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1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.周次: 授课人: 备课人:雷月玮Period 1 Section A 1a-2cTeaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge and Ability Objects (1). Key vocabulary: used to, be interested in (2). Key structures: You used to have long hair, didnt you?Did you use to have straight hair? Yes, I did.2. Teaching

2、 Difficulty To master the structure: used to do sth. Teaching Aids: A tape recorder Some photos or picturesTeaching Procedures展示学习目标:掌握重要单词和词组: outgoing , funny, used to do sth, short hair, curly.能够用 used to do sth 去练习句型。熟练掌握used to do 句型。Step1 Studying guide 1 (3分钟) 自学指导 一 1a、1c1、Read the instructi

3、ons to the class.Fill in he chart in 1a, Revise some words to describe people。2、 Pairwork: Read and practice 1c.Step2 Have a check 1 (4分钟) 自我检测一1、 Students fill in the chart in 1a、2、1c 、 Show a photo and describe them with a student in a conversation using “used to do sth” To make conversations with

4、 “used to”.Tell students the usage of “used to do sth”. Add “be used to doing sth”.Step 3. Studying guide 3 (2分钟) 自学指导二Listening To read the listening of 1b, 2a, 2b. Step 4 Have a check 3 (8分钟) 自我检测二1 To listen to 1b ,2a , 2b .2 Check their answers.1b:1.short、glass。 2. really tall。short,hair 3. red,

5、curly2a:friendly,outing, 2b: quiet,outing, friendly, sports,Step 7 Studying guide 4 (2分钟) 自学指导三2c Pair work 1. Read the instructions and the conversation to the class, and then ask students to make similar conversations.Step 8 Have a check 8 自我检测三1 . Ask some pairs to present their conversations. 2.

6、 Ask students to work in pairs.Step 9 . Summary Ask one or two students to tell what they learned in this class.Step 10 Have a check in class. (10分钟) 当堂检测 Make five sentences with “used to do sth”Make five sentences with “be used to doing sth”教学反思:Period 2 Section A 3a4周次: 授课人: 备课人:雷月玮Teaching Aims

7、and Demands1. Knowledge and Ability Objects (1). Key vocabulary: airplane, terrify, be terrified of, go to sleep, on, insect, candy, chew, gum (2). Key structures:I used to be afraid of the dark.Im terrified of the dark.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.2. Ability Object: To train students list

8、ening ability. Teaching Aids A tape recorderTeaching Procedures展示学习目标:1.掌握词组: be afraid of, be terrified of.2.根据第一课时的句型进一步询问对过去的一种状态,样子的描述。Step1 Studying guide 1 (3分钟) 自学指导 一1. Greet the class and check the homework.2. To make sentences with “used to do sth”Step2 Have a check 1 (4分钟) 自我检测一 Check the

9、ir answers the sentences of with “used to do sth”.Step 3 Studying guide 2 (4分钟) 自学指导二3a1. Teacher says to the students, I used to be afraid of dogs. And now I am still afraid dogs. What about you? 2 Then ask students to look at the chart of 3a and finish it by yourself.Step 4 Have a check 3 (3分钟) 自我

10、检测二 3a1. Ask several students to tell their opinions. 2. Students fill in the chart. 4. Ask some students to present their choices.Step 5. Studying guide 3 (2分钟) 自学指导三3b Pair work1. Read the instructions to the class. Step6 Have a check4 自我检测三 (5分钟)1. Ask several pairs to present their conversations

11、.Step7、自学指导四 Group work Ask students to work in pairs自我检测四: 1. Fill in the chart and then make a conversation with the partner.2. Ask two or three pairs to present their conversations.Step 8 summary Step 9 Have a check (10分钟) 当堂训练教学反思:Period 3 Section B 1a2c周次: 授课人: 备课人:雷月玮Teaching Procedures展示学习目标:

12、1 练习对话,询问讨论used to do 句型。2 听力练习,提高听力水平。Step 1 Studying guide 1 (3分钟) 自学指导一 Section B 1a 1b To look at the 1a and 1b , finish and pairwork with your partner Step2 Have a check 1 (8分钟) 自我检测一 1. Describe the pictures with the students.2. Check their choices.3. Ask several students to read their sentenc

13、es.Step3 Studying guide 2 自学指导二 (2分钟) Section B 2a-2b ListeningTo look at the listening of 2a and 2b.Translate the sentences of 2a and 2b.Step4 Have a check 2 (7分钟) 自我检测二1 Listen and check the sentences they hear.3. Check the answers. 2a:1,2,3 2b:play,walk,gym。Study,take the bus ,love Step 5 Studyin

14、g guide 3 (4分钟) 自学指导三 Pairwork Compare yourself with your partner.Step 6 Have a check 3 自我检测三 Ask some students to have pairwork.Step7 Summary and homework1. Ask a student to summarize what they learned in this class.2. Make sentences with the words on these two pages.Step 8 Have a check in class .

15、(10分钟) 当堂训练教学反思Period 4 Section B 3a 4周次: 授课人: 备课人:雷月玮Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge and Ability Objects (1). Key vocabulary: chat, daily, comic (2). Key structures:I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends.2. Ability Objects To train students reading and writing ability. Te

16、aching Aids A tape recorder Teaching Procedures展示学习目标:1.Learn to understand the passage of 3a about how people have changed by reading.2.Learn to talk about how people have changed with the target language.Step 1 Studying guide 1 (2分钟) 自学指导一Section B 3a1. Read the instructions to the class.2. Studen

17、ts read the article and complete the chart.Step 2 Have a check 1 (3分钟) 自我检测一1. Check with the students.2. Ask questions about the article: (1) Whats Rose Tangs biggest problem? (2) What did she use to do in the evening? (3) What does she do now in the evening?5. Answer students questions about under

18、standing the article.6. Analyze the structures: 人+ spend in doing sth/ on sth not. anymore=no moreStep 3 Studying guide 2 (4分钟) 自学指导二 3b1. Read the instructions to the class. Point to the blanks in the letter. Explain that they can look back 2b and then fill in the blanks in the letter.2. Do the fir

19、st two fill-ins with the students and ask them to complete the letter. Move around seeing if they need any help.Step4 Have a check 2 (5分钟) 自我检测二 3b1. Ask two or three students to read their completed letters to the class.2. The teacher to translate this passage for students.Step 5 Studying guide 3 自

20、学指导三 (8分钟)3c Write a passage use the language in this unit . How your life has changed since primary school.Step 6 Have a check 3 自我检测三 (3分钟) Hand in your passage.Step 7 Studying guide 4 自学指导四 To finish the chart of 4a.Step8 Have a check 4 自我检测四 Check their answers.Step 9 当堂训练 (10分钟)Step10 Homework:

21、教学反思:Period 5 Self check周次: 授课人: 备课人:雷月玮Teaching Procedures展示学习目标:1.掌握自我检测的重点及有用词组,并且学会能够根据句意填写单词。2.通过学习自我检测的第二部分,能够根据提供的对比过去和现在的对比图片来写一篇文章。(用上句型 be used to do)Step 1 自学指导一: 8分钟 Studying guide一 8 To look at the exercises of 1 and fill in the blanks.Step 2 Have a check 1 自我检测一 1. am afraid of 2. worr

22、y about 3. have to 4. Miss 5. used toStep 3 Studying guide 二 自学指导二 (3分钟) Look at the picture and write about Yu Mei.Step 4 Have a check 2 自我检测二Write the passage on the blackboard.Step 5 Have a check (10分钟) 当堂训练 导学案Step 6 SummaryStep 7 Homework 1、Writing part 2 。 2. 预习reading教学反思:Period 6 Reading周次:

23、授课人: 备课人:雷月玮Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge and Ability Objects (1). Key vocabulary: death, afford, cause, himself, patient, in the end, decision, make a decision, head teacher, necessary, to ones surprise, exactly, even though, no longer, take pride in, pay attention to, give up, waste, notan

24、y more (2). Key structures:His mother couldnt afford to pay for her childs education.Even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me, and would always take pride in everything good I do.2. Ability Objects To train students reading ability.3. Teaching Aids A tape recorder Teaching Pro

25、cedures展示学习目标: 1 学习短文,理解短文前的阅读策略,并根据阅读策略来理解短文 。 2 通过学习短文,提高阅读和翻译短文的能力。Step 1 Studying guide 1 (3分钟) 自学指导 一 Look at the pair work of Section 1 Before You Read Step2 Have a check 1 (3分钟) 自我检测一 To talk about 1 with your partner. Step 3自学指导二 3 分钟Section 2 1. Go through the learning strategy.2. Pay atten

26、tion to 3a, analyze the sentences.3. Read the article and fill in it with the sentences in 3a.Step4 Have a check 2 (10分钟) 自我检测二五、判断题1. Check the choices together. 3a5,2,4,1,32. Read again and circle “true”, “false” or “dont know”. CD-二聚体分解为小分子物质1,5false 2.3true 4dont knowLanguage points:1. die (v) d

27、ying death deadbe dead借:预计负债 8002. afford (npronto do sth)常与情态动词的否定形式连用I cant afford a carto buy a car甲公司20X4年度实现盈利,按照净利润的10提取法定盈余公积。3. decide (v) decide to do sth decision(n) make a decision4. change ones life 5. waste timemoney on sth (in) doing sthStep5 Studying guide 3 (3分钟)自学指导三Section 4 Go for

28、 it.【论坛从新做人版主回复】:关于这题,看到论坛众说纷纭,详情请点击查看大家的讨论 2011年注会会计多选题第2小题讨论1. Read the instructions to the class. 2. Do an example.答题要点 DIC的发生机制包括:组织严重破坏,使大量组织因子入血,启动外源性凝血系统,导致DIC的发生发展。血管内皮细胞广泛损伤,激活因子,启动内源性凝血系统;同时激活激肽释放酶,激活纤溶和补体系统,导致DIC。血细胞大量破坏,血小板被激活,导致DIC。胰蛋白酶、蛇毒等促凝物质进入血液,也可导致DIC。3. Students write their own.St

29、ep6 Have a check 3 (3分钟) 自我检测三贷:所得税费用 2001. Ask several students to read their own.A纤维蛋白原 D凝血酶原Step 7 . Summary Ask one or two students to tell what they learned in this class.Step 8. Have a check in class. (10分钟) 当堂检测Step 9 Homework12、()是MPR? (制造资源计划)微观计划的开始,是MPR?的核心。Repeat Section 2 after the tape.Remember the words.简述甲公司出租办公楼在合并财务报表中的处理及理由,并编制相关调整分录。教学反思:


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