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1、城市综合体齎-WHS 训IISynergistic RmI Estate Managecnnt & Network Singapore MJlQtt Malaysia 亚 China 中BQ VWmm 总 India 印It1.Different type of commercial real estate and how to profit from the development and operations商业地产的类别及如何从商业地产的开发及运营中盈利2. 25-50年不落后Case studies for successful mixed used project Plann

2、ing a mixed used that last 50 years ?3开发与营运四阶段Development Process开发及经营管理专家资源Team and process for Sustainable and profitable design如何成功发展和运营商业地产战略思路How to develop and operate successfully commercial development4. Risk management and strategy for developers 开发策略-战略思路5. Online vs Off Iine ?网购的增长迅猛Growi

3、ng competition online purchaseReturns of various asset class comparison Hotels, service apartments and malls各种资产类别回报对比酒店、服务式公寓、购物中心 -Concept of mixeduse commercial real estate 商业综合体的概念Concept and product of an internatiorial class service apartments国际服务式公寓的定义及产品问有限公司创始人及首席执行官-世界绿色城市组织(副主席)中国购物中心产业资讯

4、中心高级顾问亚洲购物中心协会副理事长(2007/2012 ) APREA/国际购物中心协会亚洲讲师(ICSC)中国购物中心专业认证高级委员(MallChina)我们的愿景成为亚太地区首选的零售及综合体物业开发顾问及管理公司!于2001年创立总部设在 ,中国分公司成立于2003年. mo年历程。°廳加豔聽鑑 事处超过50个购物中心.累计约1000万 平方米规划面积,经验週及亚洲50个 城市,包括新加坡.马来西亚.越南. 中国等地1 零售房地产行业内的主要动力是什么?What are the key driving forces withinthe retail real estate

5、industry?i.彎售房地产行业内的主要动力是什么?What are the key driving forces within the retail real estate industry?2分析资产的来灌,用途以及寻找互补合作伙伴Analyze the originations of assets, their uses and the search for complementary working partners.3. 商业地产.招商管理和运哲的可持续发展Sustainable development of Commercial properties. Investment m

6、anagement and Operations(Shopping Mall Development Process Overview 购物 中心开发流程大纲)4. 如何延长资产的寿命How to extend the lifespan of your asset5资产増厚的案例研究tChallenges faced by local developers today1. Competition 2. funding 3, Expertise开发商面临的压力 1竞争2资金3专业知识Competitiveland bidding竞争性土地竞拍Higher c of land a高昂地价资ompe

7、tition frc International Developers国际发展商的竞争LocalDevelopers1Challenges本地发展商的挑战Nationalcompetitionfrom localDevelopers国内发展商的竞争Need to maintainProfit growth保持利润增长竞争对手CompetitiveRivalry供应商的谈判能力Bargai ningPower ofTenants购物者的选择空间大BargainingPower ofShoppers新逬入者的威胁替代产品的威胁Threats ofNewEntrantsThreats of Subs

8、tituteProducts竞争对手新进入者 的威胁Threat of Substitute Products租户 谈判能力购物者 选挥空冏大Bargaining Power of TenantsBargaining Power of ShoppersCompetitive Rivalrylocal and international competition替代产品 的威肋网购的増长迅鐸 Growing competition online purchase城市jOyersupplecond-dier cities)商家市场Tenants market零售业态范围多元化 wide range

9、of retail formatsNew inter national developers -任宅开发商迸入商亚城产 Residential turn commercialThreats ofNew Entrantsdevelopers物业增值从120亿到300亿人民F新加坡滨海广场2 5年不落后Singapore Marina Square占面积:92.200平方米总建筑面积:4S万平方米滨海广场念东南亚其中品大的综合体物业项 目.建立于1985年该综合体包括3个五星圾 越店、Y甲级办公室和裙棲砲中心,并 已运作超过25年.25年不落后 新加坡滨海广场 Singapore Marina S

10、quare根据市场需要给购物中心定位Position!ng the retail according to the market needsNo. 6 King of Prussia Mall, King of Prussia, PA 每年:2500万人流 Annual Visitors: 25 million 开业二196 YeaLOpene±_1963体员:26万nfSize: 2.6 million square feetSingapore新加坡 Junction 8 第8站;辻理.第批进入新饭坡房地产倍托基J U N C II6 4 M 佥的项H CEO was direct

11、or, among first patch of shopping malls to ater REIT Location 位S: 9 Bishan Place Singapore 579837Year of Opening 开业:1993Year of Rebuilding/Expansion 離新:2000Type/Use 用i£: Commercial 仙业NLA净对机货向枳:24827.919 m2 (including office space 包括打7间)No of Levels 樓J/: 4 Retail 零何 / 6 Office 写钿No. of Shops 浙 数

12、 108No. of Carpark Lots 停彳位:393Anchor / Key Tenants k 力心:Departmental -Store BrSuperrYWketrEfecmosrstore andGolden Village Cinemas来福士广场The Heart of Sha nghaiC<iotters tt»eIMest in retail tsines> cxxncrco m o ccrriizec r Vt htirt cf M 话i10年不落后物业增值45倍I海井福土广场:人民广场CBD (可出榊面枳:27.66S平方来) 相金方案:相

13、金方率:(保底抽庇)或(保底.成两占取氏).的期设找较低的保底相金 咖庇获取以酗頁租金牧益 占年合约更粘.保底相金堆氏30%左右租金增长趨势租金:元/平米/月 该静包括衽甬主年均W合坦m醱抽成I 1000出租率60.010<890 rmt2004年 2012年12月12月第1年第6年2004年12月第1年2009年12月第6年単学理在不同险Asset management roles at different stages第一阶段:开发阶段 Stage 1: Development stage1针对开发的决策,相关对回报率以及运宫成本的决策1. Make decisions on Dev

14、elopment decisions that impact ROI and running cost2. 针对物业相关开发文件的整合,例如:整个物业的机电所用的建筑 材料,包括相关的施工和建筑图(为了未来的交檢以及重新定位)2. Proper documentation of assets3. 项目各种材料和系统的的免维护期以及保修期3. Building specifications and drawings, warranties for -mamteRaiKe分析资产的来源,用途,寻找互补合作伙伴第二阶段:项目运营阶段!1 Stage 2: Project in Operations1

15、 监督,合作和提高商家的服务租金收入,停车位收入以及其他的营销 收入1. Monitoring, motivating, driving the performances of tenants. and other revenue drivers such as leasing as well as car park and advertisement revenues2. 通过提高物管的管理水平,服务水平来提高收入2. Revenue enhancement Pro-active and preemptive riskmanagement. property management and f

16、acilities management3. 运宫管理整个物业管理的服务指标以及管理流程3. Operati ons - con ducting and reviewing annual Property Management Operations, Standard and Facilities Management Operations Standards and follow up closely with rectifications and improvement programsWhat are the key factors for designer and owners of

17、mixed-use to take note of to ensure a mixed-use will be profitable?综台性发展项目的建筑师及业上需雯注意什么关锻因素以佛保综1 性物业的可盈利性?Start with anFinanciallyend in mindviable“以终为始”财务可行性MarketableFunctional/sustaina ble可销性功能性Financially viable 财务可行性开发成本 Development cost营运成本 Operations cost7- nWFTTta on Hjt*的 com 护 *A developme

18、nt goes thro 4 stages in development and operations 开发与营运四阶段I.Cost Influence 成本影响5/28/2014Alt iltt Om护 proc“中国城市综合体的发展现状Mixed used situation2、Why is it popular? 为何综合性发展这么受欢迎?A Encouraged by Local agencies and planning authorities地方及规划当局大力推动B Rising land prices are making density necessary地价的高涨使得密集度的

19、增加成为必要C The convenience of live, work and play in a single location一站式生活、工作、玩乐的便利性Different type of commercial real estate and how to profitfrom the development andoperations商业地产的类别及如何从商业地产的开发及运营中盈利Returns of various asset classcomparison- Hotels, serviceapartments and malls各种资产类别回报对比酒店、服务式公寓.购物中心决策

20、?HCHotel. Service Apt and Mall GOP Performance in AsiaI: 丨 Mall'卍字 HMrts眉鼻式Shoppiiti W«ll8<rvl" AptsSboine WUJsHC5/28/2014*计匕件 0>ugn prae«««Commercial Properties i 4 A development goes thro 4 stages in development and operations 开发与营运四阶段决策I.Cost Influence 成本影响A Pro

21、jecfs Time Span 项目生命周期各阶段时距国际服务式公MIntroduction ToInternational Serviced Apartment客户构成Customer profile CEO with family CEO (携家庭) Manager 理 Short -term stay for executives供短期 居住行政人员 Nationality 国籍ManagementType of service apartment operator菽务公寓营运方类型 Professional service companies specializing in servi

22、ce apartmentsInlemalionid team专业的服务公寓管理公呵拥有国际化的团队 Hotel operators酒店营运方 Local or city level service apartments operators 本地或城市级别的服务公寓营运方Product Design 产品设计 Amenities are different from hotels 设施不同于酒店 Kitchen 厨房 Club house俱乐部 Biz centers 商务中心 Back room operatTO!? 后勤营运客梯和货梯Design considerations设计考虑因素A

23、l.ive and work place一个生活、工作场所 Safety安全 Conveniences of holds services Biz ccnlers. laundry* House keeping便利的酒店式眼务商务中心.洗衣房,房间整理 Conveniences and privacy of apartment anwnities shops, supermarket, schools, club house便利/私密的公寓设施店铺.趙市.学校,俱乐部 International management- languages, other needs (translation,

24、bookings of concerts, air tickets)国际化管理语言,其他需求(翻译,订票等Mixed used development 综合性开发 A mixed used development is a project that comprise two or more uses in a single facility or development areata 合杵幵发项 11 足任 个设施或是一个开发地块屮存两个或两个以上功能的项H Mixed used projects brings different people to the facility at diffe

25、rent times of the day综介性项目(£ 天不同的时间段中给项目 带来不同的人流. Better usage of real estate space and communal facilities 地产空间 和公用设施可以得到更好的利用Cases of successful mixed used projects -Pacific Place, HK综合性项目成功案例香港太古广场IEPacific Place, HK 香港太古广场 One Pacific Place and Two 口 Pacific P,ace there 哗 ree Pacific Place

26、are officemain shopping floors 太 ri Itowers. -W:购物中心和两柿场有3个上要的购物楼层办公塔楼 The three hotels are JW Marriott, Hong Kong, Island Shangri-La and Conrad lnternational.3个猶店分别是 香港万彙酒店、香格里拉酒店 和港朋国际酒店 Serviced apartments of 270 suites Pacific Place Apartments.270佝阪务式公寓处古公寓Pacific Place, HK 香港太古广场 Excellent Posi

27、tioning, Compatibility of uses and traffic management 最恰当的定位,用途及动线管理的兼容性KLCC, Malaysia马来西亚国油双峰塔 KLCC is a self-contained, city within a city. N汕双峰塔足一个独 立的城中城。 The integrated mixed-use development provides more than 1.67 million sq. metres (18 million sq.feet)of:这个综介性项目仃1,670,000半方米体量(18,000,000 平方英尺

28、),包括 commercial 商业 retail 零售 hotel酒店 convention 会展 residential 住宅 entertainment facilities乐设iiiKLCC, Malaysia马来西亚国油双峰塔匚*KLCC, Malaysia马来西亚国油双峰塔3亍1 y A 88-storey PETRONAS Twin Towers 88层的双£塔楼Suria KLCC - the 6-level 1.5 million sq. feet shopping centre 国油戏邮塔 6彳楼层.1,500,000 T方英尺的哺物中 心49-storey Me

29、nara Maxis 49 Y30-storey Menara Exxon Mobil 30层32-storey Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur notel 32V 的衲店A 20-hectare (50-acre) Public Park 20 公顷(50英由、的公異停车场Two District Cooling Centres2个区域 制冷中心A mosque 1 个、芋 MiKLCC, Malaysia马来西亚国油双峰塔Phase Two Development 期开发包括: Kuala Lumpur ConventionCentre吉隆坡会展中心 Resi

30、dential (Th© Binjai condominium)住宅 Lot C (MixedDevelopment) C地块(综 合性开发)马来西亚国油双峰塔KLCC, Malaysia Excellent phasing , compatibility and placement of various comp orient in KLzs best locality理的分期开发,不同功能区域的兼容性及放 置安排 Open in Asian Financial Crisis in 1998 1998年亚洲金融风暴时开业 Listed in KL stock exchange ye

31、ar few years backHung Lung -Plaza 66,Shanghai 上海恒隆广场 Tower 1:2001 塔楼 1:2001 年建成 Tower 2:2006 塔楼2:2006年建成 Usage-Office and high end retail (2投入使用的包括写字楼和高端购 物中心Marina Center Phased development of various mixed used projects 滨海广场分期开发的综合性项目 Marina Square Three 5 -star hotel and a megamall 滨海广场包 括3个5星级酒尬

32、和一个购物中心 Suntec City, Convention center, 4 office towers (for strata sale) and shopping mall新达城、会展中心、楼和个购物中心 Raffles City, Office towers and two 4&5 Hotels来福上广场了 楼和幢4星级酒店幢5川级酒店 Pontiac Land- Two 5-star hotels and office towers .Pontiac25星 级酒店及写字楼 Research is critical to success:想做一个成功的综合性项目 调研很关键 Can the market support the proposed mix Jts relative positi oning and size of each comp on ents?市场 f吃够支持占殳初 捉议的组合吗,能支持其定位和每个组成部分的体虽吗? Are the positioning compatible?定位合适吗 Are the placement compatible?布世合适吗?


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