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1、IELTS写作精华总结【十天突破】加分连接词常用短语,用法be increasingly time-consuming due to multiplied options be available toin this day and age, an unwholesome hobby hold different views on be limited to a sense of wellbeing repetitive and boring lead to insecurity rather than job satisfaction be responsible for link to W

2、ithout cannot be Even when Something lies in Believe thatShow one'sconcern for expand one s1 outlook personal development/future development cultivate optimistic and self-confidence/independence be vital forprovide sb enough space to do be of great importanee to have a nice academic performa nee

3、 lesse n onewfamily wburde n make a con tribute to be a pretty powerful thing give sb encouragement and support feel confused and depressed make sb become pessimistic and depressed teach sb to doprovide sb with a luxurious life help sb make decisions have benefit a lot frombe rarely associated with

4、resist the temptati on of get more ben efits from 。tha n using moder n tech no logy greatly enhance our efficie ncy be raised in impoverished families deal with problems more effectively in on e1 adult years 环境;亏染 en vir onmen tai con tam in ati on. be caused by . In tellige nt stude nts re as on fo

5、r soluti on to pay atte nti on to Some , while the main purpose of afford sb pleasure and enjoyme nt obey traffic rules on eself live +adj.+ lifestyles Unfortunately,(状语提前)Just like -(状前)It is not always the case that have good impact for sb the majority of people the obvious ben efits of for ca nno

6、t be deni ed. In spite of this,disagree with妙句 简单句:The value of experime nts is not limited to scie nee.高分并歹【I句:an d/or/butPoor stude nts behaviour seems to be an in creas in gly widespread problem and I think that moder n lifestyles are resp on sible for this.How these things in teract is still unk

7、nown today and they remai n largely un predictable in a pers on life.同位语,牛人牛句:Shopping a necessary part of daily life, is jncreasingly time-consuming due to the multiplied opti ons available to con sumersJob satisfaction, a very important part of the an employee,s sense ofcaellbeinq, be promote in m

8、ost jobs.常用替换词 形容词:I 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off3 优秀的:excelle nt = emin ent = top = outsta nding4. 积极的、好的:good = con ducive = ben eficial=adva ntageous5消极的、不良的:bad = detrime ntal= ban eful =un desirable6 明显白勺:obvious = ap

9、parent = evident =manifest7 健康的:healthy = robust = sound = wholesome8 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching10. 有活力的:en ergetic = dyn amic = vigorous =ani matedII 流行的:popular = prevaili ng = prevale nt= pervasive动词:1 提高、力a强:improv

10、e = enhan ce= promote = stre ngthe n = optimize2 弓丨起:cause = trigger = endanger3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with4 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate5. 培养:develop = cultivate = foster = nu rture6 激发、鼓励:en courage = motivate = stimulate = spur7. 认为:think = asse

11、rt= hold = claim = argue8 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize11. 减轻:ease = alleviate = relieve = lighte n名词:1.影响:in flue nce= impact2 危险:dan ger = perils =hazard3 污染:pollution = contamination4.人类:human bein

12、gs= mankind = human race5 老人:old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens6. 幸木畐:happ in ess = cheerfu In ess = wellbe ing7. 老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers8 教育:education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing9. 青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolesc

13、ents10. 优点:advantage = merits = superiority = virtue11 责任:resp on sibility = obligati on = duty = liability12 能力:ability = capacity = power = skill13. 职业:job = career = employme nt = professi on14. 娱乐:enjoyme nt = pastimes = recreati on= en terta inment15. 孩子:children = offspring = descendsnt= kid短语

14、:1 充満了 : be filled with = be awash with = be inundate with = be saturated with2 努力:struggle for = aspire after = strive for = spare no efforts for3. 从事:embark on = take up = set about = go in for4. 在当代:in con temporarysociety = in prese ntday society= in this day and age5 大量的:a host of = a multitude of = a vast number of = a vast amount of


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