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1、6、一般来说,TCP/IP的IP提供的服务是( )1下列各项关于因台风灾害而发生的停工损失会计处理的表述中,正确的是( )答案 C(5)甲公司20 X 4年度合并利润表中包括的其他综合收益涉及事项如下:5() 红细胞破坏后,释放ADP入血浆。ADP作为血小板激活剂,具有促进血小板黏附、聚集和促进血小板释放血小板第3因子和第4因子等方面的作用,可导致凝血。【解析】:【解析】:答案 凝血酶使纤维蛋白原降解成纤维蛋白单体,而纤溶酶使纤维蛋白(原)降解成FDP,纤维蛋白单体和FDP中的早期X片段可与纤维蛋白原及其降解产物和纤维蛋白晚期降解产物结合成可溶性复合物。副凝试验利用鱼精蛋白使上述可溶性复合物中

2、的纤维蛋白单体和FDP中与X片段解离,然后纤维蛋白单体和FDP又各自聚合成肉眼可见的凝胶状物析出,这种不经凝血酶的作用而引起的凝集反应称副凝反应。贷:以前年度损益调整营业成本 600贷:营业外收入 720课题:初三英语完型填空“动词”复习课学案(一)学习目标:After the class, you will be able to 1.get the answers with the help of the clues or hints.2. recognize the differences between the similar verbs. 重点、难点:To recognize the

3、differences of the words. 导学设计:预习导纲在完形中经常考查的动词有:1) push, drop, put, pass, leave, place, keep, throw, hit, take, bring, hold, carry, lose,2) swim, run, jump, move, walk, rush, pass, go, come, arrive, return, appear, disappear,.3) like, agree, refuse, accept, decide, choose, hope, prefer, think, allow

4、, suggest, manage, .4) see, know, find, notice, feel, think, wonder, ask, .5) taste, smell, sound, feel, touch, see, look, .6) describe, image, create, discover, invent, .7) rite, read, recite, draw, copy, say, speak, tell, see,8) Should, may, can, must, need, will, would, .第一组动词9) push, drop, throw

5、, put, place, keep, pass, leave, lose,hit, take, bring, hold, carry,pushvt.& vi.推,推动10)vt.推动,增加;对施加压力,逼迫;按;说服11)dropvt.& vi.(使)落下;投下;(使)降低;减少vt.放弃;停止;(故意)降下;垂下(眼睛)throwvi.投掷;丢;抛vt.掷(色子);抛;猛动(头、臂、腿);使处于,使限于putvt.放;表达;给予(重视、信任、价值等);使处于(某种状态)vt.& vi.使感觉到;使受到的影响vi.说;猛推;将送往;使与连接passvt.& vi.走过;通过;批准;度过vt.

6、传球;及格;发生;不要leavevt.离开;遗弃;忘了带;交托vt.& vi.离去;出发;舍弃placevt.放置;获名次;投资;评价vi.得名次;名列前茅;美国英语赛马得第二名;准确把推到预定地点keepvt.保持;保留;遵守;阻止vi.(食品)保持新;保持健康losevt.失去;错过;遗失耽搁vi.损失;输掉;走慢;降低价值hitvt.& vi.打,打击;碰撞vt.击(球);(在精神上)打击(某人);猜中;迎合takevt.拿,取;采取;接受(礼物等);耗费(时间等)vi.拿;获得bringvt.带来,引来;促使,引起;提供;导致holdvt.拿住,握住;保留,保存;扣留,拘押;容纳vi.

7、拿住,握住;同意,赞成;保持不变;有效carryvt.支撑;携带;输送;运载vt.& vi.运送;搬运;具有vi.(文学、戏剧等)对读者;扔(或踢)到距离;(马等)具有某种姿势.你记住这些动词的意思了吗? 那就测一测吧:预习检测push _drop_ throw_put_ place _ keep_pass _ leave _lose_hit_ take_ bring_hold_ carry_ 第一篇: 2013年西城一模Reuben,a 12-year-old boy, saw something in a shop window. But the price five dollars wa

8、s far beyond his means. He couldnt ask his parents for the money. His father made a living through fishing in Bay Roberts. His mother, Dora, tried hard to feed and clothe their five children.Hesitating (犹豫) for a few seconds, he opened the door and talked to the shopkeeper. “I dont have the money ri

9、ght now. Can you please 37 it for me?” “Ill try,” the shopkeeper smiled. Reuben respectfully touched his worn cap and walked out. Hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, he suddenly had an idea.37. A. wrap B. watch C. take D. hold第二篇:2013年石景山一模For two weeks, Mark went with Susan to and fr

10、om work each day. He taught her how to depend on her other senses, specifically her hearing, to decide where she was.At last, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own. Monday morning arrived. Before she left, she held her husband tightly, her eyes filled with tears of thankfulness

11、. She said good-bye and, for the first time, they went their separate ways. Each day went perfectly, and a wild excitement took hold of Susan. She was 42 it!42. A. passing B. doing C. takingD. getting 第三篇:2013年朝阳二模Mary, a 22-year-old young woman, stands in the kitchen of the Edsa Shangri-La Hotel in

12、 Manila, preparing to make a cake. It would seem to be natural for a cook , but Mary is not normal. She has no hands. Her disability (残疾), however, only 36 her down while working. Using other parts of her body, Mary can cut grapes and strawberries into pieces and coat the sides of the cake with them

13、. “When I first saw Mary, I was worried she might 37 herself when using a knife, but that has never been a problem,” says the manager of the hotel. “She does not get special treatment and works just as hard as the rest of the cooks.”Mary has come a long way since the day in September 2002 when she a

14、nd her uncle were attacked (攻击) by two men, who were trying to force her family off their land. The 11-year-old girl passed out (晕倒) as she tried to 39 herself from the blows. After she came to her sense, she found her uncle dead and saw her arms broken. Later, the doctors did an operation. They sav

15、ed her life but could not save her hands. 36. A. puts B. takes C. slows D. quiets37. A. hurtB. hitC. killD. touch39. A. save B. keep C. preventD. protect课堂反馈 Christmas is for giving and sharing, for getting together with family and friends. But mostly its for love. I had not believed this until a st

16、udent, who was called Mark, gave me a wonderful gift one Christmas.Mark was an 11-year-old orphan (孤儿) who lived with his aunt, a middle aged woman greatly annoyed (使烦恼) with the burden (负担) of 35 for her dead sisters son.I had not 36 Mark especially until he began staying after class each day to he

17、lp me tidy up the room. We did this quietly, not speaking much, but enjoying the time of the day. When we did talk, Mark spoke mostly of his mother, who had always spent much time with him before she passed away. As Christmas came near, however, Mark failed to stay after school each day. I 39 him on

18、e afternoon and asked why he no longer helped me in the room. “I was making you a surprise,” he said confidently (有信心地) in a low voice. “Its for Christmas.” With that, he left the room in a hurry. He didnt stay after school any more after that. Finally 41 the last school day before Christmas. Mark w

19、alked slowly into the room late that afternoon. “I have a present,” he said. “I hope you like it.” He held out his hand, and in it was a tiny wooden box. “Its beautiful, Mark. Whats in it?” I asked, opening the top to look inside. “Oh, you cant see it,” he replied, “and you cant touch it, or taste i

20、t or feel it, but mother always said it makes you feel good all the time, warm on cold nights, and safe when youre alone.” I looked into the empty box. “What is it, Mark,” I asked, “that will make me feel so good?” “Its love,” he said softly, “and mother always said its best when you give it away.”

21、And he turned and quietly left the room. So now I 46 the small box on the piano in my living room. Yes, Christmas is for joy, songs and nice gifts, but mostly, for love.35. A. asking B. waiting C. caring D. looking36. A. seen B. known C. found D. noticed 39. A. caught B. called C. took D. stopped 41

22、. A. went B. returnedC. cameD. passed46. A. leave B. place C. put D. keep家庭作业13丰台二模 Years flew by, and soon I was able to take part in the elections (选举), hoping I would win. But the first time I stood, almost no one voted for me. I decided that I had been stupid to think I had a chance. I wasnt pre

23、tty. Girls across the school hardly knew me. I just did not have what it took to win a school election. I was sad. As I cried in my room that evening, I suddenly took a deep breath and decided I wouldnt stop dreaming. I decided that I would 38 for election again in my final year at school and I woul

24、d win. I recognized that my competitors had a lot of things in their favor. What were the points that would 39 in my favor? I had good grades, and I was friendly and helpful. And my biggest strength was the faith I had in myself. I would not allow my plain appearance to hold me back from putting my

25、best foot forward. That evening, I began making my plans a whole year in advance.38. A. payB. standC. speakD. wait39. A. workB. useC. makeD. take 13年西城二模Keep on Singing When Karen found out that she was going to have another baby, she did what she could to help her 3-year-old son Michael prepare for

26、 a new sibling (兄弟姐妹). Day after day, night after night, Michael sang to his sister in his Mommys tummy (肚子). Finally, Michaels little sister was born. But she had serious health problems. The days inched by and the little girl only got worse. The doctor told the parents, “There is very little hope.

27、 Be prepared for the worst.” Karen and her husband had fixed up a special room for the new baby, but now they found themselves having to plan for a funeral. Michael, however, kept begging his parents to let him see his sister. “I want to sing to her,” he said. But kids were never allowed in ICU (重症监

28、护室). At last Karen made up her mind. She would take Michael there. She dressed him in an oversized suit and 39 him into ICU. The head nurse 40 him and shouted, “Get that kid out of here now! No children are allowed.” Karen glared steel-eyed into her face. “He is not 41 until he sings to her sister!”

29、 Karen pulled Michael to his sisters bedside. He gazed (凝视) at the tiny baby losing the battle to live. He began to sing in a pure hearted voice.“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray.” Immediately the baby girl responded. The pulse (脉搏) rate became calm and st

30、eady. Keep on singing, Michael!“You never know, dear, how much I love you. Please dont take my sunshine away.” The babys breathing became as smooth as a kittens purr.“The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I 45 you in my arms.” Tears covered the face of the head nurse. The next day, the

31、 little girl was much better and then, within a week, she was well enough to go home! NEVER GIVE UP ON THOSE YOU LOVE. LOVE IS SO INCERDIBLY POWERFUL.39. A. broughtB. headedC. passedD. directed40. A. watchedB. noticedC. pushedD. punished41. A. walkingB. runningC. leavingD. speeding45. A. tookB. caughtC. supportedD. held


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