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1、精品文档跨文化商务沟通期末考试的复习内容一、单选题(10题疋分=20分)1、 _Ais called in terracial com muni catior。A. The com muni cati on betwee n Africa n America ns and Europea n America ns.B. The com muni cati on betwee n two people C. Com muni cati on we have with ourselvesDn teracti ons among people from differe nt n ati ons.2、

2、The nail that sticks up gets hammered down is a proverbrevealing.A. individualism B. collectivism C. self-centered D. independence3、The colour red means prosperity繁荣、兴旺) inD.A. America n B. En gla nd C. Spai n D. Chi na4、“Yellowdog” refers toCin England.A. some one who is happyB. Some one who is bra

3、veC. Some one who is coward (卑鄙的)D. Some one who is sad.5、A: Thank you so much for what you have done for me and I really appreciate your kindn ess.B:C(If you were B, which of the following you wouldchoose as a polite and proper an swer)A. It my duty to do so. B. No, it nothing.C. It 'my pleasur

4、e.D. It 'what I Should do.6、 C is not one of the coun tries with high-c on textcom muni cati on.A. China B. Mexico C. Canada D. Japan7、 _Dbelongs tolow uncertainty avoidanee.不确定性回避)A. People develop many rules to con trol social behaviors.B. People tend to worry abort the future.C. People have a

5、 high level of an xiety.D. People believe in accepti ng disse nt among cultural members .8、 Ctends to be feminine (娇柔倾向)country.A.Japan B. England C. Denmar< D. Germany9、 Owl (猫头鹰)is the symbol of misfortune (不幸)inD。A. America n B. En gla nd C. Spai n D. Chi na10、 Dadoptsmonochromic (单向计时制) time

6、system.A. Chill B. Brazil C. Arge ntina D. En gla nd.1. Cis called in trapers onal com muni cati on.A. The com muni catio n betwee n Africa n America ns and Europea n America ns。B. The com muni cati on betwee n two peopleC. Communi cati on we have with ourselvesD. I nteractio ns among people from di

7、ffere nt n ati ons.2. The nail that sticks up gets hammered down” is a proverbfrom_ AA.Japan B.American C.Germany D.England3. A red rag to a bull”(火冒三丈) may stem fromD.A.America n B.E ngla nd C.Spai n D.Chi na4. The color yellow means young in A.A.American B.Japan C.Spain D.China5. _Bis not one of t

8、he coun tries with low-context com muni cati on.A.American B.Mexico C.Canada D.Germany6. Abelongs to high un certa inty avoida nee.A. People develop many rules to con trol social behaviors.B. People are willing to accept change and takes risks.C. People have a high tolera nee for un certa inty and a

9、mbiguity.D. People believe in accepti ng disse nt among cultural members.7. Atends to be masculi ne(阳冈 H倾向)country.A.Japan B.Hollan C.Denmark D.Thailand8. Cadoptspolychronic (多项计时制)time system.A.Canada B.Germany C.Argentina D.England9. Cow is worshiped inA.A.India B.America C.Germany D.Japan10. The

10、word Hippie ” is fromD.A.England B.Japan C.Canada D.America二、True or False判断正误(10 题*2 分=20 分)I. Japanese culture prefers directness and face-caving behaviors.2t' normal to point the soles of your shoes or feet towards the other pers on whe n you sit in Indonesia.3. Americans highly value positiv

11、e nonverbal displays and typically regard some one who smiles as more in tellige nt tha n some one who does not.4. All people of the same n ati on ality will hare the same culture.5. Culture can be see n as shared kno wledge what people n eed to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture.

12、1. Encoding is the process of putt ing ideas into symbols.2. Although cultures do change. most changes affects only the surface structure of the culture.3. Culture is a static (静态的)en tity while com muni catio n is a dyn amic process.4. Wome n are frequent participa nts on a Japanese n egotiatio n t

13、eam.5. Western women usually like Chinese to touch their bodies or small childre n.6. Cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes. The lin guistic mistake means that some one is not fully express ing his or her idea while cultural mistakes can lead to serious misunderstanding and eve

14、n ill-feeling between individuals.7.One s actions are totally independent of his or her culture.8. AII cultures require and value politeness, but the ways in which politeness is achieved may vary sig nifica ntly.9n in formal situati ons, a large nu mber of complime nts(恭维) are used to make people fe

15、el comfortable.10. “ Drag on” means the same to the wester ner a 龙” to the Chin ese.三、名词解释(5题*3分=15分)1、in tercultural com muni cati on2、Collectivism3、valuesV4、masculinityV5、polychromic time systemV具体解释:6、power distanee. V7、nonv erbal com muni cati on8、individualism9、femininity10、Mono chromic time sy

16、stemV1ntercultural communicationface-to-face interactions among people of diverse cultures.2. CollectivismA society low in dividualism would likelyen dorse,harm on y.socialorder,c on formityingrouprelatio nships,defere nce to group n ormsfamily relati on ship and loyalty to consen sus view.po ints3.

17、 values:values can be defined as broad preferences concerning appropriate courses of action or outcomes. As such, values reflect a person's sense of right and wrong or what "ought" to be., ” Equajhts for all", "Excelle nee deserves admirati on", and "People should b

18、e treated with respect and dignity" are representative of values. Values tend to in flue nee attitudes and behavior.4. Masculinity (阳刚倾向):refers to a kind of values that the society advocates the dominance of the masculine characteristics such as decisiveness, assertiveness, and competitiveness

19、, traits that reflect traditi onal manly values of con trol over eve nts.5. Polychromic time syste(多向计时制 ):Polychromic time system is a kind of viewpoint and attitude toward time, which means that several things are being done at the same time.6. Power distanceca n therefore be defi ned as the exte

20、nt to which the less powerful. Members of insititutions and organizations within a country except and accept that power is distributed un equally.7. Nonverbal communication (非语言交际) is com muni catio n through means other tha n Ianguage-for example,facial expressi on pers onal space, eye con tact, us

21、e of time,a nd conv ersati onal sile nee.8ndividualism:this dime nsion measure the degree to which a society values in depe ndent in itiative to collective effort.9. Femininity:(娇柔倾向)feminine orienlations focus on nurturing relati on ships and huma n in teracti ons. They display limited emphasis on

22、competitive dominan ce.10. monochromictime system: mono chromic time system is a king of viewpoint and attitude toward time, which means that things should be done one at a time, and time is segme nted into precise, small un its.四、简答题(5题*5分=25分)1、What is no ise in com muni cati on?V2、What are the ch

23、aracteristics of culture?3、How much do you know about Japanese people? And how can youcom muni cate well with them?"4、What is high-c on text com muni catio n?"5、What is the Chinese dream?"6、What are the comp onents of com muni cati on"7、What are the ingredients of culture?/8、What

24、 is low-c on text com muni cati on?"9、How much do you know about German People? And how can youcom muni cate will with them?10、What is American Dream?1. What is noise in communication?The term noise technically refers to anything that distorts the messagethe source encodes.Noise can be of many

25、forms:external noise can be the sights,sounds, and other stimuil that draw youe atte nti on away from the message.Have a radio on while read ing is exter nal no ise.i nternal no ise refers to your thoughts anf feeli ngs that can in terfere with the message.2. What are the characteristics of culture?

26、Six characteristics of culture are of special importanee to intercultural commumicatio n:(1)culture is lear ned (2)culture is tran smissible.(3)culture is dyn amic. (4)culture is selective.(5)the facets of culture are interrelated.(6) culture is eth nocen tric.3. how much do you know about Japanese

27、people And how can you communicate well with them?Japa nese people are very polite and they are very patie nt in bus in ess, they don't like talkative pers ons and they n ever refuse others directly. Based on the kno wledge, i will try to confirm to their characteristics. i will not talk too muc

28、h and too quickly whe n com muni cati ng with them, i will be polite and patie nt and try to get the implied meaning from the other party, if necessaryi will ask them in a very directly and politely.4. What is high-context communicationIt is a kind of com muni catio n style in which the meaning rely

29、 heavily on hidde n, implicit, con textual cues such as nonv erbal behavior, social con text, and the n ature of in terpers onal relati on ships. The focus is on the meaning betwee n lin es, and the receiver is required to catch the implied meaning of the speaker.5. What is the Chinese Dream?Chin es

30、e Dream is a term popularized After 2013 with in Chin ese socialist thought that describes a set of pers onal and n ati onal ideals in the Peopl' Republic of China and the Communist Party of China. It is used by journalists, government officials, and activists to describe the role of the in divi

31、dual in Chin ese society as well as the goals of the Chinese nation ” The dream is described as national rejuvenation, improvement of people" s livelihoods, prosperity, construction of a better society and a stre ngthe ned military.6. what are the components of communication?They are: source, e

32、n codi ng, message,cha nn el, no ise, receiver, decod in g,receiver/resp on se,feedback con text.7. what are the ingredients of culture?Cultures may be classified by three large categories of eleme nts: artifacts(ma n-made things), concepts(such beliefs and ideas in people's mind) and behaviors

33、(human bein g's activities and acti ons)8. what is low-context communication?It is a kind of com muni catio n style in which the meaning of the message is expected to be explicit, direct, and un ambiguous.The speaker is required to express the meaning as clear as possible.what is power distanceT

34、his dime nsion measures a society's emphasis on huma n in equalities. A culture high in power dista nee would value hierarchical status and authority .in con trast, coun tries that scored low on power dista nee don't take it serious, and superiors and subordi nates feel relatively comfortabl

35、e with shared decisi on making and Dece ntralizati on.what are the components of communication?They are: source, en codi ng, message,cha nn el, no ise, receiver, decod in g,receiver/resp on se,feedback con text.Answer the following questions according to your knowledge What is no ise in com muni cat

36、i on?What are the characteristics of culture?How much do you know about Japanesepeople? And how can youcom muni cate well with them?What is high-c on text com muni cati on?What is the Chi nese Dream?赞扬人的外貌 You have a beautiful smile.Your hairstyle looks n ice.性格 You have a good sense of humor.You ha

37、ve got a great pers on ality.家庭成员 Your wife is beautiful.Your kid is cute.能力 You have done a good job.You did a good prese ntati on.财物 Your car is ni ce.五、案例分析(2题*10分=20 分)Case 1:Yang Ruifang worked as a secretary in an Australian company in Melbour ne. She became frien dly with one of the Australia

38、 n secretaries, a woma n n amed Cathy Lan e.The two usually ate lunch together and Yang Ruifang often asked Cathy for advice on problems she she faced adjusti ng to Australia n society.Cathy gave her a tot of advice and helped her move from one apartme nt to ano ther.Cathy went with Yang Ruifa ng to

39、 the immigration Bureau several times to help sort out some problem .Yang Ruifang visited Cathy several times at home but did not in cite Cathy to her apartme nt,becauseshe shared it with four other people if they did not see ouch other over the weeke nd,they usually talked on the teleph one.As Yang

40、 Ruifa ng was also prepari ng to take on En glish test, she was able to get a lot of help with English in this way.However, something seemed to be going wrong Cathy seemed to be gett ing impatie nt, eve n a Little cold , She started going out by herself at lun chtime in stead of eati ng with Yang, a

41、nd seemed relucta nt to an swer questi ons. Yang Ruifang was puzzled. She could n't imagi ne the problem was.Analysis: the definition of friendship is different between Chinese and Wester n coun tries culture, in China, we think that we should do thi ngs all as one wishes and stay together every

42、day eati ng together, shopp ing together and so on. We always sa A friend in deed is a frie nd in n eed.In this case, ruifa ng treat his secretary like this way makes her secretary feel un comfortable. In western coun tries, no matter how in timate their frien dship is, they should make an appo in t

43、me nt in adva nee, and they should have their own private space.Case 2:Linhua has accompanied an American delegation to visit China.They have experie need the hospitality of the Chin ese people. After returni ng to America, Lin hua once visited them.They were so glad to meet aga in.Lin hua offered t

44、o host the meal, but they refused. They ordered their own dish, and Lin hua ordered her own. Whe n foot ing the bill, they on ly paid their part, and no one wan ted to pay for Lin hua.L in hua found them so in hospitable, though she knew the .Analysisin Chi na, people usually in vite guests to have

45、a meal at home to express their hospitality, and even have a meal outside, they also always pay the overall bills. However, in America, they always pay the bill for themselves whe n they have a meal outside to express the equality.Case 2:One cold wi nter day in a Chin ese city, Wang Lin on his way t

46、o the library met an American professor who knew very little about China.After greeting him,Wang said: It' rather cold.You' better put on more clothes.” But the professor didntappear happy on heari ng this.AnalysisAmericans and most western countries' people dislike to be told how to do

47、the thi ngs. They intend to be in depe ndent. However, i n China, people are accustomed to care about others .In this case, Wang lin ssuggesti on express a regard to others, but to America ns,' not they want to accept.Analysis:In the West,it is very Com mon for family members to praise each othe

48、r ,and they will fell very happy and comfortable to do so.However,Chinese people seldom praise their family members in public.They tend to be very humble,a nd are used to depreciati ng their family Members' good points.ln the west , it is not proper to describe one' wife as old woman, and yo

49、u have a beautiful wife” is a very com mon and popular praise. While in China , it is not proper to praise on e'wife in this way.A famous Chin ese actress married a Germa n. One day whe n she was act ing, her husba nd wasThere watch in g,say ing aga in and aga in that she was the best actress. The actress


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