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1、Next, I will talk about the Differences between Chinese and Western diet Culture. First, Chin ese use chopsticks and soup spo ons. We use the bowls as the container of rice. While the Western use kni fves and folks.They use plates as containers of food and eat food as soon as they cut them.Second, W

2、e have differe nt eat ing habits. Chin ese have a say ingGood thingsfor breakfast. Eating a big meal for lunch but eating less at dinner. ” Many America ns agree that one should start the day with a good breakfast, but their ideas about lunch and dinner are differe nt.Most America ns only give thems

3、elves a short time for lun ch. So they eat a small l un ch. After work they will have more time to eat a big dinner.Since the differe nces betwee n Chin ese and wester n philosophy, the con cept of diet is quite differe nt. People in wester n coun tries pay much atte ntio n on the nu trie nts. They

4、care about how many calories, vitam ins and prote in should be taken. Even when the taste is the same, it must be eaten because of the nu triti on. On the con trary, Chin ese cares more about food color, smell, taste, and shape.For table mann ers, Chin ese people prefer to toast each other and urge

5、others to drink more in a lively atmosphere. Very ofte n you can hear people talk ing and laugh ing loudly, and they are just hav ing a good time. In America it is not like this. They want a quiet place where they can enjoy a good meal. If some one is talk ing too loudly, the man ager of the restaur

6、a nt may come out and ask them to be quiet.Finally, let ' talk about two details of the differences.First of all, the makingmethod of Chinese food is different from Western-style food. In a Western-style food cookbook, various in gredie nts have bee n in dicated several grams, several spoons or

7、several cups, even the size of the egg will all be explained. I think it is like doing experiments in the laboratory. So, Making Western-style food is easy, so long as you cook according to the cookbook manu al. But it is not an easy thi ng that you want to make fine Chin ese food.Eve n if you have

8、bought the cookbook. Because the Chin ese cookbook will not tell you several grams of in gredie nt, for example salt, Chin ese cookbook just tell you appropriate amount of salt. Why? Because the taste of people who live in differe nt places is differe nt in Chi na. There is a folk adage in Ch inasou

9、thsweet, north salty, east hot and west sour”. So, a good cooking relies on experie nee and skills whe n cooks in China.The way that Chin ese and occide ntal praise food is differe nt. Whe n prais ingfood Chin ese will gen erally say: Your dish is cooked excelle ntly, It has caught up with the level of the restaura nt”;but occide ntal will say it just likewhat the home make.Then welcome my part ner Zhao Bing to tell you the causes of the differe ncesand make a con clusi on.精品资料Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!


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