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1、精品文档宾语从句宾语从句是名词性从句的一种,相当于名词或名词性短语,在句子中充当宾语。谓语动词、介词、动词不定式、动名词、分词之后均可以带宾语从句。描写情感的形容词 (如glad、certain、sure、happy、pleased、sorry、afraid 等)的后面亦可以带宾语从句。宾语从 句同其他从句一样,也应该使用陈述句语序。一、宾语从句的变法1. 陈述句变宾语从句陈述句变宾语从句时,语序不变,用that连接(that 一般可以省略),此时that无词义,不充当句子成分。e.g.(1) 陈述句: He is an hon est man.宾语从句: My mother always s

2、ays ( that ) he is an honest man.(2) 陈述句:They will win.宾语从句: We believe ( that ) they will win.2. 一般疑问句变宾语从句一般疑问句变宾语从句时,语序变为陈述句语序,用if/whether 连接(if、whether 一般可以互换),其意思是“是否”,也不充当句子成分,句末的标点符号由主句决定。e.g.(1) 一般疑问句: Will they wi n?宾语从句: I ' m not sure if/whether they will win.(2)一般疑问句: Does he study h

3、ard?宾语从句: I won der if/whether he studies hard.3. 特殊疑问句变宾语从句特殊疑问句变宾语从句时,语序变为陈述句语序,用原来的疑问词连接,其意思不变,并且要充当句子成分,句末的标点符号由主句决定。e.g.(1) 特殊疑问句: Who is she?宾语从句:Could you tell me who she is?(2)特殊疑问句: What does he want?宾语从句: I don ' t know what he wants.如果特殊疑问句的疑问词在句中作主语,变宾语从句时语序不变,原来的疑问词既作宾语从句的引导词,又作宾语从句

4、的主语。e.g.What' s the matter with her? Can you tell me?t Can you tell me what ' s the matter with her? Who lived here ten years ago? He doesn ' t know.t He doesn ' t know who lived here ten years ago.二、注意事项1. 时态问题。宾语从句的时态原则上应与主句的时态保持一致。(1)如果主句是现在的时态(包括一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时),从句的时态可根据实际情况而定。

5、e.g. I don ' t know she lives here. I am sure he lived here ten years ago. He believes that he has lear ned eno ugh. I have heard that he will come tomorrow.(2)如果主句的时态是过去的时态(包括一般过去时、过去进行时),从句的时态应该根据情况使用某一种过去的时态(包括一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时)。e.g. I knew who lived here. My father said that he would buy a n

6、ew computer n ext week. He said that he had see n her. She was sorry that she hadn ' t finished her homework on time.(3) 当宾语从句表示的是一个普遍真理或客观事实时,即使主句是过去时,从句也要 使用一般现在时。e.g. My father told me the sun rises in the east. He said that his classroom is much bigger tha n hers.(4)主句中的would,could 不表示过去时态,而

7、是表示一种客气、有礼貌的语气时, 宾语从句不用过去时态。e.g. we d like to tell you that you have passed the exam. Could you let me know whe n he will be back?2. 引导宾语从句的that 一般可以省略,特别是在非正式的文本中更是如此。但在某些 动词(如answer、imply等)之后,一般需要用that ; that也常出现在像 assure、inform等引述动词之后。在较长的句子里,特别是当that引导的从句与动词隔开时,that 一般不可以省略。另外,当宾语从句出现并列现象时,第一个宾语

8、从句可以省略that,而第二个宾语从句中的that却不可以省略。e.g.The dealer told me how much he was prepared to pay for my car andthat Icould have the money without delay.(那个商人告诉我他准备出多少钱买我的汽车,并说我会立即收到钱。) that引导的宾语从句不能放在介词之后。e.g.He boasted about his success.=He boastedthat he was successful.(他夸耀他的成功。=他夸耀他成功了。)但在以疑问词开头的名词性从句之前,介词

9、不可以省略。e.g.He boasted about how successful he was.(他夸耀他是多么成功。)3.if和whether作“是否”理解时的意义完全相同,一般可以互换。但在下列情况下, 只能用 whether,不能用if 。(1) 在正式文体中,句中有or not时e.g. I won der whether it is big eno ugh or not.We should be on time whether it ' s a fine day or not.(2) 引出主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句时e.g. Whether it is true (or

10、 not) rema ins a questio n.(主语从句 ) Whether they can stay with their mother is ano ther matter.(主语从句) The problem is whether he has signed the contract.( 表语从句 )(3) 作介词的宾语e.g .I ' m concerned about whether he has sig ned the con tract (or no t).(4) 放在不定式前,与不定式组成词组e.g.She hasn ' t decided wheth

11、er to go or not.(5) 作discuss等动词的宾语e.g.We discussed whether we should close the shop.4. 正确区分if和when引导的从句是宾语从句还是状语从句If和when引导宾语从句时,意思分别为“是否”和“何时”,其中谓语动词的时态一般应和主句谓语动词的时态相呼应;他们引导状语从句时,意思分别为“如果,假如”和“当的时候”,若主句中谓语动词的时态是一般将来时,则从句中谓语动词的时态应为 一般现在时。e.g. We are not sure if it will rain tomorrowf it rains,our sp

12、orts meeting will be put off. When he wake up,he did not know whe n the train left.5. 在think、believe、suppose、imagine、guess等表示思想和情感变化的动词后的宾 语从句有否定转移的情况。e.g. I don ' t think chickens can swim.(我认为小鸡不会游泳。) I don ' t believe she will arrive before 7:00.(我相信她不会在7点前到达。) I don ' t suppose you c

13、an help us.(我认为你不会帮助我们。)6. 含宾语从句的反意疑问句(1) 陈述部分是含有宾语从句的主从复合句时,附加疑问部分的主语和谓语的人称和数 通常与主句的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系。e.g. He said that he was a good student, didn' t he? She n ever asked me if you could speak En glish,did she?(2) 陈述部分的主句是I think,l believe等时,附加疑问部分的主、谓语的人称和数往往与宾语从句的主、谓语保持对应关系。e.g. I think that she

14、 must be our new English teacher, isn' t she?I don ' t think chickens can swim,can they?7. 宾语从句的简化(1) hope,agree,decide 等动词后的(that)宾语从句中的主语若与主句的主语相同, 从句可以简化为动词不定式结构。e.g.He hoped that he could pass the En glish exam.t He hoped to pass the En glish exam.(2) see,watch,hear,find等感官动词后的that宾语从句常简

15、化为“宾语 +宾语补足语”结构。其中的宾语为 that从句中的主语,宾语补足语为省to不定式或V-ing形式。e.g.Jack heard that the girl sang a song just now. t Jack heard the girl sing a song just now.(3) 由疑问词引导的宾语从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,宾语从句可简化为“疑问 词+动词不定式”结构。e.g.I don ' t know how I should do it.t i don ' t know how to do it.8. 宾语从句与形式宾语 it当宾语从句后跟宾语补足语时,通常在宾语从句处使用形式宾语 it ,而将真正的宾语 从句移至句末 。e.g.I think it best that you should stay here.我认为您最好待在这儿。精品文档


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