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1、Scientists are developing unmanned planes 阅读理解答案阅 读 理 解 Scientists are developing unmanned planescalled drones that can gather weather informationfrom the atmosphere. 36.Meteorologists say their weather forecasts would be more accurate if they had information from many parts of the atmosphere. They

2、already place satellite and balloons at different altitudes to gather information. But that information only helps experts predict weather conditions for the next few days. 37. This is very important where sudden,violent storms happen.38. This will help forecasters improvepredictions about local wea

3、ther conditions,.Jamey Jacob and other scientists at the university are developing small drones that do not cost a lot of money but can fly for hours, gathering information from many atmospheric levels. He says the drone program should give researchers a low-cost way of understanding storms better,

4、and improve computer-based forecasting.The scientists have developing a round drone that can hover ( 盘旋 ), roll on the ground and then take off again. 39. Professor Chilson says the drone canmeasure atmospheric conditions, send live video to forecasters, and search for people hurt in storms.40. That

5、 includes making sure the drones knowhow to stay away from other planes. They say it could be two years until a drone can safely examine the Earth ' s lower atmosphere.A. Oklahoma is a good example.B. These abilities are needed for a drone to fly in storms.C. It does not help predict weather cha

6、nges in the next few hours.D. These drones could help weather experts improve their predict.E. Their real goal is to develop systems that really replace weather balloons.F. However, researchers still have a lot of work to do before the drones are ready.G. So scientists art Oklahoma State University are developing new drones to gather information from more parts ofthe Earth' s atmosphere.36-40:DCGBF


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