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1、高一英语Modern agriculture教案目标导引.单词及短语against,result,latest,depend,develop,short of,stand for.语法: 强调句型内容精讲.单词及短语精讲1.too + adj.+to do sth.太而不能eg:The water is too hot to drink.水太热了不能喝。但too+某些 adj.+to do sth 表示肯定意义,这些形容词有:anxious(焦急),glad,willing(愿意),ready,pleased,这时,tooto 表示“非常,很”。e.g.She is too ready to

2、promise.她轻易许诺。He was too glad to meet you.见到你他很高兴。2.against prep.(1)be against(反对)be in favor of,be for,be in agreement with,support(支持,同意)eg:Are you against the plan or for it 你反对还是支持这个计划?(2)(表反对,敌对),be against(与相反,对抗);warn sb against doing sth.(警告某人不要做某事);fight against(为反对而战斗)。struggle against(为反对

3、而斗争),against one's will/wishes 违反的意愿。e.g.The girl was married against her will.这女孩违背自己的意愿结婚了。They played in a match against class 2.他们与二班比赛。(3)(表支撑)倚着,靠着,紧贴着e.g.He was leaning against the door.他倚着门。Place the ladder against the wall.把梯子靠墙放着。(4)(表对照)以为背景,衬托e.g.The picture shows up well against the

4、 white wall.这幅画在这白壁的衬托下很显眼。 (5)(表接触)碰,撞e.g.She fell down and hit her head against the ground.她倒了下来,头撞到地上。The rain beat against the windows.雨点打在窗户上。3.resultn.结果,效果e.g.His illness is the result of bad food.他的病起因于食物不良。What's the result of the match.比赛的结果如何?as a result (of),因为,由于e.g.He was late as a

5、 result of the snow.因为大雪,他迟到了。v.引起结果,产生,发生e.g.If the police leave,disorder will result.警察一旦撤离,便会大乱。Failure results from laziness.失败起因于懒惰。Laziness results in failure.懒惰造成失败。4.latest adj. 最新的latest news 最新消息比较:late adj./ adv. 晚的,迟到later adv.后来1 / 16lately adv.近来latter (n) adj. 与former相对,后者5.contain 与

6、includecontain 意为“包含,容纳”container“容器”e.g.That box contains old letters 那盒子里装着旧信。That kind of vegetable contains VitaminA.那种蔬菜含有维生素A。include 意为“包括,把算在内”e.g.The price includes postage charges.这价钱包括邮费。Please include me in the list.请把我列入名单中。注意:included 用于名词后,包括在内的;including,prep.包括e.g.All of us,me inclu

7、ded.或All of us,including me.我们全体,包括我在内。.句子精讲6.What other changes have happened on farms in the last 100 years?在过去的100年里,在农田里还发生什么变化了?与现在完成时连用的时间状语有:just,this morning/year,since,all the time,recently,lately,so far,up till now,in the past/last few years 等等。e.g.He has lived here since he came here./sin

8、ce 10 years ago/since 1998/since last year.I haven't seen him so far.到目前为止我还没看见他。They have made rapid progress in the past few years.在过去的几年里他们取得了快速的进步。7.Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.未来农业不但应该依赖于传统方法还应该依靠高科技。depend on 与rely on(1)这两个词都可以表示“依靠,依赖

9、”,depend on 通常表示一种客观情况,有时说明一个规律,这种“依靠”的对象往往是主语存在或成功的原因。e.g.Children depend on the parents for food and clothing.孩子们的衣食要靠父母。rely on 表示主观上的选择和信托,“依靠”的对象往往是主语期待成功的一个因素。e.g.We rely on the strength of the people.我们依靠人民的力量。(2)表示“指望某人做某事”,用法意思基本相同:depend on/rely on sb.to do sthYou can depend on/rely on her

10、 to be late.你可以担保她必定迟到。(3)depend on 常表示“取决于,得看”在口语中一般省略on,e.g.It depends on whether he is interested.取决于他是否感兴趣。It all depends.一切视情形而定。(4)rely on 还可以表示“信任”,相当于trust.e.g.You may rely on his honesty.你可以信任他的诚实。8.The temperature is controlled with computers,or kept the same,no matter how the weather is o

11、utside.温度由电脑控制,或保持恒温,不管外面的天气如何。control n./ vt. 控制,支配,管理e.g.Try to control your temper!控制一下你的脾气。The car went out of control.车失去了控制。It took the teacher months to bring her class under control.老师费了几个月功夫才把她班上的学生管好。常与control搭配的短语有:control oneself控制自己;have(no)control of(或over)能(不能)控制;lose control of失去对的控制

12、remote control遥控,traffic control交通管理beyond control无法控制;in control(of)控制住,管理under the control of受的管理;受的控制9.The condition of your soil is not good,you should improve it.你的土壤条件不好, 你应该加以改良。condition n.条件(可数),多指生活,工作,气候等条件e.g.Their working conditions must be improved.他们的工作条件必须改善。on condition that 条件是e.g.

13、You may borrow the book,on condition that you don't lend it to anyone else.你可以借这本书,条件是你不可以借给任何人。.语法精讲10.强调句型公式:It is / was + 被强调部分+that/who+其他成分。注意:(1)其他成分中的谓语动词是现在时态用it is,若是过去时态则用it was.(2)被强调部分为句子的主语、宾语或状语。(3)被强调部分为人,既可用who,也可用that;若为其他只能用that.1.They plant trees on the hill every spring.(1)强调

14、主语:It is they that/who plant tress on the hill every spring.Who is it that plant trees on the hill every spring.(2)强调宾语:It is trees that they plant on the hill every spring.What is it that they plant on the hill every spring.(3)强调地点状语:It is on the hill that they plant trees every spring.Where is it

15、that they plant trees every spring.(4)强调时间状语:It is every spring that they plant trees on the hill.When is it that they plant trees on the hill.2.强调notuntil句型时,应把not until一起放在It is /was 之后e.g.I didn't realize I was wrong until then.It was not until then that I realized I was wrong.3.强调句型的反意疑问句应反问

16、it,遵循前肯后否,前否后肯的原则。e.g.It is I who tell you a story,isn't it 4.强调句型与时间状语从句的区别,去掉it is/wasthat 之后,把被强调部分还到原来的位置看句意是否完整,则为强调句型,若不完整则为时间状语从句。e.g.It was at 5 o'clock that he arrived home.(强调句)It was 5 o'clock when he arrived home.(时间状语从句)5.若强调谓语动词,则用do,does,did+动词原形,译为“的确”,“千万”,“一定”等意思,只能用于陈述

17、句和祈使句,只有一般现在时和过去时的谓语动词才可以强调。e.g.Do be quiet!(一定要安静)He does want to learn English well.(他的确想学好英语)He said he would come and he did come.他说他会来的,的确来了。迁移发散11.develop vt.(1)发展,成长e.g.In less than 10 years,it develops from a seed into a full-grown tree.不到十年,它从一粒种子长成一棵枝叶繁茂的大树。(2)开发(尤指土地,资源等)。e.g.develop the

18、natural resources of a country.开发一国的自然资源(3)(摄影)显影,冲印:e.g.Our photos haven't been developed yet.我们的照片还没洗出来。注意:developing country (发展中国家) developed country (发达国家)过关题_,the young man is healthy and strong.A.Fully developed B.Fully growing C.Full developing D.Full grown答案:选A,developed 表示发育过了的,发育良好的,而

19、grown 表示成长,不合题意。12.nearly与almost (1)这两个词意思相近,肯定句中可以换用;一般来说,almost的差距比nearly 小,因此,在差一刻开午饭时,可以说:It's nearly lunchtime.快开午饭了。在差5分钟的时候,可以说:It's almost lunchtime.马上要开午饭了。(2)almost 能和never,no,none,nothing,nobody,nowhere too,more than等连用,这种情况下不用nearly。e.g. almost never(=hardly ever)几乎从不 almost nobo

20、dy 几乎无人 almost no money 几乎没钱(3)nearly 可以和not 连用,not nearly 是“远不如”的意思,相当于nowhere near,但almost不和not 单独连用。e.g.not nearly enough money 远远不够的钱(4)almost 和nearly 都可以用在行为动词的否定式之前。e.g.He almost 或(He nearly) didn't hear what I said.他几乎没听清我说了什么。过关题(1)The teacher spoke in such a low voice in today's cla

21、ss that I could hear _ nothing.A.almost B.nearly C.hardly D.mostly答案:A(2)That's a beautiful tablecloth.Yes,but it is not _for the table.A.nearly enough long B.nearly long enoughC.almost enough long D.enough long nearly答案:B13.插入语的类型(1)单词(多是副词)单词作插入语时位置比较灵活,我们常见的多位于句末,也可位于句中或句首。常见的作插入语的单词有:though(

22、但是),however,therefore,personally,luckily,fortunately,obviously(显而易见)等等。e.g.I had thought I could not pass the exam.I passed,though.我原以为我通过不了这次考试,我还是通过了。(2)短语现在分词短语,不定式短语,介词短语都可以作插入语,它们在句中起到补充说明的作用。常见的作插入语的短语有:for example,by the way,judging from(由判断),generally speaking(一般说来),to tell you the truth,to

23、make things worse (=worse still)(更槽),on earth(究竟,到底),or rather(更确切地说)等等。e.g.By the way,how can I find you?顺便问一句,我如何找到你?(3)句子常见的作插入语的句子有:do you think,I believe,do you know,what's more (而且),let's say(=say)(假定说,譬如说),that is to say (=that is=namely)(也就是说)等等。e.g.He is an honest man,I believe.我认为,

24、他是个诚实的人。You may learn to play the violin in,(Let's)say,three years.譬如说你可以在三年内学会小提琴。过关题(1)John plays football_,if not better than,David.A.as wellB.as well asC.so wellD.so well as答案:B(2)His handwriting is as good as,_ ,his brother's.A.if not betterB.if not better thanC.if it is better D.if bet

25、ter than答案:B课文背景阅读MODERN FARM LIFEPeople in America live in many different kinds of geographical areas.Their way of life in rural areas is different from their way of life in the city.In ancient times most people lived in rural areas.These people lived on farms and in small agricultural communities.

26、As more and more people came to America and the population grew,the cities grew.Today the majority of people live in urban communities.However,some people still live on farms and in small rural agricultural communities.Life on the modern farm in America has changed over the last fifty years.Electric

27、ity is the cause for many changes in life on the farm.Also,the fact that many jobs on the farm that were formerly done by hand are now done by modern machines.This introduction of mechanical equipment helps the modern farmer to farm greater areas and harvest larger crops than ever before.Some jobs o

28、n the farm have changed little over the years.Much farm work still consists of raising crops in large fields.Some of the grains raised in the United States are wheat,corn,oats and beans.Cotton,tobacco,peanuts and other crops are also grown in vast fields.Another important area of farm work is raisin

29、g animals.Beef cattle,pigs,and chickens are raised all over the country.Herds of milk cows are found throughout rural America also.Daily life on the farm starts early in the morning.Before dawn the farmer can be found milking cows and feeding the animals.After the morning chores are over and breakfa

30、st has been eaten,the farmer works in the fields.In the evening the milking and feeding must be done again before the farmer ends the day.Farm life has changed greatly in modern times.The farmer has become a businessman,a machinist,and one who is knowledgeable in many different sciences.Yet farm lif

31、e is still made up of the care of animals and the planting and harvesting of crops.The modern farmer must work hard and plan carefully to be sure that the animals are in good health,and that the product of the farm is maintained.课后训练一、单项选择1.Wang Hua is said_a new computer programme recently,but I do

32、n't know when she will finish it.A.to designB.to be designingC.to have been designingD.to have designed2.He_freedom of speech for everyone regardless of color,race and creed (信条).A.stands upB.stands forC.sets outD.sets up3.He isn't particular about his food.Yes,he eats_ anything.A.nearlyB.mo

33、stly C.almost D.possibly4.I lost my way in complete darkness and, _ matters worse,it began to rain.A.madeB.having madeC.makingD.to make5.How often do you refer to the dictionary when you are reading an English novel Well,_.I will look the word up if it affects my understanding.A.seldomB.very oftenC.

34、it dependsD.if possible6.Some Argentines said their fifth president in the past month_them.A.failedB.has failed C.would fail D.was to fail7.What do you know about the new plan.I know every detail(细节)about it._,I think I know.A.ThereforeB.Or ratherC.NamelyD.That is8.The sale of the company's new

35、product is extremely good.It has_two million dollars so far.A.carried onB.kept up C.brought inD.consisted of9.Help will come from the UN,but the aid will be_near what's needed.A.nowhereB.everywhereC.somewhereD.anywhere10.Bob,quickly get this film_.I want to know if this camera works well.A.washe

36、dB.developedC.printedD.shown11.RMB's value increased by more than 15 percent_VS dollars.A.toB.forC.againstD.off12.Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree.No,it's out of_.A.rangeB.reachC.controlD.distance13.The son is in a poor_of health,which worries his parents much.A.positionB.situa

37、tionC.stateD.condition14.You went late_the stadium yesterday evening,didn't you?Yes,my wife was a little late_the supper.A.to;withB.for;withC.for;forD.at;for15.Are all the names_in the directory?Yes,all mine_.A.listed,includingB.listed;includedC.listing,includingD.listing;included16.It is the pr

38、otection for the trees_really matters,rather than how many trees are planted.A.whatB.thatC./D.which17.It is only when you nearly lose someone_ you fully realize how much you value him.A.doB.then C.willD.that18.It was not until dark_ he found_he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.A.that

39、;whatB.that ;thatC.when;what D.when;that19.Were all the people in the car injured in the accident?No,_only the two passengers who got hurt.A.it wereB.there wasC.there isD.it was20.In fact_is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.A.thisB.thatC.thereD.it21.Was it becau

40、se the traffic was very heavy during the rush hour_you were late again?Well,I'm afraid so.A.whenB.whyC.thatD.which22.Was it in the village_we used to live in_ the accident happened?A.where;thatB.which;thatC.that;whereD.where;which23. _Mr Bardon changed his mind to take part in the movement?After

41、 he listened to the speech by Mr.King.A.When was that itB.when was it thatC.when was thatD.when was it24.Is_three hours_ the boy_ family is poor to come to school on foot?A.it;that;whoseB.it;when;thatC.it for;that it takes;whose D.it;that it takes;whose25._she realized it was too late to go home.A.N

42、o sooner it grew dark thanB.Hardly did it grow dark thatC.It was dark afterD.It was not until dark that26._was it_they discovered the entrance to the underground palace?Totally by chance.A.How;thatB.what,thatC.when,whenD.where,that27.It is in Qingdao_ you are going to pay a visit to_this kind of was

43、hing machine is produced.A./,thatB.where,whichC./,whereD.that,which28.It was in Beihai Park_they made a date for the first time_ the old couple told us their love story.A.that;thatB.where;whenC.that;whenD.where;that29.Was it in 1969_ the American astronaut succeeded_ landing on the moon?A.when;onB.t

44、hat;onC.when;inD.that;in30.It was about 600 years ago_the first clock with a face and an hour head was made.A.thatB.untilC.beforeD.when二、完形填空Mr.Smith is well known in Washington because of his many social blunders (stupid mistakes).Recently he received an invitation 1 a dinner party.Although he did not know the hostess,he 2 the invitation.At dinner,he was 3 beside a woman full of dignity(尊严),The woman tried to be 4 even though she had never met Mr.Smith before.She spoke 5 ,whenever he spoke to her,Between the first and the second 6 of the meal,she turned to Mr.Smith and said,“Do you 7 that


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