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1、现在完成时教(学)案 . . . Unit 5 Educational exchanges The 3rd period Grammar教学设计 阳城三中郭学珍 一、教学目标 1学问与技能: 能听懂、读懂别人谈论过去经受的文章或材料,并能运用一般过去时,现在完成时表达自己或他人过去曾经去过的地方。并通过观看、分析,找出一般过去时与现在完成时之间的区分与联系。 2过程与方法: 采纳“任务式”教学法,引导同学学.一些新的词汇,再引导同学仿照课本对话部分的容和形式,运用新、旧词汇,学近平并把握现在完成时。 3情感看法价值观 教学容贴近同学的生活,同学对与自己有亲密关系的事很感爱好,教材容活化为实际生

2、活。激发同学各方面的情感,热爱祖国的名胜古迹,观赏祖国的大好山河。 二、教学重、难点 Teaching important and difficult points:Understand the differences between the Present Perfect tense and the Simple Past tense. 三、Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step1. Lead-in 1 / 9 . . . The teacher and the students watch a period of a video and enjo

3、y the English song. Then ask and answer some questions between the teacher and the students. T: Do you think it fun? What are they doing? Do you like traveling? Ok, today were going to talk abou t some interesting places we have been to or were going to. Thats Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amuseme

4、nt park? (Show the students the amusement park on video) T: Look! This is an amusement park. Its so beautiful, isnt it? Step2. Presentation Presenting some pictures of amusement park, zoo, aquarium, space museum and water park. Have you ever been to a/an ? Yes, I have. / Me, too. / So have I. No, I

5、havent. /Me, either. / Neither have I. Step3. Practice Students look at the pictures and make similar dialogues in pairs. A: Have you (ever) been to a/an ? B: Yes, I have. What about you? 2 / 9 . . . A: Me, too. / So have I. A: Have you (ever) been to a/an ? B: No, I havent. What about you? A: I hav

6、ent, either. / Me, neither. Step4. Listening T: Look at the picture. We can see two girls. They are Claudia and Sarah. What do you think they are talking about? Lets listen and find out where they have been. (Then check the answer together.) Step5. Presentation Show some photos of the teacher, and s

7、ay a passage about the past experience: T: I have been to Shanghai several times. I went there last month again. I went there by plane. I went there with my workmates. I had a great time. I want to go there again. Im going there this summer vacation. Step6. Ask and answer Show some photos of the stu

8、dents, and ask them some questions. Then make the students work in pairs. Step7. Listening 2a Get the students to look at the map of the town. Then listen 3 / 9 . . . and circle the places they hear. 2b Let the students listen and circle T (for true) or F (for false). Step8. Practice Students look a

9、t two photos of their classmates and try to say a passage. Then they choose one of their classmates photo and describe. Step9. Summary T: Today we met so many interesting places. Can you guess which place I would like to visit most? (Showing some characters in Disney) Yes, thats Disneyland. Would yo

10、u like to visit Disneyland? After class, please look for some information about Disneyland, and were going to talk about Disneyland next class. Step10. Homework 1. Write a passage about one of your classmates experience. 2. Preview 3a Have you ever been to Disneyland? 4 / 9 . . . Unit 5 Educational

11、exchanges The 3rd period Grammar说课稿 阳城三中郭学珍 一、教材分析 本单元以“Culture and history”为话题,通过单元教学,要求同学通过描述过去经受的功能句式,学近平现在完成时的用法,并能区分现在完成时和一般过去时在表述过去经受的不同。 本课时是本单元的语法教学,容呈现了几个好玩的地方,在关心同学学近平新词汇的同时,也激发他们的学.爱好。这节课初步呈现了本单元的目标语言,即现在完成时。要求同学依据听力活动中的对话做角色扮演,谈论去过哪些地方,想去哪些地方以与准备如何 5 / 9 . . . 去。 二、教学容分析 本节课的教学容是牛津版学校英语八

12、班级(上册)第五单元的第三课时,核心教学容是以去过的好玩的地方为题材,学近平如何谈论过去的经受, 谈论曾经去过的地方。其语法项目主要是学近平现在完成时的用法。该时态是学校英语教学大纲中要求同学把握的一个主要时态之一。而在这之前,同学已经学近平了一般过去时态。这个时态与现在完成时既有联系又有区分。因此,同学是否能够精准运用这个时态表达自己的思想,既可对前面学过的一般过去时做一个检测,又可对同学后面学.完本单元容与往后进一步学近平过去完成时做一个良好的铺垫。 三、学情分析 现在完成时是一个很重要且比较难的语法点,要花比较多的课时讲授。由于课程又比较紧,所以或许我挺直给同学讲解会更快捷更省时。但是,我始终坚持,语法的学近平,需要同学自主地参加,自主地观看和总结其中的规律。当然,同学还没有形成自主学.的.惯,他们也不懂得或者懒得去学.。但为了让同学学会自己观看、总结出规律,培育自主学.力量,在课堂上我只能留出时间给他们观看、总结规律。即使如此,由于我们同学基础太差,学近平力量不强,能做到自己观看并总结规律的也就只有那寥寥无几的成绩较好的同学了。四、学法指导 在本节课里面我主要引导同学以小组为单位进行合作学近平,共 6 / 9


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