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1、Module 8 Seasons and Weather Unit 2 Its hot and sunny today.2004年12月31日账面价值=3600-3600/10*2-307.83=2572.17(万元)B凝血酶原的激活 E凝血功能异常Step 1 Warmer1. Greetings2. Get four large pieces of paper. Write one season, i.e. spring, summer, autumn, winter, on each piece of paper. Place the piece of paper around the

2、classroom.3. Suggested words and expressions are cool, hot, warm, cold, Happy Spring Festival, Happy Christmas.理由:甲公司确认的主营业务收入应该只是相对于总的销售收入70%的部分,另外的30%的部分应作为戊公司的销售收入。Step 2 New Teaching一、 Listen and point1. Look at the pictures. Ask questions in Chinese e.g. What can Lingling see in Picture1? What

3、is Sam doing in Picture2?2.3. 我公司想请你就本邮件的附件1和附件2所述相关交易或事项,提出在20 X 1年度合并财务报表中如何进行会计处理的建议。所附交易或事项对有关税金和递延所得税以及现金流量表的影响、合并财务报表中外币报表折算差额的计算,我公 司有专人负责处理,无需你提出建议。除所附资料提供的信息外,不考虑其他因素。Now hold up my book and point to the different pictures. Have the students name the seasons.4. Get the students to dose thei

4、r books, play the tape.5. Open the students books play the tape again and have the students point to the relevant pictures.6. Teach the new vocabulary, Mime looking up at the sky and then hurriedly putting up an umbrella. Say “Its raining.” Get the students to repeat the sentence. Follow the same pr

5、ocedure for windy, snowing and sunny.7.8. 2症状及异常检查结果的发生机制是什么?Teach the nouns rain and snow.二、 Point and say 1. S1: Cpoints to a picture 1) Its warm today but its raining.S2: Its spring.2.3. 1、解:(1)决策树Do some examples with the class.三、四、 针对资料4Act it out 1. Have the students read the example dialogue.

6、2. Now draw two columns on the board, label the columns summer and winter respectively.3.4. C067元Divide the class into groups of three or four and have them continue the activity.Step 3 Consolidation1.2. 资料(5)甲公司的会计处理不正确。Listen and say, then sing3.4. 6() 单核细胞内含有较丰富的促凝物质,内毒素可促使单核细胞合成和释放组织因子而加速凝血过程。Listen, repeat and trace the letters. Step 4 The end 1. Use the Activity Book 2. Game: Colour game


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