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1、1. Some people like to work in a team. Others would rather work individually. Which do you prefer and why?As we know, “ When everybody adds fuel, the flames rise high”. Iopinion, I prefer to work in a team. Becausethere are many advantages of group working.Firstly, In a team, we can share our opinio

2、ns and brainstorm when we want to do some plans or activities, which is time-saving.Secondly, we can cooperate with teammates to solve problems easily when we met some difficulties.Thirdly, It's convenient for us to get in formatio n and lear n somethi ngwe don't be familiar with from people

3、 surroundingus.Above all, I think that working in agroup is more interesting and urge me to work harder.2. Please comment on the following statement: Computer ethics contribute to a better and safe use of computers in our daily life.With the rapid development of technology, the computer plays an ess

4、ential role in our daily life. When we are enjoying the big convenience of computer, there is also a serious network security problem that we can't ignore.Network moral crisis of the users, which resulted from dislocation of network morality, is the universal problem in network society. Some kin

5、ds of cyber crime emerge. Such as attacking other people's computer systems, stealing other people's classified files and spreading false information, which are unethical. Our information faces a series of problems. Therefore, we need to establish ethical standards, laws and regulations to e

6、nsure network civilization and security. Only in this way can we have a healthy Internet Environment. So, computer ethics contribute to a better and safe use of computers in our daily life.3. Why are we loosing productive land? How shall we address the land problems?Each year more and more land beco

7、mes degraded. We are losing productive land. New dry areas are developing and expanding. I about new dry areas, areas where land has been declining in quality.The first is overgrazing by farm animals. Overgrazing, overcutting, and farming methods.Second, overcutting of trees also contributes to the

8、loss of good land. The main problem is too many trees are cut and not replanted. There is nothing to hold the good soil. Wind and water carry the good soil away and it erodes quickly, leaving land that is dry and less productive.Third, Population is increasing, Contaminated land will not be usedfor

9、producti on. Example Fukushima nu clear leak(福岛核泄漏)1. Set up some organizations , that are working to help countries or communities look at their special problems and figure out what possible changes they can make to protect their land.2. Strengthen pollution control, reduce pollution, especially di

10、fficultto control pollution3. Scientific grazing, Improve land utilization.Of course, it is important to rely on the government's active land policy.4. Are you for or against the wide application of DNA testing?As we know, DNA which to some extents determines what we look like, what we like to d

11、o, and what our future will be.Due to the information that DNA contains, scientists have found a way to identify possible genetic relationship between two persons, which helps people find their lost children or ancestors.What's more, DNA testing can be used for criminal investigation . The polic

12、emen can easily find the suspect by detecting the DNA in the hair of something else that is part of the suspect's body.Also, DNA testing can be used topredict and diagnose disease, then you can take some measures to improve the environment and living habits on time.Above all, I insist that the w

13、ide application of DNA is helpful for people, although we may met some ethical problems when we use it.5. What recommendations will you give to those who want to stay health?As an old say ing goes,Happ in ess lies first of all in health , it means that health is very important for us. So how to stay

14、 health?Firstly, We should keep a bala need diet and eat more healthy food like meat and vegetables.Secon dly,keep ing a good mood and sleep ing at least 8 hours one day is important . Because we will feel very tired and can't work well, If you don't have eno ugh sleep.Thirdly, it's n ec

15、essary for us to do more outdoor exercises in spare time, which can help us get a strong and healthy body.Fourthly, We'd better not play computer games or watch movies for too long because it does harm to our eyes.6. Please comment on the following statement: Man can do nothing in face of natura

16、l disasters.With the development of society, the environment has been worse and worse. At the same time, the natural disasters happen more frequently than before.However, in the face of it, Man feel helpless and believe that nature cannot be conquered.There is a gold chain runs through the universe,

17、 also a red line links all things. It likes a law of life and death, which can't be cha nged, nor tran sfer with the people's will. People can only obey the rules. So, we insist that nature cannot be conquered and we should take some measures to protect the nature.7. Why is economics regarde

18、d as a science?First of all, let 'gest started with the respective definitions of economics and science.Science is a knowledge system that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.While economics is a social science concerned chiefly

19、with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.Therefore, the characteristics of economics, such as statistics and analysis just in line with scientific interpretation.Furthermore, in the category of economics, it contains a large number of theor

20、ies which about the laws of human values activity, and these theories are not immutable. With the depth of research, they will be more and more rich. And the process of this theory is completely consistent with other natural science.In summary, I think mentioned above is the reason why economics reg

21、arded as a science.8. Comment on the impact of globalization on cultureWith globalization, people have more opportunities to cooperate and exchange. However, I think it has more negative effects on culture, which are as follows.On the one hand, native language which is the most important part of cul

22、ture has been threatened by English which is regarded as the worldwide medium of communication due to globalization. Consequently, A growing number of people are being encouraged to use or send messages in English rather than in their own language.On the other hand, due to the impact of western cult

23、ures, young people start to admire the extreme individualism and the hedonism, which are harmful to the development of society.9.In what ways is new form of journalism different from traditional media?New media is essentially a cyber culture with modern computer technology, digital data controlled b

24、y software and the latest fast developing communication technology. Most technologies described as “ newmedia ”are digital, and often have characteristics of being networkable, interactive and impartial. Examples are the internet, websites, computer multimedia, games, CD-ROMs and DVDs.Young people a

25、re attracted to the easy means of getting information with internet based computer or phones, which provide them information of their choice any time, any where. They don't n eed to wait for any broadcasting schedule to be connected to get the information.Internet blogs, news portals and online

26、news, Facebook, You Tube, podcast and webcast, and even the short messaging system, are all new media. The modern revolution enables everybody to become a journalist at little cost and with global reach. Nothing like this has ever been possible before. New media is like a “ newtrust ” thcaotn n ect

27、all boundaries of politics, economy and religion.10.Nowadays, people all over the world share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and TV channels. Do the disadvantages of this trend outweigh the advantages?Nowadays, people all over the world share the same Hollywood movies and fash

28、ion. Everyone has different opinions, To my mind, cultural globalizati on's adva ntagesoutweigh its disadva ntages.Because cultural globalization has a lot of advantages as follows:First of all, globalization is a vital process toward transferring knowledge and education throughout the world. Se

29、condly, people can enjoy cultural achievements by artists all over the world, such as films, TV programs, music, opera etc. Finally, the exchange of culture could enhance mutual understanding, create goodwill and remove the hostility and prejudice betweendifferent nations.Of course, there are also s

30、ome negative things when we share these things from all over the world. But, I insist that the advantages far outweigh its disadvantages11.Some students like online courses. Others like to take traditional classroom courses. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answ

31、er.In my opinion, I prefer online courses. With the development of communication technology, the network has become an indispensable tool in people's daily life. Now more and more people choose online courses, I think it is a better choice whether it is for students or serving staff under the du

32、al pressure of work。First, different from the traditional courses, the learning time and place of online courses are not restricted. For example, for those serving people, they can use the subway or bus time to study online courses, which makes it convenient and makes full use of their spare time. N

33、o matter at any time or any place, as long as there is the Internet, you can learn, learners can arrange their own learning time, and will not affect the work and other activities.Second, online courses can be repeated, students can adjust schedule according to their actual situation. Basic knowledg

34、e and ability of accepting knowledge of each student is different, by listening to course once, some students will be able to master, but others will listen several times in order to understand . Students can personalize what they need to learn on the basis of their own .They can not listen to what

35、they understand. As for the content they don't understand, they can listen to it more often until they have mastered it. The traditional courses require lectures within the prescribed time, and students do not have the opportunity to repeat when they cannot understand ,cannot hear clearly or hav

36、e questions.Finally, online courses can realize the excellent teacher's resource sharing. In traditional education, because of the actual teaching conditions, teaching resources vary in many remote areas of the serious shortage of teachers, what ' s more, there is no teachers in some areas ,

37、which restricts the local education level to the higher level. The advantage of online education is that we can bring excellent teachers from all over the country together, so that students in different areas can hear the courses taught by famous teachers, so as to improve the overall educational le

38、vel of our country.In general, as an alternative to the traditional classroom teaching model, it is still more advantageous and novel. Every coin has two sides, so the combination of traditional courses and online courses may make the teaching effect better in these two modes.12 Do you agree or disa

39、gree with the following statement? Young people know more about the modern world than their parents do. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answerPersonally, I agree that young people today know more about modern world than parents did before, and I will explain my opinion from two asp

40、ects.Firstly, technologies are developing rapidly and have provided us various ways to get events. You know, more and more technologies have occurred which help young people to access to news and events in a multiple way, such as searching the internet or watching TV news. However, in the past, peop

41、le can do nothing except reading newspaper or listening to the radio. The information they got was quite limited.Secondly, young people today receive more education and have broader horizon than their parents. The advanced education and wide horizon help young people to better understand the modern

42、world and accept new things appearing in modern world. For example, young people can master the use of new technologies such as computer and cellphone, while it is difficult for their parents to grasp these things.In short, young people today more about the modern world than their parents do.13. Sho

43、uld Tianjin try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings?I insist that Tianjin should try to preserve its old, historic buildings instead of destroying them and replacing them with modern buildings.Some people may point out that old buildings are

44、 precarious and even dangerousfor living while modern buildings are obviously safer at the same time. As a result, some old buildings make less contribution to the promotion of the city' s appearance. For an example, in Tianjin comparedwith the other buildings on Binjiang Road, Quanye Chang seem

45、s less splendid. However, to some extent, the special historical and cultural significance that old, historic buildings possess won' t be felt from mbuildings. So, there is nothing ambiguous that such antique buildings should be not be destroyed.I must mention that in Tianjin there are some old

46、buildings which hardly have significance and can completely replaced by other more historic buildings. In that case, the government can replace them with modern buildings for the sake of the development of Tianjin. Of course, in order to the unique features of Tianjin, the construction of the modern

47、 buildings can be based on the historical architectural style.To sum up, old and historic buildings should be preserved and other old buildings which have already lost their functions can be renovated by modern technology.14. Do you think it necessary for China to hold large conferences and activiti

48、es such as the Olympic Games, APEC, and Expo? Use specific examples to support your ideas.In my opinion , I think it is necessary for China to hold large conferences and activities. These large conferences and activities can bring many benefits for China.Firstly, to hold large conferences and activi

49、ties is useful for cultural exchangesbetween China and the rest of the world. For instance, Shanghai held the 41th Expo in 2010. There is no doubt it provided the Chinese people with a great opportunity to learn about the cultures around the world.Secondly, it can show and enhance China's influence in the international community. China held APEC successfully in 2001 and 2014. Such activities fully demonstrate that China plays an increasingly important role in international affairs.What' s moreit,can promote the economic develop


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