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1、A Unitl错题1. Do you think these books are those青(少年)over there92. 一 It is of you to say " Morning ” to your classmates every day.-My parents taught me to do this when I was a small boy.3. Your answerwrong. You ask your teacher for help.A. maybe; mayB. may; may beC. may be; may beD. may be; may4.

2、 What did the teacher talk you in the meetingroom?A. to; aboutB. about; withC. to; withD. with; to5.0ur English teacher Miss Liu always cares us when we are sad.A. withB. toC. forD. about6. Let' s wait for Simon for minutes. He is on his way here.A. a little moreB. more a fewC. more twoD. a few

3、more7. When the old man saw the photo, he (think) of his happy timemanyyears ago.8.I can ' t decide which dress to选择_)(. Can you give me some advice99. Don ' t . When something you, you can askme for help.A. be worry; worriesB. worried; worriesC. worry; is worriedD. worry; worries10. Differe

4、 ntstudentshavedifferent(person).sotheymaybehavedifferently(表现不同).11. your sister?-She is friendly and helpful.A. How is; likeB. What is; likeC. How does; likeD. What does; like12hope you(call) me after you get to your hometown.13. When I met Jenny in the street, she stopped (nod) at me.14. Look! Ho

5、w happy your mother (look)!15. It's really great(share) our johy y wouit and your friends.16. of the two girls is Lucy.A. The prettierB. PrettierC. PrettiestD. The prettiest17. He often tells us funny stories and us .A. takes; happilyB. makes; happyC. gives; happilyD. brings; happy18. Shanghai i

6、s larger than in Jiangsu.A. any cityB. all other citiesC. other citiesD. any other city19. Maths is one of Peter' s subjects.A. the badB. the worseC. worstD. the worst20. Mary says she will tryold people.A. to be kind toB. being kind forC. to be kind forD. being kind with21. Sandy is taller than

7、 in her class.A. any girlB. the other girlC. any other girlsD. the other girls22. Have you ever bought things on the Taobao website 网(站”-Of course. Alibaba is not only larger than e-business company in Chinabut alsolarger thanone in the USA.A. any other; anyB. the other; any otherC. any other; the o

8、therD. the other; any23. is the height of Jim, David9-I'm not sure, but he is than Simon.A. What; 5 cm higherB. How tall; much tallerC. How long; much higherD. What; 5 cm taller24. Hainan Island(岛)is island in China.A. second largestB. the second largeC. the second largestD. the second larger25.

9、 My sweater is too expensive. Do you have any?A. cheap oneB. cheapest onesC. cheapest oneD. cheaper ones26. I can ' t go with you today. There will be a test tomorrow.-. Maybe next time.A. Sorry to hear thatB. No problemC. I don * t think soD. It doesn' t matter27. MrGreen(talk)tothemanager(

10、Jl ).You ' dbettercallhimlater.28. How amazing it is (see) so many beautiful butterflies129. We(be) very happy if you can join us.30. The( )monthisJulyinYangzhouandthecoldestoneisJanuary.31. Kids, help (you) to some fruit. Its good for your32. ThatBritishteacherisveryh. H ea Iwaystellsus i nte r

11、est ingjokes.33. Why is honest leader like him supported by fewworkers?A. an; soB. an; suchC. a; soD. a; such34. ? -He is not very heavy and wears glasses.A. What does Ron look like?B. What is RonC. What do you think of RonD. How is Ron35. The picture is, I have to say, not a bit beautiful.-Why9 It&

12、#39; s than the pictures I have ever seen.A. far more beautifulB. much less beautiful C. no more beautifulD. any less beautiful36. May梳着又长又直的头发,看起来很甜美。37. 恐怕你的长腿伸不进这张桌子下。38. 她花在学习上的时间比我多。39. 仔细地倾听别人是关心他们的一个好方法。40. 说别人的坏话是不礼貌的。参考答案l.teenagers ' 2. Polite3. A4. A5. D6. D 7. thoughts. choose9. DIO.

13、 personalitiesll. B12. will calll3. to nodl4. Iooksl5. to sharel6. Al7. B18. A19. C20. A21. D22. A23. D24. C25. D26. D 27. is talking28. to see29. will be30. hottest31. yourselves32. humorous33. B34. A35. A36. May has long and straight hair, she looks sweet.37. I'm afraid your long legs don't fit under the desk.38. She spends more time on study than me.39. Listening carefully to others is a good way to care about others.40. It' s impolitea tyo as bad word about others.


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