Module 7 模块话题写作 外研版英语八年级上册课时练习.docx

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《Module 7 模块话题写作 外研版英语八年级上册课时练习.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 7 模块话题写作 外研版英语八年级上册课时练习.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、模块话题写作本模块的话题是“名著”。在具体的写作中,学生应做到以下几点:1.能改写或续写一篇简短的故事;2.能介绍自己的个人经历;3.能用过去进行时表达故事情节中正在发生的事情。【常用句型】Its about a girl called Alice.Alice was sitting with her sister by the river and she saw a white rabbit with a watch.Alice followed it and fell down a hole in the ground.Once or twice she looked into her s

2、isters book.It was too dark for her to see anything.He heard a strange sound and then looked into the room.I am interested in writing stories.He took a book out of his pocket.【典型例题】爱丽丝掉进兔子洞以后会发生什么事呢?她将会有怎样的奇遇?请你展开想象,续写这个故事,并在英语课上和老师以及同学们分享。【审题思路】1.审人称:文章主要介绍爱丽丝的经历,主体是爱丽丝,故用第三人称。2.审时态:文章主要介绍已经发生的事情,故

3、用一般过去时。3.注意事项:( 1 )文章为故事续写,体裁一般为记叙文;( 2 )叙述故事发生的前后经过时可用after,next,then等表示时间的词语连接,使故事情节连贯、层次分明。【写作提纲】1.开头:自然流畅地接上课文结尾的部分。2.主体:叙述故事发生的经过。( After Alice found.Next,she found.Then she drank. )3.结尾:可戛然而止,为再一次续写作铺垫,也可以给故事设计一个大结局。【优秀范文】After Alice found a small key on a table,she opened a small door with it

4、 and saw a beautiful garden.Next,she found a bottle with the words “DRINK ME” on it.Then she drank from the bottle and became very small.Nobody could see her.After that she entered a big room.She saw her mum and her grandma there.They were reading newspapers at that time.Alice was excited and shoute

5、d,“Mum!” Her mum and grandma were afraid and ran away.Only Alice stood in the room alone.假如今天英语口语课的主题是“My favourite story”,请你根据下面的提示,写一篇英语短文讲述你最喜欢的故事,在课堂上和大家分享。提示:1.你最喜欢的故事;2.故事的主要内容;3.从中获得的启发。要求:1.意思连贯,语言通顺;2.80词左右。My favourite storyMy favourite story is Cinderella.The story is about a beautiful gi

6、rl,who with the help of a god,was able to go to the party.There,she fell in love with the prince.Later they got married and lived happily together.I like this story because it is interesting and it teaches us to be kind to others.I admire Cinderella very much for she is a kind and beautiful girl who never does anything bad to anyone. 3 / 3


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