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1、我和我的祖国歌词中英版一、中英译1:词/张藜曲/秦咏诚译配:覃军(湖北民族大学)Lyricist/ Zhang LiTune Composer/ Qin Yon gche ngTr. Qin Jun我和我的祖国China catches my heart一刻也不能分割No one can break us apart无论我走到哪里No matter where I travel都流出一首赞歌You are what I ' m singing for我歌唱每一座高山I ' singing of your high mountains我歌唱每一条河Singing of your

2、land and rocks袅袅炊烟小小村落Sing of hometow n, the big or small路上一道辙Sing of them once more 我最亲爱的祖国Oh China how I love you 我永远紧贴着你的心窝When I nestle in your arms feeling blue 你用你那母亲的脉搏You share with me the stories before 和我诉说Make me cheerful 我的祖国和我My motherland and me 像海和浪花一朵Are the spindrift and the sea 浪是那

3、海的赤子I am your dear spindrift 海是那浪的依托You are the sea that hugs me 每当大海在微笑Whenever you get to smile 我就是笑的旋涡You raise me up, make me high我分担着海的忧愁I share all your sorrows and joys 分享海的欢乐Share seashells on the shoreLala la la la la la La la la la la la la la 永远给我 碧浪清波You are the mother we all adore心中的歌We

4、 all adore 二、 中英译 2: 译配:许景城Tr. Peter Jingcheng Xu 我和我的祖国My home country and I 一刻也不能分割 will never asunder go. 无论我走到哪里 Wherever I roam and go, 都流出一首赞歌there always streams a song yo. 我歌唱每一座高山I sing for mountains high and low. 我歌唱每一条河I croon for rivers that flow. 袅袅炊烟Wisps of smoke grow;小小村落small vills

5、we know.路上一道辙A trail ' s seen aglow. 我最亲爱的祖国Oh, my dearest home country, 我永远紧依着你的心窝I cuddle up to your warm heart for aye. 你用你那母亲的脉搏The pulse you as a mother bestow 和我诉说 touches me slow.我的祖国和我My home country ' s to me 像海和浪花一朵as a seasbtiolloaw.浪是那海的赤子Waves are the sons of the sea. 海是那浪的依托The

6、 sea is where billows glow. 每当大海在微笑Whenever the sea ' s smiles show, 我就是笑的旋涡I am her whirlpool below. 我分担着海的忧愁I am sharing the sea' s sorrow,分享海的欢乐enjoying all her glee. 我最亲爱的祖国Oh, my dearest home country, 你是大海永不干涸You are the sea, ne' er dry you grow.永远给我For good you throw碧浪清波blue waves

7、I go心中的歌to sing solo.lala永远给我For good you throw碧浪清波blue waves I go心中的歌to sing solo.注:拙译非一韵到底,上下阕皆有转韵。原词亦是如此,主要以 /e/、 /uo/二韵为主。拙译重在凸显主韵/?/和辅韵/ai/、/i:/、/i/,希冀”我”("I")与祖国这”伊”人("thee")永远在新时代奋进('go')的主旋律中无 限循环地处于爱恋中,深深表达爱国情怀。故此,译文与原词在音韵 上忠实和谐。我和我的祖国这首歌曲是李谷一演唱的。由秦咏诚谱曲。这首歌曲采用了抒情和激情相结合的笔调,将优美动人的旋律与 朴实真挚的歌词巧妙结合起来,表达了人们对伟大祖国的衷心依 恋和真诚歌颂。


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