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1、塘沽七中导学案序号学校年级科目课型课题课时主备审稿付印7中7下英语复习Revision-M41王志云梁迪胡佳Module 4模块复习导学案(学生版)学习目标1. 复习巩固本模块的重点单词词汇2. 复习练习一般将来时态的用法3. 会用一般将来时描述未来的事情课堂准备回顾重点词汇. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)1. Look! My English teacher is writing on the blackboard with c_. 2. What will happen in the f_? 3. Many people in Yaan lost their l_ in the e

2、arthquake(地震). 4. Danny has nothing to do now. He is f_. 5. I have some q_ to ask you, Miss Black. 自学交流一般将来时态的含义:构成:肯定式:否定式:一般疑问句:合作探究巩固提高拓展延伸当堂检测. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Chinese students have a lot of homework_(do)every day. 2. Our life_(be)different in ten years time. 3. _ Tony_(send)emails by Internet nex

3、t week? 4. Betty with her mother_(be)able to dance with the help of the dance teacher next year. 5. We_(not carry)the heavy things by ourselves in the future. . 完成句子1. 也许将来没有学校了。_ there _ _ any schools in the future. 2. 我将不能和你一起踢足球了。I _ _ _ _ play football with you. 3. 你将会在网上交朋友吗? 是的, 我将会。_ you _ fr

4、iends _ the Internet? Yes, I_. 4. 未来将会有很多机器人。_ _ _ many robots in the future. 5. 将来我们将不再使用钢笔、纸和橡皮了。We _ use pens and paper, _ erasers _ _. 书面表达理由:该事项属于资产负债表日后事项,应该调整200年的报表相关数字。随着科技的发展,越来越多的机器人被制造出来,除了大量应用于工业外,机器人也走进人们的生活。请以Robots at home in the future为题,写一篇60词左右的短文,介绍一下机器人在未来家庭中的应用情况。_14、下面不属于原型法特点

5、的是( )题解 妊娠时,随着孕周增加,血液中血小板和凝血因子逐渐增多,纤溶酶原激活物抑制剂增多,胆固醇、磷脂及甘油三酯也均可增加,而抗凝和纤溶活性物质,如抗凝血酶-、纤溶酶原激活物及尿激酶等却减少,故易诱发DIC。A 抗凝血酶-生成减少. 单项选择8、数据报服务是网络层向_层提供的,它是一种面向无连接的网络服务。1. My grandparents go to the supermarket _ bus every week.(2)6月30日,甲公司以8 000万元的拍卖价格取得一栋已达到预定可使刚状态的房屋,该房屋的预计使用年限为50年。当地政府为鼓励甲公司在当地投资,于同日拨付甲公司2 0

6、00万元,作为对甲公司取得房屋的补偿。A. on B. in C. with D. by 11、信息和数据的关系是 。2. Amy enjoys drawing pictures with_.理由:重组协议签订日与债务重组日不是同一天,因此不能确认债务重组收益。A. pen B. ruler C. eraser D. chalk3. This watch is too expensive. .B对早期疑似DIC者可先用肝素作试验性治疗Well, we have got some_ ones. Theyre over there.A. heavy B. light C. cheap D. sma

7、ll4. Peter always _his mother questions but she cant answer all of them.A. wants B. asks C. meets D. knows 甲公司的会计处理不正确。该事项不应做为调整事项。5.1 cant do the work by myself, so I_ a student to help me.A. need B. let C. start D. use6. That boy can write songs and play the guitar _. A. such as B. as good as C. a

8、s well D. as well as7. There will be _schools in 50 years.Really? Where will students study then?A. more than B. no more C. not more D. less than8. Mr Black is _ now, so he wants to go to a movie with his son. A. busy B. free C. healthy D. right9.What will you be_?Im not sure. Maybe Ill be a doctor like my father.A. right now B. in the future C. at once D. at the moment10. Will students have lots of homework to do this weekend? _. Teachers wont give them much homework any more.A. Yes, they will B. Yes, they doC. No, they wont D. No, they dont学后反思通过本课学习,我的问题表现在:


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