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1、演讲稿: ontgotothe urk演讲稿: ont go to the urk亮叔ont go to the urk had always thought myself tough, one of the peoplewho could survive if d beensent to the barrenislandwithout water and food. n my past 24 years, losses, even suffered suffered a series of physicala terribletrafficaccident5 yearsago which m

2、ade me lied in the hospital about 3 months.ut didn t cry,didn t care,didn t fear, and wentthrough the hard time intact with a peace and strong heart. always impose myself as the- an, wolverine, whocan recover quickly after any injuries.ear friends,thisisurk, lastyear, lost my super power, and go to

3、themurk.havebrokenupthe6yearsrelationshipwithmygirlfriend, drop into a deep sadness, andit seems lostall of my vitality, dont want to eat, dont want totalk,dont want to sleep. ne day, wake up from mybed, found that am also scared to get out of the bed1 / 5even half year past afterthe separation. don

4、t know whatthe problem is, wish did, but dont,but think, think am not so tough asam not the peoplewho can survive think, think maybein the barrenisland withoutwater and food, think am the manurk should go tothe murk.3monthslater,alsofeltterrible,and alsorealize that it is depression.es, sufferfromde

5、pression.oumay say, ,are you kidding me?urk!( n your imagination am thepersonlike this,2butthedepressionis likethis, )ndthat'salsoironictome,but accepted, acceptedthat am not good even the sadness of the broken passed more than half years. ee,somebody might fear snake, somebody might fear his bo

6、ss, somebody might fear to take a speech in the public likewhat am doing now, but for me, fear separation, fearlost, fear my vulnerability, and that fear made me feellike was weak!t s very hard to sayam weak as aman, so accepted it and hide it, accepted it and hideit, its a sensation of being afraid

7、 all the time, but noteven knowing what it is thatam afraid of.hat sthe2 / 5depression, the depression suffered. oday would say am appreciated of myself in thattime, because struggled against my depression bravely.dont know why but did.o tried someways, read thedepressionrelatedbooks,practice oga,se

8、ecomedymovies,ut tellyou thetruth;allofthem arecompletelyuseless.inally,one day wasveryhungryand cooksome spaghetti for myself.ake a guess, what happen?felt good and comfortable unprecedentedly when wascooking, and that feelingmade me feellike wasforcedinto a garden with the flowers with wind with s

9、unshine, butwithout depression. owa,t seems found the effective way to break downthe depression.o kept cookingevery day. am creatinga world belongto myself with the rice, with the vegetable,with the seafood, with the taste,but without the depression. ortunately,feltbetterandbetter,andmore,fortunatel

10、y, my cooking was also getting better and better.ow, to be totally honest, would like tostand hereto say and to talk about the depression suffered, partlysaid, because passed, passed the sadness under my smile,3 / 5passedthedarkundermy light,passedthepainundermypersonality, passed the vulnerability

11、under my strongheart. n a lot of ways am grateful my experience, yeah it's put me inthe low, but only to show me there's peaks, and yeah it's dragged me throughthe murk but only to remind me there is light.utforsomeone who issuffering,it sveryhardforthem to talk about, knowbecause the de

12、pression, its nothappy, itsnotfunny,it snotlight,andit snotpositive.eareso, so,so acceptingofanybody partbreaking downother than our brains and so, so, so caring ofany physicalhealthotherthanthementalhealthwhichwecant see it. ell,let me start to show you some parts of the shadow.hatever you are suff

13、eringoryou have experienced depression,however you hated beingdepressed, youshould know that its ,thedepression iskay,and know thatyou arenotweak,butsick,itsnotapersonalitylabelbutapsychologicalissue.nce you passed, you can see what thedepressionreallyis,thefear,theridicule,thevulnerability,allofthe

14、marethe partofyourlife,justpart of yourself.hat's a natural human character.4 / 5e're people.he truestrength doesnt mean never showingany weakness because we're people, and wehave problems.e'renotperfect,andthat'sokay. huttingupthedepressionstrengthens it, while you hide from it,

15、 it grows,but if you areable totoleratethefact, finally you willfind a way to break down the depression,because it will forceyou to find and cling to joy. o, we need to stop the shadow, stop the numbness, stopthesilence,andtakeawaythetaboos,totakeupyourvitality, to speak out the situation what youar

16、e suffering. nd more than anything, learn to love ourselves, learn to acceptourselves for who we are, the people we are, not the people others want us tobe.fyou aresufferingfromdepressionand dontknowhow to do firstly, maybe youcan learn from me, just do whatyou want to do and have fun in it.adies and gentleman, this isurk,from the murk.5 / 5


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