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1、2004年江西省高校“专升本”英语统一考试(试题解析)Part I Listening Comprehension(20 points)Section A1 .M: Would you like a copy of professor Smith's article?W: Thanks, if it's not too much trouble.Q: What does the woman imply?2 .W: Did you visit the Television Tower when you had your vacation in Shanghai last summ

2、er? M: I couldiVt make it last June. But I finally visited it two months later. I plan to visit it again sometime next year.Q: What do we learn about the man?3 .M: Prof. Kennedy has been very busy this semester. As far as I know, he works until midnight every day.W: I wouldn't have troubled him

3、so much if I had know he was so busy.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?4 .W: If I were you. I would have accepted the job.M: I turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business trips away from my family.Q: Why didn't the man accept the job?5 .M: How are you getting on with yo

4、ur essay. Mary? I'm having a real hard time with mine.W: After two sleepless nights, Tm finally through with it.Q: What do we learn from this conversation?6 .W: Where did you say you found this bag?M: It was lying under a big tree between the park and the apartment building.Q: Where did the man

5、find the bag?7 .M: Wouldn,t you get bored with the same routine year teaching the same things to children?W: I don't think it would be as boring as working in an office. Teaching is most stimulating.Q: What does the woman imply about office work?8 .M: I was terribly embarrassed when some of the

6、audience got up and left in the middle of the performance.W: Well, some people just can't seem to appreciate real-life drama.Q: What are they talking about?9 .W: Oh, it's so cold. We haven't had such a severe winter for so long, have we?M: Yes, the forecast says it's going to get wor

7、se before it warms up.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?10 .M: You were seen hanging about the store on the night when it was robbed, weren*t you?W: Me? You must have made a mistake. I was at home that night.Q: What are they talking about?Section BPassage OneThere are three groups of English

8、 learners: beginners, intermediate learners, and learners of special English. Beginners need to learn the basics of English. Students who have reached an intermediate level benefit from learning general English skills. But what about student who want to learn specialist English for their work or pro

9、fessional life? Most students, who fit into this third group have a clear idea about what they want to leam. A bank clerk, for example, wants to use this specialist vocabulary and technical terms of finance. But for teachers, deciding how to teach specialist English is not always so easy. For a star

10、t, the variety is enormous. Every field from airline pilots to secretaries has its own vocabulary and technical tenns. Teachers also need to have an up-to-date knowledge of that specialist language, and not many teachers are exposed to working environments outside the classroom. These issues have in

11、fluenced the way specialist English is taught in schools. This type of course is usually known as English for Specific Purposes, or ESP and there isn't ESP courses for almost every area of professional and working life. In Britain, for example, there are courses which teach English for doctors,

12、lawyers, reporters travel agents and people working in the hotel industry. By far. the most popular ESP courses are for business English.Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.11 . What is the characteristic of learners of special English?12 . Who needs ESP courses most?13 .

13、 What are the most popular ESP courses in Britain?14 . What is the speaker mainly talking about?Passage TwoThe first step to stop dnig abuse is knowing why people start to use drugs. The reasons people abuse drugs are as different as people are from one to another. But there seems to be one common t

14、hread: people seem to take drugs to change the way they feel. They want to feel better or feel happy or to feel nothing. Sometimes, they want to forget or to remember. People often feel better about themselves when they are under the influence of dnigs. But the effects donft last long. Drugs don'

15、;t solve problems. Tliey just postpone them. No matter how far drugs may take you. ifs always around trip. After a while, people who miss drugs may feel worse about themselves, and then they may use more drugs. If someone you know is using or abusing drugs, you can help. The most important part you

16、can play is to be there. You can let your friends know that you care. You can listen and try to solve the problem behind your friend's need to use drugs. Two people together can often solve a problem that seems too big for one person alone. Studies of heavy abusers in the United States show that

17、 they felt unloved and unwanted. They didn't have close friends to talk to. When you or your friends take the time to care for each other, you're all helping to stop dnigs abuse. After alL what is a friend for?Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.15 . Why do sonic

18、people abuse drugs?16 . According to the passage, what is the best way to stop friends from abusing drugs?17 . What are the findings of the studies about heavy drug users?Passage ThreeBows and arrows, are one of man's oldest weapons. They gave early man an effective weapon to kill his enemies. T

19、he ordinary bow or short bow was used by early all early people. This bow bad limited power and short range. However, man overcame these faults by learning to track his targets at a close range. The long bow was most likely discovered when someone found out that a five-foot piece of wood made a bett

20、er bow than a three-foot piece. Hundreds of thousands of these bows were made and used for three hundred years. However, not one is known to survive today.We believe that a force of about one hundred pounds was needs to pull the string all the way back on a long bow. For a long time the bow was just

21、 a bent stick and string. In fact, more changes have taken place in a bow in the past 25 years than in the last 7 centuries. Today, bow is forceful. It is as exact as a gun. In addition, it requires little strength to draw the string. Modern bows also have precise aiming devices. In indoor contests,

22、 perfect scores from 40 yard are common. The invention of the bows itself ranks with discover* of fire and the wheel. It was a great-step-forward for man.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18 . Why did man have to track his target at a close range when using a short bow?

23、19 . What does the passage tell us about the long bow?20 . What do we know about modern bows?Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)16. He used a lot of examples to make himself clearly.A) Known 知道 B) Accepted 接受 C) understood 理解 D) acknowledged 承认17. If women remain unequal to men, it is hard

24、ly possible for them to have to natural.A) access取得 ©的方法或权利B)approach方法C) connection 联系D) achievement 成就18. Those students have part-time employment in the restaurant, bar and a localhotel.A) taken in 欺褊 B) taken over 接管C) taken to 开始D) taken up 拿起19. It was at the general meeting Professor Smi

25、th made the wonderful speech.A) when B) thereC) asD) that做题思路:木题考核强调句型结构“It is/was+强调部分+that+句子其它部分”。20. Computers have many advantages and can do a lot of things for manz but it can never carry out creative work and man.A) represent 代表 B) replace 代替 C) display 展览 D) exclude 排除21.1, she never seems

26、able to do the work satisfactorily.A) However she tried hardB) She tried however hardC) However hard did she tryD) However hard she tried做题思路:However引导的让步状语从句,形容词或副词要紧接在它后面放在句首,主语和谓语应用陈 述句话序。22. We have to oil the moving parts of the machine, the friction (磨擦)of may begeatly reduced.A) thatB) themC)

27、 itD) which做题思路:从逗号可看出后一句是一个非限定性从句。所以选D。23. They were detemined to win the battle at all.A) costs 代价 B) cases 案例 C) occasions 时刻、场合 D) extents 程度24. People in this area whose homes have been flooded are to the government forhelp.A) moving 移动 B) turning 求助于 C) proceeding 继续 D) approaching 匏近25. I'

28、;ve found it important that a new rule set up to ban (禁止)smoking inrestaurants.A) to beB) isC) wasD) be做题思路:important后的从句要用should+动词原形,should可省略,26. It took them about a month to the forest fire under control.A) cause B) takeC) bringD) settle做题思路:固定短语bring.under control(控制住)27. The authorities are e

29、liminating the consequences of water pollution from thedevelopment of the local industry.A) resulted B) resultingC) resultsD) to result28. From now, III be working for this international firm and do well.A) off B) onC) aroundD) in做题思路:固定短语搭配,from now on(从今以后)29. The most complaint from engineers abo

30、ut arts courses is that there is no definiteanswers to the questions.A)ordinary平常的B) common普遍的、常见的C) general全面的、总体的D) average平均的,普通的30.1 had to up late to get some work done online after an already long day of work.A) wake唤醒 B) keep坚持 C) set建立D)stay熬夜31. The chief executive gave us that we will neve

31、r forget it.A) such an excellent lectureB) such excellent lectureC) so an excellent lectureD) such excellent a lecture做题思路:考核such和so的用法,such+名词,so+形容词。故选A。32. Since the mid-1990s,number of Chinese studying abroad have returned home to start businesses.A) an arisingB) an increasing C) aclimbing D) a

32、spreading做题思路:本题考核固定搭配an increasing of越来越多的°33. When which rdstaurant is our favorite, we all recalled that one near the beach.A) asking B) having asked C) askedD) to ask做题思路:此时的when是副词而不是介词。34. The greater the degree of industrialization in a country,the standard of living. A) higher B) the hi

33、gher C) highestD) the highest做题思路:木题考核比较级结构the+形容词比较级,the+形容词比较级,表示越,越。35. I think it is time we making some preparations for the trip.A) start B) have started C) startedD) are starting做题思路:本题考核虚拟语气的特殊用法,在it is (high) time that中,从句谓语动词多半用一般过 去时或过去完成时。(同2002年第44题)36. Please write down the information

34、: name of product, type, date of purchase andprice.A) following 以下的 B) next 下一个的 C) continuing 继续的 D) second 第二37. Bad habits are easily acquired but can hardly be.A) cut off切下B) taken away拿走,使离开C) set about开始做某D) broken up结束,使破碎38. By the time he at this hotel tonight, we will have left for London.

35、A) arrivedB) has arrivedC)arrivesD) broken up39. You have made a few mistakes in your writing, but you have done a good job.A) on the whole 总的来看B) in the main 主要C) as a result 结果D) by the way 顺便提一下40. Jane worked hard her whole life-from early in the morning to sunset-washing clothes hand.A) with+on

36、ezs hands 亲手 B) by 用手的,亲自的 C) in D) on41. I worked so hard that whole day that I actually my tired body into bed.A) drove 驾驶 B) dragged 拖、拽(重物 C) pulled 拉、拖 D) withdrew 撤退42. My hand was hurt, so could you do typing for me this morning?A) much很多的 B) little很少 C) such这样的,如此的D) some泛指一些43. The idea of

37、cloning (克隆)has raised a number of questions from a technical point ofA) thought 思想 B) sight 视力C) view 观点 D)scene现场44. Not what to do next, the boy just sat there looking at the wall.A) to know B) knowingC) knownD) know做题思路:分词做状语,可表示时间、原因、条件等,相当于一个状语从句。45. Well, It's a job as a clerk, for you ar

38、e qualified; but the pay is a bit low.A) whom B) thatC) itD) which做题思路:clerk是作为一份工作,且句中有逗号隔开,说明是个非限定性从句。故选D。Part IDReading Comprehension (40 minutes)Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage:46. Forcing middle-aged persons to retire might cause.审题思路:根据关键词middle-aged persons, retire, caus

39、e我们可以定位到文章中很多句话,分别是 l.many people believe that forcing adult workers, those who are over 45z to retire is an effective means to relieve the tension of unemployment 2.But they fail to notice that forcing a person who is still able to work and has a family to support to retire brings serious financial

40、 problems as well as emotional and physical ones. 3.To force them to retire is a huge waste of the nation's best resources.A) the loss of valuable resources做题思路:原文中的同意解糕B) shortage of the work force做题思路:根据定位到的第一句话可推断该选项错误C) elderly people to feel upset做题思路:过度推断D) families to be unstable做题思路:过度推断

41、,作者只是说如果退休那么家庭就会受到影响47. The word "prime“ in Line 7, para .2. most probably means.A) first B) earlyC) majorD) spring做题思路:单词解释型题,根据上文的 more stable, more skillful and more experienced than wokers of any other ages.便可推出答案。48. Which of the following suggestions did the writer make?审题思路:无法定位,需根据选项来定位

42、原文,检测其是否正确。但是必须注意,对于该种题型,正确答 案需要靠近中心思想,或含有文点关键词,本文的中心应该是谈如何解决失业问题L迫使中年人退休不对 2.国家应该培养更多受过教育的employees,比如扩大大学招生A) Young people should work harder in order to go to college.做题思路:纵观全文,作者并没有对年轻人做出任何建议B) Colleges should be open to more high school-leavers.做题思路:根据关键词 colleges, high school-leavers,我们可以定位到 I

43、f, however, more of them are able to attend college and begin full-time employment at a later age, more job opportunities will be created oC) The old should be allowed to work as long as they want to .做题思路:过度推断,文串虽然说J'不应该迫使中年人退休,但是并未提及the old, work as long as they want to 等概念D) Policy makers sho

44、uld create more job opportunities.做题思路:文章只是在第二段的第一句提及policy makers,但并未对其提出任何建议。49. What is the writer's attitude towards the present situation of employment?观点态度题:需关注全文的基调,在第二段中作者首先陈述policy makers的观点,然后话锋一转,说这 样做不好,随即提出自己的建议,答案自然就是AA) Concerned B) Hopeless C) Interested D) Satisfied50. The best

45、TITLE for this passage might be.审题思路:大意题,解题时需考虑中心思想和文章关键词。中心思想同48小题。A) Should Workers Be Forced to Retire?做题思路:偷梁换柱,原文是middle-aged workers,而不是workersB) Why Don't We Educate the Young?做题思路:过度推断,不是不教育,而是扩大教育C) How to Solve Unemployment Problem?做题思路:无论是否让中年人退休还是大学扩大招生,都是解决失业的手段D) Are the Policy Mak

46、ers Wise?做题思路:无中生有Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage:51. A household employee is someone.审题思路:根据该问题我们可以得知此题问的是household employee的定义,我们可以定位到第一段 第二句 If you hired someone to do household work and you were able to control what work they did and how they did it, you had a household emp

47、loyee.第二段第一句 Household work is done in or around your home.第三段第一句 If a worker is your employee, It does not matter whether the work is full or part time or whether you hired the worker through an agency or from a listA) to do work at home and outside it做题思路:是第二段第一句的同意解释B) you ask for advice about ho

48、usework做题思路:无中生有C) who works in an employment office做题思路:employment office意思是职业介绍所D) who is in charge of all the families in a community做题思路:无中生有52. Some of the household work mentioned in the passage include.审题思路:考核并列结构,该题只需要回原文逐一进行匹配就行rA) driving, health consultation, and housekeepingB) babysittingf caretaking, and cleaningC) typing, caretaking, and office workD) private nursing and door-keeping53. What are included in the wages that you give a household employee?审题思路:考核并列结构,该题只需要回原文逐一进行匹配就行rA) Non-cash items.B) The cost of lodging


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