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1、写作任务:你校要举行一次英语演讲比赛,话题是"畅想未来生活,享受人生欢乐"。假设你已报名,请用英语写一份120-150词的演讲稿,准备参加比赛。你可以从科技发展给人们未来的生活、学习和工作带来的影响,以及如何准备迎接挑战,适应新生活等方面展开描述和讨论。注意:演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。Hello, everyone! I am glad to be able to give a talk about the future life and study here. _  Thats all. Thank you!分析:1. 仔细审题,明确任务。本写作

2、任务要求根据提示话题和主要信息写一份演讲稿,属于描述类的应用文。演讲稿的最大特点是其很强的实用性,这也是该类文章写作的最基本的要求。由此,该类文章的篇章结构和语言表达显得尤为重要,它们除了要显示作者基本的语言基础知识外,还要能很好地体现作者的逻辑思维和表达能力。为了便于口头表达,该类文章的语句不要过于复杂,要尽量使用口语化的语言,这样读起来顺口,听起来也容易理解。2. 根据提示,确定要点。该演讲的主要话题首先要对"未来的生活、学习和工作等情况"加以想象和描述,并根据题目提示的"科技发展给未来生活、学习和工作带来的影响",简要说明其原因。文章的第二个主要内

3、容是要表达"如何准备迎接挑战,适应新生活",这也是个人观点和看法的表达。要认真分析未来生活变化给我们带来的机遇和挑战,作为未来世界的主人,我们应该怎样做,等等。3. 遣词造句,灵活表达。根据审题所得,将要表达的有效信息用灵活的句式表达出来,如:1) 作为演讲内容的总括和概述,也是文章的主题句,开篇可以表达"科技发展给未来生活、学习和工作带来很大的影响"。可以运用如下几个句式:Thanks to the great development in science and technology, we are sure to live a happier an

4、d more wonderful life in the future. 或The great development in science and technology will have a great effect on the future of our lives, work and study.等。2)仔细分析未来生活及其巨大变化时,可以从人们的衣食住行以及学习、工作等方面加以分析与描述,可以运用not only . but also .等来连接这些变化,例如:Not only will we be provided with enough food and clothing, w

5、e can also spend more time traveling around the world and enjoying other amusements.以及We will have less stress in the future, either from our study or from the work.等。3) 在发挥个人观点,叙述"准备迎接挑战,适应新生活"的建议时,可以表达为:We should work harder today, making preparations to make more contributions to the de

6、velopment of the future society and the world.等。4. 巧妙过渡,自然衔接。将表达的信息用一些过渡词或短语连接成文,注意逻辑思维和行文的连贯。可以借鉴的表达有:further more, however, therefore, only in this way等。 初稿: Hello, everyone! I am glad to be able to give a talk about the future life and study here. As we all know, science and technology has g

7、reatly developed, so we are sure to live a happier and more wonderful life in the future. We will be provided not only with enough food and clothing, but also more convenient ways of traveling and living. Besides, we will have less stress both from our study and from work, because we can work and st

8、udy more efficiently. However, our future is full of challenge as well. So we should work harder today. We should try to become more knowledgeable. Only in this way can we develop more skills and earn more money for the future use. We can also enjoy a more interesting and colorful life even when we

9、are old. Thats all. Thank you!2 / 4教师点评:1. 初稿的文章结构完整,谋篇布局合理,内容表达比较全面,语句间使用了一些过渡和衔接词语,如besides、how-ever等,表达句式有几处还算精彩,如长句As we all know, ., so .以及由连词not only . but also .连接的并列句等的使用,表明作者有一定的英语表达能力。2. 文章存在的问题:部分表达词句过于随意,没有经过认真的思考和组织,甚至是按照汉语的表达习惯来安排句子结构的,例如:We will be provided not only with enough food a

10、nd clothing, but also more convenience of traveling and living.第二个分句中缺少介词with,句子显得就不对称,也不完整。再如,在. we will have less stress both from our study and from work, because we can work and study in a more efficient way. 一句中,both . and . 就不如用either . or .表达得更准确。文章的思想性不强,或者说思想格调比较低。特别是文章的结尾,谈到未来生活的打算和建议时,仅仅满

11、足于个人的利益,如:develop more skills and earn more money以及enjoy a more interesting and colorful life even when we are old.等显得作者思想很狭隘,没有达到一定的思想境界。 成稿:Hello, everyone! I am glad to be able to give a talk about the future life and study here. Thanks to the great development in science and technology, we

12、are sure to live a happier and more wonderful life in the future. Not only will we be provided with enough food and clothing, we can also spend more time traveling around the world and enjoying other amusements. It will make our spare time more interesting and colorful. Furthermore, we will have les

13、s stress either from our study or from the work since we can work more efficiently. However, our future life is not just full of amusement and joy, but also of challenge. Therefore, we should work harder today, making preparations to make more contributions to the development of the future society a

14、nd the world. Only in this way can we adapt to the future life and enjoy ourselves when it comes. Thats all. Thank you! Powerful sentences:1. To keep fit, we need variety in our diets. A healthy diet generally includes proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables and fruit. 2. Just imagine the beau

15、tiful surroundings in the future if we keep on planting more trees around us both in the cities and in the countryside. 3. Compared to the life we live today, the future will be more convenient and fast-paced thanks to the advance in science and technology. 4. The rapid development of science and technology will make it possible for human beings to fly to other planets to study the situations there. -温馨提示:如不慎侵犯了您的权益,可联系文库删除处理,感谢您的关注!


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