译林牛津版七年级英语上Unit2 Let’s play sports! Period1 Welcome to the unit学案(无答案).docx

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1、 7A Unit2 Lets play sports!,Period1 Welcome to the unit 设计者: 课型: 新授课 使用时间: 【学习目标】1.会用本课时的四会单词及词组 like walking walk to many times a day go swimming。2.会运用句型 Whats your favourite sport? What about you?.【学习重点】掌握基本的运动词汇。【学习难点】运用这些运动词汇描述自己喜爱的运动。【自主学习】1. 预习本课单词,先根据音标自己拼读,再听磁带核对发音,并熟读。 (对子互查,小组长检查)并能根据音标写出下

2、列单词:w:k rili bul taimvlib:l indi tens 2. 预习Comic strip (漫画部分),完成下面各题:1)预习对话,从中找出下列词组,并翻译成中文。 like walking_ walk to my bowl _ many times a day_ fun sports_2)根据你对漫画部分的了解, 试着回答下列问题。(第3小题要求组内、小组之间合作完成)What sport does Eddie like? _Why does Eddie like it? _How does Hobo feel after hearing what Eddie

3、said? _3)听磁带,朗读对话,准备课上精彩表演哦。3. 预习Welcome to the unit (导入), 完成下面各题:1)预习导入部分Part A,完成下列内容。 完成下列表格sports football Place(场地)football field请归纳出表达 “喜爱” 的不同词汇,包括词组。_思考题:如果这些词后面接动词时,动词的形式该怎样变化? _【牛刀小试】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I like _(walk)my dog after dinner.2. Are they good at _(swim) in the river?3. Does he enjoy

4、_(listen) to music in his free time?4. What does your cousin love _(do) at scholl?2)预习Part B难句翻译1.Whats your favouirte sport?_2. I often play football after school. What about you?_你能和同伴们尝试自编对话,谈论喜欢的运动吗?【课堂学习合作探究过程】1、小组助学,探究问题(1)对子交流预习笔记。2. 轮流朗读单词和对话。3. 小组讨论在自主预习中遇到的难点。4. 小组长明确组员分工,做好展示准备。5. 教师分配展示任

5、务(单词朗读、词组听写、对话朗读、对话表演)2、师生展学,解决问题1.展示单词,词组的预习情况,并给予评价。2.对话朗读和翻译比赛。3.展示问题,组织大组讨论,交流。(小组之间相互补充、评价)4.教师对小组没有展示到的内容(重点、难点)进行追问、补充。5.学生总结。(如何运用所学知识谈论喜欢的运动)【课堂达标检测】一看一看,猜一猜,它们是什么运动及场所。 _ _ _ _ _二看图讨论,合作学习 Which sport are they good at?Liu Xiang is good at _, he runs so fast.Yao Ming is good at _. He played

6、 basketball in NBA.Zhang Jike is a _ player. He is one of the best players in the world.Ye Shiwen is a good_ player. She often won the first prize.SunYang is good at _. He looks cute, so many people like him.In his free time, Sun Yang enjoys _ to music.三、完成下列句子1. My best friend Lucy is good at_(游泳).

7、2. The boys in my class enjoy _(在足球场上踢球).3. In summer, we all like to have fun_ (在游泳池里).4. Zhang Ning plays _ (羽毛球)well. She has many fans all over the world.5.Look! These players are playing _ (在排球场上)四、仿照示范,自编对话A: Hi! Eddie, which sport do you love?B: I love playing football.A: Where and when do yo

8、u play football?B: I play football on a football field after school. A: What about you?B: I often go hiking with my friends at weekends.A: _B: _A: _B: _A: _B: _五、用下列词组造句子,并翻译成中文。1. like doing sth._(英文)_(中文)2.love doing sth._(英文)_(中文)3.enjoy doing sth._(英文)_(中文)4.be good at doing sth._(英文)_(中文)【反思】4 / 4


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