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1、Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake?(Section B 2a-2e)一、教材分析本单元的话题是食物制作,本课的教学内容是SectionB的第二课时,在SectionA的基础 上,从三明治到谈论美国感恩节大餐所吃的传统食物一一火鸡的制作。2a2己为本单元的阅读 板块,阅读材料是关于美国感恩节以及感恩节的传统食物一一火鸡制作的内容。阅读语篇分为 两个主要构成部分,一是美国感恩节山来的小短文,二是火鸡的制作过程和方法。阅读材料内 容丰富,包含了历史文化方面的内容,并涉及到有关食物制作乡骤的拓展,如:mix, fill.with, cow,呈现 了表

2、示食物以及器材的名词 pepper, oven, plate 和短语 celebrate.by, give thanks to, give thanks for等。这些词汇不仅是对单元语言目标的进一步拓展,还为后面的书面表达提供 了参考词汇。二、学情分析SectionA学生已经学习了呈现食物制作的部分动词及短语、食物名词、制作工具以及表 示制作顺序的副词,本节课在此基础上,通过阅读活动,进一步巩固食物制作过程的表达,并 了解与美国感恩节有关的文化背景和风俗习惯,同时引导学生用英语正确表达中国的传统节日 和食品名称。三、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)学生能够在老师和小组成员的帮助下理解文章内容;

3、(2)学生能够用英语说出制作火鸡晚餐所需要的原材料、器具和过程,能理解并且正确 使用以下新单词及句型:名 词: Thanksgiving,autumn, traveler,England, mix, pepper, oven、plate, temperature 动i司及短语: mix, fill.with., put.in., cook, place.on., cover.with., cut.into., eat. with.顺序词:first,next, then, finally2. 能力目标:(1)学生能够在老师的指导下和小组成员的合作中用英语说岀制作火鸡晚餐的过程;(2)学生能够通

4、过实际体验总结岀记忆动词的有效方法,并利用顺序词使文章逻辑关系 更清晰。3 情感态度及跨文化交际目标:让学生学习了解美国特定节日的传统食物,引发学生联想中国节日以及风味小吃,在语 言能力上要求学生能尝试用英语介绍相关内容,旨在激发学生对家乡的热爱之情,同时体验中 西方饮食文化的差异。4思维品质目标:(1)引导学生如何通过where, when, what, why, how等特殊疑问词来提问并获取事件的 主要信息;(2)引导学生发现记忆动词的方法,并利用顺序词美化文章,使文章更具有条理性。 四=教学重难点本节课的应点是巩固食物制作的相关描述,难点是了解阅读材料中关于美国感恩节历史文 化的相关内

5、容。五. 学习策略1. 学生能通过实际体验,掌握按顺序表达食物制作过程的方法,包括动词以及顺序词的 使用。2. 学习有效提问,通过利用特殊疑问词提问来获取重要信息的方法。3通过小组合作,使每一位同学都参与到课堂教学中来,并且使不同程度的学生都有所得。六、教学准备:课件、自制道具若干、自制词条等七、教学过程Step 1. Pre-reading.1 Free talk.Questions: What's the date today?How do you celebrate it?Whet days are special to us Cliinese?What kinds of foo

6、d do people eat on special holidays in China?【设计意图】通过提问复习日期的表达方法,通过对话导入话题语境并逐渐引出本课的主要词 汇及句型。2. Think and answer the question.Q:If you were a foreigner, what do you want to know about these Chinese holidays?5When do people celebrate it?Thanksgiving DayWhy do people celebrate it?cA special holidayHow

7、do people celebrate it now?What is the main dish?【设计意图】引导学生思考并回答问题:如果你是一个外国人,从哪些方面可以了解中国的节 日?学生会想到一些叫V、H”开头的问题,教师加以总结,得岀Tipi。此环节锻炼学生自主 思考问题的能力。3 .Think and answer the question(1) Today we h e going to leani a special holiday in American Do you know what it is? Wliat do you want to know about it?(2)

8、Watch a video about Thanksgiving Day. Answer the question: Why do people celebrate Thanksgiving Day?【设计意图】接着上一步的问题继续讨论:对于感恩节,你想了解些什么呢?让学生继续提出 问题。并借助视频了解感恩节的历史背景,以及人们为什么要庆祝感恩节,回答学生自己提出 的关于"Wli/啲问题。Step 2. While-reading.1 Gioup work Paragiaph 1(1) T: Now lets read paragraph 1 and answer the rest

9、of the questions.Where do people celebrate Thanksgiving?(2)Students work in groups and find out the answers in the text.Thanksgiving In most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special holidaysA special day in the United States is Thanksgiving It is always on the fourth Thursday in Nov

10、ember, and is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn At this time, people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago. These travelers had a long hard winter and many of them died In the next autumn, they gave thanks for life and food in their

11、 new home Tliese days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family. *Ihe main dish of this me is almost always turkey; «i large bird【设计意图】小组合作,完成文本的阅读,并在文本中找出答案。每位学生负责一个问题,小 组上前展示。小组活动分组职责说明:四人为一小组,小组中分1、2、3、4号学生,1号学生为gioup leader, 负责

12、组织安排活动,2、3号学生协助组长完成活动,并且帮助有困难的4号学生完成任务。 两至三小组为一大组。课程中,根据组员表现给大组加分,课程结束后,根据得分情况评出最 佳大组,最佳小组以及最佳组员。2. Gioup work.Paragraph 2. Make the turkey dinner.(1) Look tluough the ingredients and tools we need and put them in conect pumpkin T: Now lef s make the turkey dimier. What do we need? Put them in coiTe

13、ct pumpkin(2) Watch the process Now watch carefully. How do I make a turkey dinner. I need a partner to help me look for the coiTect verbs.(3) How do you remember the words?Tip 2 Use actions to help remember new words.(4) Number the pictures quickly.【设il噫图】通过归类活动,复习回顾旧单词,利用希沃软件的小游戏激发学生的兴奋点。观 看老师的制作过

14、程,学习动词并提炼出学习策略一一根据动作记单词。快速完成排序。3. Finish the exercise Write down the conect words on the line(1) T: What words can you use to take place of the number? WhaFs the fiinction of the sequence words?Tip 3 Use sequence words(顺序词)to make a process (过程) clear.(2) Finish exercise 2d【设计意图】学法策略:用顺序词替换数字,可以使文章更

15、有条理性。完成课本2d,巩固练 习。Step 3. Post-reading.1. Gioup work. Four students ill a small group and make the turkey dinner. Each student in charge of at least one step. Then show in fi ont of the class2. Discussion. Talk about Cliinese traditional festival and food. (If time is enough.)【设计意图】小组合作,知识迁移。将学生所学制作火鸡的过程迁移为实际的动作演示,有助 于学生扎实地掌握本课学习重点。Step 4. Summaiy : What did we learn today?【设计意图】让学生自己总结出本课所学内容,使其学有所得。


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