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1、Test of Preve ntive Medic ine for Oversea Stude ntsJan uary 5, 2007I . Definitions (4 points x 7 = 28)1. Epidemiology2. Ran domized con trolled trial3. In cide nee rate4. Varia nee of a sample5. Chronic disease man ageme nt6. Esse ntial amino acids7. EFA (Essential Fatty Acid)n . Questions (8 points

2、 x 5= 40)1. What are the purposes and applicati on of cross-sect ional study?2. What are Type I error, Type n error and power of a statistical test and their relati on ships?3. What is Com mun ity diag no sis? What is the process/step of com mun ity diag no sis/assessme nt?4. What are factors enhanc

3、ing and in hibit ing calcium absorpti on?5. Please give a brief introduction about the mental health standard of children and adolesce nts川.Calculations (16 points x 2 = 32)1. Suppose that a case-c on trol study was con ducted to evaluate the relati on ship betwee n artificial sweete ners and bladde

4、r can cer. 3,000 cases and 3,000 con trols were en rolled in the study. Among the cases, 1293 had used artificial sweete ners in the past, while 1707 had never used artificial sweeteners. Of the controls, 855 had used sweete ners and 2145 had not.A. Set up the two by two table for these data.B. What

5、 measure of associati on /comparis on should be used to assess the stre ngth of the relati on ship betwee n artificial sweete ners and bladder can cer?C. Calculate this measure.D. In terpret the result in one senten ce.2. In an experime nt to determ ine the effect of nu triti on on the atte nti on s

6、pa ns of eleme ntary school stude nts, a group of 15 stude nts were ran domly assig ned to each of three meals pla ns: no breakfast, light breakfast and full breakfast.()Their atte nti on spa ns (in minu tes) were recorded duri ng a morning readi ng period and are show n in Table 1Purpose: whether t

7、here is the same effect of nu triti on on the atte nti on spa ns of eleme ntary school stude nts.Table 1 Atte nti on spa ns of stude nts after three meals pla nsNo BreakfastLight BreakfastFull Breakfast814107161291216131715101112(x 仁9.40,si=2.30,x2=14.00,s2=2.55,x3=13.00,s3=2.50,F2.12,0.05=3.74)ANSW

8、ER FOR EPIDEMIOLOG YA. Defini tion1. Epidemiology: Epidemiology is the study of the distributi on and determ inants of health-related states or events in specified populations, and the application of this study to the con trol of health problems.2. Ran domized con trolled trial: RCT is a pla nned ex

9、perime nt desig ned to assess the efficacy of a treatment in man by comparing the outcomes in a group of patients treated with the test treatme nt with those observed in a comparable group of patie nts recei ving a con trol treatme nt, where patie nts in both groups are en rolled, treated, and follo

10、wed over the same time period.3. Incidenee rate: The incidenee rate of a disease is defined as the number of new cases of a disease that occur during a specified period of time in a population at risk for develop ing the disease.B. Short An swerWhat are the purposes and applicati on of cross-sect io

11、nal study?1. Describes the distributing of disease or health events within populations according to pers on, place, and time and some factors correlated.2. Helps to gen erate hypotheses.3. Applicati on to the sec on dary preve nti on of disease.4. To evaluate the effect of disease preve nti on and c

12、on trol.5. To con duct surveilla nee.6. To evaluate the health level of a country or a area.C. Calculatio nSuppose that a case-c on trol study was con ducted to evaluate the relati on ship betwee n artificial sweete ners and bladder can cer. 3,000 cases and 3,000 con trols were en rolled in the stud

13、y. Among the cases, 1293 had used artificial sweeteners in the past, while 1707 had n ever used artificial sweete ners. Of the con trols, 855 had used sweete ners and 2145 had not.A. Set up the two by two table for these data.B. What measure of association/comparison should be used to assessthe stre

14、 ngth of the relatio nship betwee n artificial sweete ners and bladder can cer?C. Calculate this measure.D. In terpret the result in one senten ce.A.Sweete nersBladder CancerTotalCasesCon trolsYes1293(a)855(b)2148No1707 (c)2145(d)3852Total300030006000B. Odds ratio (OR)C. OR = ad/bc= (1293)(2145)= 1.

15、9(855)(1707)D. People who use artificial sweeteners are 1.9 times more likely to develop bladder can cer tha n those who do not use sweete ners.Test of Preve ntive Medic ine for Oversea Stude ntsI . Definitions (4 points x 6 = 24)1. Epidemiology2. Cross secti onal study3. Sampli ng error4. Con cept

16、framework of com mun ity medici ne5. Esse ntial amino acids6. Lactose in tolera neen . Questions (5 points x 7= 35)1. What are the prin ciple of case con trol study?2. What are the prin ciples of cohort study?3. Whe n we want to compare two crude rates, why should we do sta ndardizatio n?4. What is

17、refere nee value ran ge? What is con fide nee in terval? What are differe nces betwee n them?5. What are the study contents and methods of com mun ity medici ne?6. What are factors enhancing and inhibiting iron absorption?7. Please give a brief introduction about the mental health standard of childr

18、en and adolesce nt.川.Discuss and Calculation (1, 20 points; 2, 21 points; total, 41points)1. Describe the basic methods of epidemiological study.2. In order to determ ine whether the calcium has an effect to body weight, somebody else have done an experiment for us. 36 albino rats were randomly and

19、equally divided in to 3 groups, each group of rats received differe nt dose of calcium. After the experime nt the in creme nt of bodyweight were measured, the results as follow.( )Purpose: whether there is the same effect or not of different dose of calcium.Table1 in creme nt of bodyweight to 3 diff

20、ere nt groupsNormal dose Higher dose1 Higher dose2Total(0.5%)(1.0%)(1.5%)332.96253.21232.55297.64235.87217.71312.57269.30216.15295.47258.90220.72284.25254.39219.46307.97200.87247.47292.12227.79280.75244.61237.05196.01261.46216.85208.24286.46238.03198.41322.49238.19240.35282.42243.49219.5612121236()2

21、93.37239.49224.78252.55()606.15350.51540.311364.52 (ANSWER FOR EPIDEMIOLOG YI . Definitions (4 points x 6 = 24)1. EpidemiologyEpidemiology is the study of the distributi on and determ inants of health-related states or events in specified populations, and the application of this study to the control

22、 of health problems2. Cross sect ional studyA cross secti onal study is one that observes and exam ines the relati on ship betwee n a risk factor, exposure or outcome in a defined population at one particular time.n . Questions (5 points x 7= 35)1. What are the prin ciple of case con trol study?In o

23、rder to assessthe relati on ship betwee n the exposure to a risk factor and the development of a disease, a group of individuals is divided into those with a given diseasea nd those without the disease,past exposure histories of exposure factor is investigated in two groups and the proportions of ex

24、posure factor between the two groups were compared.2. What are the prin ciples of cohort study?In order to explore relati on ship betwee n an exposure factor and a disease, the group of in dividuals is divided into those exposed to an exposure factor and those not exposed, and are the n followed thr

25、ough time to determ ine the in cide nee rates (or mortality rates) among the un exposed and exposed groups.川.Discuss and Calculation (1, 20 points; 2, 21 points; total, 41)1. Describe the basic methods of epidemiological study.Observati onal studyCross-secti onal studyDescriptive studyEcological studyCohort studyAn alytic studyCase-c on trol studyCli nical trialExperime ntal studyField trialCom mun ity in terve nti onTheoretical study


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