. hadbetter do sth5. hadbetter not do sth6. miss doing sth7. go8. not smoke 9. catch ing 10.hav ing 11. to paint12. to 13. had better go to 14. next door to15. the n ext train16. go and haveLesson 97-981. the other day2. bel ong to3. on to4. on with5. to6. Mi ne7. him8. 1.you-yours 2.is-has 3.to catch catching4.don ' tnot 5.his-him6.weeks ' s weeks ' 7. to do do 8. has seen sawLesson 99-1001. hurt myself


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