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1、谈谈分词的逻辑主语张可现在分词和过去分词的逻辑主语是 SAT的重点考察对象之一, 几乎每套试题都会出现 3-5 道与之相关的题目。现特为读者加以分析。一、何为分词的逻辑主语?分词作为非谓语动词的一种形式, 它应有自己理论上或逻辑上的主语; 该主语是分词动作的执行者(现在分词逻辑主语)或承受者(过去分词逻辑主语) ;它们在逻辑上存在着主谓关系 (逻辑主语与现在分词) 或动宾关系(过去分词与逻辑主语),但不能直接作非谓语动词的主语,因此叫逻辑主语。二、考点:当现在分词(表主动和进行)和过去分词(表被动和完成)在句子中作状语时,其逻辑主语必须是句子的主语,如误 : Hearing the news,

2、 tears came to her eyes.此句以现在分词作状语, 句子主语应该与现在分词构成逻辑上的主谓关系; 然而,眼泪 (tears) 是不可能听到消息 (hearing the news) 的,因此这个句子是病句,应改为:正 : Hearing the news, she burst into tears.又如:误: Ranked as one of the top ten universities, many students are eager to have the chance to study in Princeton.此句以过去分词作状语, 过去分词应该与句子的主语构成

3、动宾关系; 然而,学生们 (students) 是不可能被列为十大高校之一 (Ranked as one of the top ten universities) 的,因此这个句子是病句,应改为:正: Ranked as one of the top ten university, Princeton is the dream of many students who are eager to study in it.三、试用这样的分析方式解两道SAT官方指南中的题目:1. Laughing because they had missed their stop while reading th

4、e map,the task for the tourists now was getting off the bus and back to their destination.A. task for the tourists now wasB. tourists task now wasC. tourists now facing the task ofD. tourists nevertheless now faced the task ofE. tourists now faced the task of此句以现在分词作状语, 句子主语应该与现在分词构成逻辑上的主谓关系; 然而,任务

5、(tasks) 是不能发出笑 (Laughing) 的动作的,因此原句是病句,应以人“ tourists ” 作 主语 。 排除 A, B. 另, C 选 项没 有 谓语 动词 , D 选项 “ nevertheless ”表示“尽管如此,仍然” ,不合逻辑,因此选 E。2.Brought to the United States at the age of thirteen to receive a western education,his firstbook discusses Lee Yam Phous childhood in china.1A. his first book dis

6、cusses Lee Yam Phous childhood in china.B. Lee Yan Phous childhood in China is the subject of his first book.C. the subject of his first book is Lee Yan Phou s childhood in China.D. Lee Yan Phou discusses his childhood in China in his first book.E. Lee Yan Phou, whose childhood was in China, discusses this in his first book.此句以过去分词作状语, 过去分词应该与句子的主语构成动宾关系;然而,他的第一本书 (his first book)是不可能在 13 岁的时候被带到美国的 ( Brought to theUnited States at the age of thirteen) 的,因此原句是病句,应以人Lee Yan Phou 为主语 。排除 A,B,C ,而 E选项中的“ this ”指代不明,因此选D。2


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