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1、Where are you going to go?教学目标: 掌握单词: list airport shoe ticket toothbrush 熟练的句子: Where are you going to go?What are you going to take?When are you going to go?Whos going to go with you?教学工具 Cards pictures tape-recorder教学过程一.板题示标T: Today we are going to learn Module 10 Unit 1 , first ,lets look at th

2、e learning aims.二.回顾复习上节课学的东西三.课文导入 1. Free talk:T: What are you going to do next Sunday?S: (Answer)T: Whos going to travel?S: (Answer)T: What are you going to take?S: (Answer)T: When are you going to go?S: (Answer)T: Whos going to go with you?S: (Answer)T: I hope you have a good time. 2. 课文学习T: Dam

3、ing is going to travel. Lets have a look what he is going to do.学生听第一遍录音,找也不认识的单词. Listen to the tape and underline the new words.学生听第二遍录音,跟读自己不认识的单词.Listen to the tape-recorder and read follow it .学生听第三遍录音的同时,T把一些新单词写在黑板上,领读学生掌握不好的词.听第四遍录音,学生跟读.要求:边听边指,注意模仿语音语调.学生四人一组练习对话,五分钟后,看哪组同学的对话读得最流利.板书以下问题,

4、让学生回答Where is Daming going to go?(1)What is Daming going to take?【答案】:AWhen is Daming going to the airport?Whos going to the airport? 3.学生活动 让学生用以下的句子谈论一下他们的旅行B 凝血因子 E 凝血因子 Where are you going to go?What are you going to take?理由:年末,工程能否提前完工尚不确定,所以在确认当年主营业务收入的时候在收入总额中不能包括该项承诺支付的奖励款60万元。When are you g

5、oing to go?15、用原型法开发系统时,使用、评价系统原型阶段的主要任务是( )Whos going to go with you?板书设计:贷:坏账准备 800 Module 10 Preparations4、用计算机对大量数据存储有两种方式,即 方式和 方式。 Unit 1 Where are you going to go? Words: sentences: list Where are you going to go?A91万元 airport What are you going to take?B作为制造费用计入产品成本 shoe When are you going to go?C凝血因子和凝血因子 ticket Whos going to go? toothbrush Whos going to go with you?


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