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1、Non-finite Verbs非谓语动词(英语八班王晴怡)一、非谓语动词的三种基本形式的含义1)to do:表示要做或去做,表个别行为,表目的;2)doing:做了,经常做,用来做,或一般行为(动名词)。表主动含义“正在做” ,形容词化翻译成“令人 的” (现在分词);3)done: 表示被动含义“被做”或“已做”“已被做”,形容词化后翻译成“ (某人)感到 的”或“被 的”或“已 的” (表语、定语、状语) 。二、非谓语动词的各种变形一般式完成式进行式不定式主动to doto have doneto be doing被动to be doneto have beendoneing 形式主动d

2、oinghaving done被动being donehaving beendone过去分词被动done动名词与现在分词的区别主要是:1. 动名词充当主语,宾语,和同位语。现在分词充当状语和补语。两者都可以做定语,但是意义不同。作定语时, 动名词说明被修饰的名词的用途; 现在分词说明名词的动作, 即它和名词在逻辑上有主谓关系。a sleeping car=a car used for sleeping一节卧车车厢, 即一个用于睡觉的车(sleeping为动名词表用途)a sleeping child=a child who is sleeping(sleeping为现在分词表正在进行的动作一个

3、睡着的孩子,即一个正在睡觉的孩子)2.动名词和名词一样有a, the, my, this, Tom s, the, some, much, a lot of等词语修饰:I usually do some cleaning on Sunday.我通常在周日打扫卫生。Do you do much fishing?你常常钓鱼吗?He showed me a picture of his own painting.他拿出来他自己绘画的一张照片给我看。A knocking at the door was heard.一阵敲门声被听到了。动名词和名词一样有所有格、复数形式:He enjoys readin

4、g for readings sake, not for scholarship.他喜欢阅读是因为阅读的好处,而不是因为奖学金。He is so busy that I cant keep track of all his comings and goings.他是如此的繁忙以至于我无法弄清楚他的来来去去。三、非谓语动词的逻辑主语1. 如果 to do 的逻辑驻足于就是句子的主语或者宾语,正常使用主格和宾格。如果不是,则写成for/of sb to do。She wants you to call him later.她让我之后给他打电话。如果形容词修饰人,则用of sb ,如果形容词修饰to

5、 doIt s very dangerous for children to cross the busy street.这件事,则用for sb.如,对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险。It s difficult for us to finish the work.对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。形容词描述人的品质、性格、感情或者态度,用of sb ,形容词和sb 有主表关系。用于此句型的形容词主要有:clever, foolish, good, kind, nice, polite, selfish, silly, right,wrong, thoughtful, wise, gener

6、ous, rude, brave, careless , patient等,如,It s brave of him to save the child from the fire.It s foolish of her to say so.这么说话他真愚蠢。从大火中救出这个孩子,他真勇敢。2.如果 doing的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,正常使用主格。 如果不是则在doing前加上形容词性物主代词或s所有格: my/Tom s doing,如果逻辑主语是句子的宾语既可使用宾格也可以使用my/Toms doing。I have finished reading the book.我已经读完了这本书。

7、Would you mind me/my/Toms opening the window?你介意/我我/Tom开窗吗?在非谓语动词前直接加not或never.即not / never to do, not / never doing。当前面有逻辑主语时,not或者never放在逻辑主语与非谓语动词之间。如:Not swimming in the river in summer is good for you.在夏天不在河里游泳对你有处。He told the children not to play in the street.他叫孩子们不要在街上玩耍。He apologized for hi

8、s not being able to arrive on time.他因没能按时到来而道歉。五不同非谓语动词在句中做相同成分时的区别1 、非谓语动词做主语不定式 (to do)和动名词 (v-ing)作主语的区别1)不 定式和动名词可以在句中充当主语, 但过去分词(done)却不可以。To know oneself is difficult.(不定式)Working on such a hot day is no easy job.(动名词)2) 不定式 (to) 一般表示具体或一次性动作 , 而动名词 (v-ing) 则表示一般或抽象的多次动作。Not being tall should

9、not become a serious disadvantage in life and work.3) 不定式和动名词都可以用 it 来代替作形式主语。It is not good to smoke so much.It is useless speaking.注:动名词 (v-ing) 常在以下两个结构中做主语:It is no use/ no good/ fun/ a waste of time/ a good pleasureIt is useless/ nice/ interesting/ worthwhile/ good等形容词eg: It is a waste of time

10、seeing that movie.It is so good to talk to you.4) 动名词 (v-ing) 也可在There is/ was no + doing结构中做主语等名词 +doing+ doingThere is no standing still in this life; one must either advance or fall behind.2 、非谓语动词做宾语不定式和动名词可以作动词宾语或介词宾语。大多数动词既能接不定式、又可接动名词作宾语,但有些动词或固定结构有特定的用法。1. 动名词( v-ing )作宾语In international mat

11、ches, prestige is so important that the only thing thatmatters is to avoid being beaten1) 下列动词(短语)只能接动名词或名词作宾语:Abandon, give up, admit, acknowledgeescape ,enjoy,confess,advocate,avoid2) 非谓语动词作介词的宾语 , 通常情况下要用动名词形式 , 不能用不定式。某些固定结构可以省略介词 , 但仍然要跟动名词形式。 feel like doing sth. be/get used to doing sth. be b

12、usy (in) doing sth. spend time (in) doing sth. waste/lose time (in) doing sth. have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth. have fun (in) doing sth. have a good time (in) doing sth. there is no point (in) doing sth.3 )下列动词后只能接不定式作宾语agree,offer,plan, aim, ask, demand,claim, endeavor, managedetermine, reso

13、lve Jack offered to drive his friend to the airport. After the divorce, Mary resolved never to marry again.4) 当非谓语动词位于but, except后作宾语时 , 习惯上要用不定式;而且 , 当其前有动词do ( do, does, did, done)时 , 则不定式不带有动词 do,则不定式通常带to 。to;若其前 We had no choice but to wait. He never did anything at home but watch TV. It had no

14、 effect except to make him angry. I could do nothing except agree. 5 )能接不定式和动名词作宾语的动词注:有些动词后既能接不定式又能接动名词, 两者意思基本相同 , 有时甚至可以互换,区别不大。主要在于 : 不定式一般表示具体成一次性动作 , 动名词则表示一般或抽象的多次动作。这类动词主要有:Likelovehatepreferbeginstartcontinuebotherintend注意 :在like, love, hate, prefer前有would, should时 ,其后只能跟不定式。有些动词后既能接不定式又能接动

15、名词, 但二者的意义差别很大。这类动词有:go on doing 继续做某事(继续刚才的事情)go on to do继续去做另一件事continue doing继续做某事(继续刚才的事情)continue to dolike doing sth喜欢做某事(经常行为,或者做了已是事实的行为)like to do sth.喜欢去做某事(个别行为,或将来的行为)stop doing sth.停止做某事(停止正在做的事情)stop to do sth.停下来去去做另一件事try doing sth.尝试做某事try to do尽力去做某事regret doing sth .后悔做某事(为已经做过的事而

16、感到)regret to do遗憾要做某事(此事没做)remember doing记得做过某事remember to do记得要去做某事forget doing忘记做了某事forget to do忘记要去做某事注:英语中有些动词接动名词为宾语, 不定式为宾语补足语。Adviseallowforbidpermitrecommende.g.He doesntallow smoking in his office.(动名词作宾语)He doesn tallow his family to smoke at all.(不定式作宾语补足语)3 、非谓语动词做补语1 )不定式和分词都可以作主语补足语和宾语

17、补足语, 但所表达的意义不同。现在分词 (v-ing)表示动作正在进行或一直处于某种状态过去分词 (done) 表被动意义不定式 (to do)表动作未发生e.g. She suddenly heard someone knocking at the door. (正在进行 ) She kept us waiting here for an hour. (一直处于某种状态) I heard the song sung. ( song与 sing 之间是被动关系) Please remind me to take my medicine this afternoon. (未发生 ) The mu

18、rderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back. (tie 与 hands 之间是被动关系)2 )表示劝请、要求的动词后常用带的不定式作宾补,可用于 sb. to do sth.构。此类词有:ask invite tellwantencouragewishexpectbeg requestrequireadviseorderforcecauseallowpermitforbidwarnremindteachsend call onwait forwould like/love/prefer注:也有部分表劝请、要求的词不可以t

19、o do为宾补。Hopesuggestagreedecidedemande.g. He doesn t allow his family to smoke.I advised him not to go there.(此处 advised不可用 suggested替换。)3.)在使役动词 make, let, have后 ,一般用不带 to的不定式作宾补 , 但在其被动式后作主语补足语时,要加上to 。e.g.He made his son study English4) help以不定式为宾补时,不定式带不带to 均可。He helped me (to) clean the room.5)w

20、ant, wish等后接to be done作宾补时, to be可省略 ,直接用过去分词作宾补。When do you wish it( to be) finished?4 、非谓语动词做表语1 )动名词、不定式和分词都可以作句子表语。不定式多表一次性的、具体的动作;动名词多表经常发生的、日常的;过去分词多表被动。e.g. One of our aims is to help the unemployed find a job. Her job was washing clothes. The problem remains unsolved.2 ) 有些现在分词和过去分词也常常被认作是形容

21、词。amusingunemployedinterestingsurprisingdelightingamusedexcitedinterestedsurpriseddelightede.g.They are excited to hear the news. (过去分词 )The news is exciting. (现在分词 )5 、非谓语动词做定语1 )分词作定语和所修饰的词有逻辑上的主谓关系现在分词一般表示正在发生的动作过去分词表示已经发生的动作或表被动的意义。 a racing horse = a horse that is racing the girl standing there

22、 = the girl who is standing there a fallen leaf = a leaf that has already fallen the building completed three years ago = the building that was completed three years agoe.g. The man preparing the documents is the firm ' s lawyer has all the followingpossible meanings EXCEPT( D )A. The man who ha

23、s prepared the documents.B. The man who has been preparing the documents.C. The man who is preparing the documentsD. The manwho will prepare the documents2 )不定式作定语,通常表示未发生的动作,且常后置。The topic to be discussed at the meeting is still unknown.3 )动名词定语一般表示所修饰词的用途,它和所修饰词之间没有逻辑上的主谓关系。 the sleeping bus = the

24、 bus for sleeping a changing room = a room for changing clothes a walking stick = a stick for walking、非谓语动词做状语1.)不定式在句中作状语常表目的、结果或原因;分词作状语表示时间、原因、让步、条件、方式、伴随等。Having finished the homework, I went home. (表时间 )Being a model party member, I should work even harder. (表原因Given time, hell make a first-cla

25、ss tennis player. (表条件 )He ran out of the classroom, shouting at the boy. (表伴随 )To give the teacher a good impression, I decided to sit in the front row. (He is old enough to join the army. (表结果 )I am only too pleased to accept your kind invitation. (表结果 )only/all tooto do非常 做某事)表目的 )2.)独立主格结构/ 独立分词

26、结构分词作状语应注意其逻辑主语必须与主句的主语一致,否则分词要有自己的逻辑主语,这种带主语的分词被称为分词的独立主格结构。分词的独立结构由逻辑主语(名词、代词)+分词构成,可以表示时间、原因、条件、方式或伴随状态。 Time permitting = (if time permits), the celebration will be held as scheduled. Agriculture is the country s chief source of wealth, wheatingbeby far thebiggest. There being nothing more for d

27、iscussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier. What ' s the chance of there being a general election this year?独立结构中的逻辑主语前有时可以加with或 without,作伴随状语或定语e.g .He sat in the chair with his legs crossed.The girl hid her box without anyone knowing where it was.3) 有些分词短语可以独立存在,在句子中没有逻辑上的主语而实

28、际上已经变成了习惯用法。generally/strictly speaking judging from talking of considering/given (that) regarding/concerning provided/providing/supposing/given including seeing (that) 4 )独立不定式有些不定式不属于句中的任何人或事物,而是修饰全句,这类不定式为独立不定式(Absolute infinitive)。常用的有: to tell the truth to be plain with you to be brief to concl

29、ude to cut/make a long story short to sum up needless to say strange to say to say nothing of / not to speak of / not to mention to say the least5) 有些不定式不属于句中的任何人或事物,而是修饰全句,这类不定式为独立不定式To tell the truth, I thought I would keep silent. To be brief, he was happy with the result. To conclude, I wish you all good health and a long life.To cuta long story short, we said,“ No! ” He can speak French, German and Japanese, not to mention English. It is a good idea, to be sure, but it costs too much.


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